
WTF I am in the Marvel Universe !

After waking in someone else’s body our protagonist screamed out in fear as he found out he was in the Marvel Universe. Unfortunately for our power hungry protagonist he ended up in the 1980s Marvel Universe where nothing happened. So is our power hungry protagonist path to power stunted before it even started ? Read and find out !

Tony_Wong · Book&Literature
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The Ancient One

Ray had spent a few days with D3 and D4 to get all the Buddhist scriptures available in Kathmandu to read. After which D3 and D4 took him around the Buddhist temples around Nepal to read all their Buddhist scriptures. It took almost two months before Ray finished reading all the Buddhist scriptures he could lay his hand on. Ray's power is in such a way that he could immediately understand and remember the Buddhist scriptures that he read. And after reading the Buddhist scriptures, Ray immediately gained a new power or more understanding of his old power.

It took Ray two months only to finish speed reading through all the Buddhist scriptures in Nepal and now to get more power or Buddhist scriptures he had to go to Kamar Taj. Ray was in the black beaten up old van talking to D3 or Kavi as D4 or Batsa was driving the van (D stands for Dumb so we have D3 stands for Dumb 3 and D4 stands for Dumb 4).

"D3 are you sure you have a way to get me into the main library at Kamar Taj ?", Ray asked in a girlish voice as he was sitting in the black beaten up old van.

"Yes young master, don't worry I know my cousins cousins very well, he will help me get you into the VIP door at the back of Kamar Taj. If I fail I will never sodomise a goat again.", D3 or Kavi said with pride. Of course D3 or Kavi was lying through his teeth as his cousins cousins was a cook and housekeeper for the magicians at Kamar Taj and he wasn't even a student at Kamar Taj. But after much convincing and bribery money from D3 or Kavi, his cousins cousins agreed to let Ray in to the backdoor of Kamar Taj and try to enter the magical library of Kamar Taj.

"Alright D3, I trust you. Do not disappoint me.", Ray said in a girlish voice.

Meanwhile at Kamar Taj, the Ancient One who looked like a much older Tilda Swinton the actress was rubbing her bald head. She remembers the old days when her name was Morrigan, Celt Goddess of War and she was known as the Morrigu. Oh how the Ancient One wishes she had her beautiful red hair once again, she would even do with her later bedraggled black hair. But all of that is wishful thinking, ever since she gave up her beautiful red hair for a longer life span by absorbing the energy from Dormammu's Dark Dimension she had lost all her hair. That's why the Ancient One hated anyone with long beautiful hair.

Today as she was looking through time she saw the appearance of Ray, a beautiful blonde haired blue eyed boy that had sneaked into Kamar Taj for Kamar Taj's knowledge. The Ancient One used the Time Stone or the Eye Of Agamotto to look through Ray's life. She saw Ray's parents the worshippers of a Goddess Of Light and kindness betrayed by evil forces that wanted to steal their powers. These were known as legacy sorcerers that had extra powers thanks to the blessings or love of their patron gods or goddesses. Not many if any exist in the world nowadays. Ray's parents in desperation hid Ray in an orphanage in the hope to take him back when they resolved these evil forces. Unfortunately for Ray, Ray's parents died together with the Evil Forces and never came back for Ray. Ray's mother seem to call out to the Ancient One as she asked her to protect Ray and become her new mother. Ray discovered his own powers when he was a young child, nothing more than a baby. Ray had a kind heart even when he was bullied and tortured in the orphanage in New York. Ray never wavered even when he ran away from the orphanage at nine years old. When Ray ran away he suffered tremendously through starvation and pain, but he never wavered and only did good things even when it cost him. Then something changed, Ray almost died at ten years old in the back alley of a bookshop. From then on, Ray turned evil, he used his powers to gather wealth and followers. And Ray no longer cared how he gained more powers as long as he gained more powers. And now we have today Ray is coming here.

The Ancient One rubbed her bald head again and thought of the last thought of Ray's mother, asking someone anyone to protect and teach her child. The Ancient One let out a sigh, she did not have much time anyway, perhaps it's time to do some good in this world and adopt this child as her own. After all the Ancient One never had her own child, perhaps Ray would be her legacy to the world, a special legacy magician. The Ancient One let out another sigh as she walked to the back door of Kamar Taj in anticipation of the 13 year old boy Ray coming.

Ray had just reached the back door to Kamar Taj with D3 or Kavi the goat shagger. Ray found himself unceremoniously shoved through the kitchen to the entrance of Kamar Taj. When Ray entered Kamar Taj, he was entranced by the beauty of Kamar Taj, the ancient structures and the art.

Sneaking in more than a few steps, Ray found himself next to someone. She looked like a much older version of the actress Tilda Swinton.

"Um... hello ?", Ray said in a girlish voice.

"Welcome Ray.", The Ancient One said in a sweet tone.

"You are the Ancient One ?", Ray asked in a girlish and bewildered voice.

"Yes, Ray you can be a student of Kamar Taj. You don't have to sneak around. I know you know magic. But there so much more I can teach you.", the Ancient One said with a smile.

"Thank you master !", Ray shouted and kneeled down in front of the Ancient One. For a 40 year old man in a 13 year old boy's body it was not difficult to fool the Ancient One and give false sincerity.

"Master, can I let my friends know not to wait up for me ?", Ray asked the Ancient One in a girlish voice.

"Yes please inform your friends not to wait up for you. You have a long way to go and many things to study here.", the Ancient One said with another sincere smile. The Ancient One passed Ray to a passing student magician to take care of him.

Ray walked quickly out to let D3 and D4 know that he would be staying here for a while. When Ray found them, he was ecstatic.

"D3 and D4, from now on I will be staying here in Kamar Taj. The money I gave you should be enough to support you and your family for a lifetime. If I ever need your help, I will look for you.", Ray said in a girlish voice.

"Oh young master, I am so sad you are leaving us. Whenever I sodomise a goat I will think of you.", D3 or Kavi said sincerely.

"No ! No ! I will think of young master more when I desecrate a dead body.", D4 or Batsa said with a smile.

"...", Ray was speechless as his mouth twitched nervously.

I am having difficulty with this format. I do not know how to get back into the book to finish writing the story. What is wrong with the software for webnovel ? How do I get back to my novel and continue to write ? Help !!!

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