
Wtf I am a megalodon?!!!!!!!!(temp down)

I’m big dumb since Idk what an synopsis is, hold up let me look this up(scanning scanning) here we go Synopsis:a brief summery or general survey of something. That’s good to know, ok let’s get goin now shall we. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ So ya boi jim....wait wrong one(that’s for later) Ok real one; “so what do you mean I am going to be a GIANT SHARK!” Said a guy that looks very translucent. “You.are.goin.to.be.what’s.known.as.a.me.ga.lo.don. “Said a bright white orb that glows and dims as it says those words one at a time. The guy is starting to get angered, “ok you glowing ball of bird shit, I know what a megalodon is but why am I going to be one?” “Because why not!! You’ve always wanted to know about it so why not learn by being one?” The ball said sarcastically. “Can’t argue there, screw it I’m with ya”said the man who’s starting to calm down. “Ok well you have fun and I’m sending a little “friend” to help you out on your way” said the ball as it started glowing brighter than ever “WAIT WHAT, WHAT FR-“ -story time hehehhehe :)

Megalodon_Shark · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Dealing with humans and getting info

I'm completely shocked as I expected more caution from her due to our interaction from earlier. "I'm interested as to why your not questioning me? Unless This is not the first time you've interacted with an unusual creature."

"Well you see..." the female was lost in thought for a moment "you are right that this isn't the first interaction that I've had with special creatures, but you're still the most interesting being I've met as you've gained intelligence without being a humanoid"

This stumped me again "so what you're saying is that most "intelligent" creatures are humanoid?"

"Yes that is true, so I'd like to ask. Do you have a humanoid shape?" She seemed excited for some reason

"No I do not, I've just been in this world for less than a day, if I could then I haven't found out about it yet" when saying that, I started imagining what my humanoid shape is, then the idea went away when she spoke again "ok megalodon, do you want to have a humanoid shape? I can assist you with that"

I kept thinking about it for a bit. "It would be interesting to have, however I do not wish to use it much as I like my main form"

"That is an interesting statement as being part of our societies would benefit you greatly" now she's starting to sound like a spokesperson

"I never said that I wouldn't use it, I am saying that the majority of the time I would be in this form" I responded angrily" I would like to learn this as it would be hard to speak to people how I am now."

This seemed to excite her like a puppy that was told that they were a good puppy"You know how to use magic so it shouldn't be hard, just imagine yourself getting smaller and looking like a bipedal being"

This is going to give me a headache, I already knew as soon as she said imagine. "That is going to be tough since I don't do imaginary things much"

Now how am I going to do this? I want to speak to the elder but I don't want her hearing me.

(That's simple, just don't speak to her and I can hear you without her hearing you. If I speak to her too then she can hear me but nows not the time.

So you wish to become humanoid?)

No I don't want to become it, I want to have it for when I want to use it. There's a difference!

(I understand, I can help with that as when it comes to doing things outside of the body, I can't help much. But when it comes to inside the body, I can be of great help)

Ok so can you do it?(yes I'll do it now) Ok

"Hey what's your name by the way?" I asked the female since I don't want to call her "you" or "female" as that sounds rude. "My name is Levine, so do you want to do it?"

"Actually I'm going to do it in a moment, I starting thinking and felt like it's a thing so ima do it now."

Ok elder go ahead(I hear ya)

I start feeling my body change and glow from my mind but from a persons perspective outside(that can't see magic) I am just getting smaller and changing shape into the humanoid figure.Once done I ask Levine."do you have any clothes on board that I can use? I seem to be naked right now."

"Yes we do, umm come to the other side where the ladder is so you can come up" she says that then I see a female(who I presume is Levine) start telling people some things and a couple go inside. I get to the other side and see the ladder. I start going up and when I reach the top I see almost everyone on the ship looking at me.

I reach the top and climb myself over and see everyone is looking at me in a weird way. I look down and see that I seem to look like one of those fish men from before when they tried killing me with those martigars.

"Hmmm so this May look weird but I can guarantee that I am not one of those fish people" I try to explain quickly

"Fish people? Oh the namiens, yea we were wondering why one climbed on board." She told the others that I'm not a namien and most of them calmed down.

"So the clothes?" I ask "they should have them in a bit" she responded. She seems flustered after looking at me for a bit and at that point I realize where she's looking. "Oy no looking down there" I say as I bend my body away to make my crotch point towards the railing

"I didn't mean to look" she sounds embarrassed "so I take it you are proficient in magic?"

"Not all magic, just water and maybe a little bit of transformation I believe. Now let's see if I can talk in this form" after that I try to say a few words towards the water "wa...twer....aeiir...hgmmm" I try to say those words but my voice is raspy and I somewhat say them, but my voice sounds clogged. As if I tried speaking with food down my throat.

"Ok that didn't work much" I said in her head "looks like I need to practice my speech more"

She looked at me in surprise "the fact that you could say anything at all I very good as the vocal cords of the nemians aren't meant for human speech"

"Well for now I'll just say things in your head and you can be my speaker until I get my speech under control. is this ok with you?" I ask as I want information about this world but a lack of speech will make things severely times harder, so having a person that can speak in your head really helps

"That isn't an issue" as she says that, a couple guys come out with a shirt and some pants "here we go, put these on" she says as she gives them to me

I know this isn't common as when she does this I can feel the glare of many men on me since she seems to be one of the only few females on this boat "thanks, I'll put them on now" after I say this I quickly put them on "they look nice" as I bend around and look at the clothing on me.

"That's good to know" after saying this in my head, she says to the others that I shouldn't be messed with as I'm a special guest on the boat.

"You know that I may not be able to speak but I can hear what you're saying, I'm no special guest. I am just another passenger, now I presume you're the captain of this ship?" After the last part I choke up. Fuck I shouldn't have said that

"No I'm not the captain, the captain is in her living quarters. I can guarantee that she doesn't even know of you yet" she says this out loud as to see if I can really understand her but then another female voice says from nearby.

"Oh really, last I check. Being the captain means that I know EVERYTHING that happens with my ship"

We both freeze, I do because of the intimidating aura that hits me, and I believe Levine does as she knows that she's in trouble right now. "Please tell me that we aren't dead now" I ask in her head

"Stay calm and be cautious, and we may survive" she responded in my head as we're both on thin ice right now

We both look to our left to see a large woman with thick green armor that looks like wood but has golden edges, she is at least 6 pushing 7ft(the average is about 5.11 in this world as well) and she doesn't look angry, but her aura and cold eyes say otherwise. She has dark brown hair and red tinted brown eyes. She has a roughly sizable bust and she could easily pick either of us up and throw us overboard with ease.

"So who's our new guest here?" She looks at me with indifference in her eyes as she looks me up and down

"This is megalodon, he was nearby causing a ruckus when I tried to pick him out of the water, but when him and I talked with telepathy, him and I agreed that he would join us for a bit so we can learn more about him as he was a huge shark before transforming into this fish man. I had some crew members get him some clothes. I was going to get you but it seems like Terrance got to you first." She explained as best she could without screwing us over

"Good one, lets hope she takes it!" I say in her head.

"Ok so that's what's going on, hey Terrance, what did you say was happening again" she asked the guy next to her who had a cold sweat.

"The fish man or shark known as megalodon was attacking the boat and due to Levine's efforts, the beast was subdued" he seemed to have his own view on the situation.

"So we have two sides on this situation, what do you say megalodon?" She looks dead at me with her aura getting bigger as it pushes down on me like a boulder that's getting bigger and bigger

I point at Levine and give I thumbs up, then I point at Terrance and give a thumbs down, then I try to talk

"Iiiiii....diiiid...nnnooooott...atttttaaacckkkk....iiiii...bbbeeeelllliiiiieeevvveeedd....tttttthhhhaaaaaaatttt....iiiiii.....wwaaassss....aattttaaccckkeedd....fiiirrsstt.....wwwhhhhheeennn...iiiii....wwwaaassss...puuulllleedd...oouut...oooffff....tthheee....waatttwwweerrrr." I have my best speech on what was happening "is there anyway that you can connect us with your telepathy?" I asked Levine in her head

"I am not strong enough to do that, let me see if I can explain things to her in hopes that the speech you gave her will help" she said and looked at the captain.

"I see well it seems as though Terrance" she gave him a cold glare "was misinterpreted when looking at the situation. Levine would you mind coming with me for a moment and megalodon, wait there for a moment while I discuss things with her" she looks at me and I just give a thumbs up.

Levine goes with her and I slowly move my way towards the ladder just in case anyone wants to take a couple pop shots at me. Before going inside, the captain looks at me then announces "the fish man will not be harmed unless I say so, for now he's a guest and no one is to harm him!"

After she said that, I felt a little more comfortable and sat down near the railing, right next to the ladder as I still don't trust these men around me since a good majority of them are looking at me with killing intent still in there eyes. Elder you there?

(Yes, how may I help you?)

I need to know if in the case that someone tries to hurt me, could you change any part of me to a weapon for me to defend myself?

(Hmm let me think..........maybe. I see that you may not want to do it now but if the situation arises, I could sharpen and push out your nails so they could be used to cut or stab someone or something if you need to)

Sounds like a good idea and you're right that I don't need it now as I seem to have the protection of their captain for a bit.

Let me explain real quick, there will be times when the humanoid character will be used but it won’t take more than a couple chapters, maybe pushing three until the main character goes back as he truly likes his main form since it’s not everyday that you can be a huge ass shark

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