

For Neji's acupoint attack, this layer of chakra armor is a solid wall that cannot be broken through, so it is not surprising that the Bagua Zhang attack will fail. "

Analysing the chakra form around Hinata with a Shaker, Kakashi couldn't help but feel awe in his tone: There is no doubt that Hinata's words are correct at all. Neji passively copied the soft boxing of the Hyuga clan, but Hinata disassembled the essence and key points of soft boxing one by one, and then combined them into his own physical skills, forming this personal move with both offense and defense. !

"That's right... The only thing this chakra armor needs is extremely high chakra control... That's why that kid has to do that kind of special training with Shikamaru..."

Also aware of the chakra distribution on Hinata's body, Asma nodded slightly. It turns out that before taking the Chunin exam, Hinata once gathered everyone together for a group special training, and her The special training is precisely the training that requires Shikamaru to use the shadow restraint technique to restrict her physical movements, so that she can only use the chakra activities in her body.

Now that I think about it, this special training for chakra running in the body is probably the root of her ability to achieve this built-in recovery. This skill not only allows her to mobilize chakra to respond more quickly, but the biggest feature is, She is enough to be immune to those chakra attacks that are not strong enough for a single blow!

The technique of acupoint-pointing happens to be a method of hitting the enemy's acupuncture points with a quick and precise method in close combat. Because it requires speed and precision, its strength is undoubtedly impossible to be strong, even if it is a gossip six. Fourteen palms are the same.

It feels as if the damage of the acupuncture point is 9, which itself depends on the accumulated damage and the special effects that limit the enemy's chakra activities. However, Hinata's built-in passive passive is directly: ignore all attacks below 15 The damage and its accompanying negative effects also increase the overall haste by 20%, and the improvement value increases according to the level.

Naturally, this set of eight trigrams of Ningci's sixty-four palms, to Hinata, was like being drenched by rain for a while, and Ningci's chakra did not penetrate into her acupuncture point at all.

Moreover, Hinata is definitely not the only one who has this defense method. Gaara's Sand Armor and Kitomaru's Adhesive Gold Armor are the armor that covers the surface of the body to resist that kind of damage with less damage but more attacks.

"Now! It's my turn!"

Seeing that Neji, who was thrown out, barely stood up, Hinata, who was standing there, also smiled slightly, and the white-eyed girl's body once again assumed a unique attacking stance. Both hands were raised above her head, and a terrifying and abnormal **** aura also erupted from her posture!

"The Profound Truth of the Southern Fighting Fist!"

"Eight little girls!"

(PS1: Uh~~~~ I'm sorry, in order to let the black chicks show more of their 'innovative' abilities, the white chicks are still not revealed in this section~~ However, it will be in the next section, this time I promise~ ~)

(PS2: The first update, there is one more update~~Continue to ask for tickets (~ ̄▽ ̄)~)


coming! That's it!

Sasuke's pupils suddenly widened, and the black-haired boy's hands on the guardrail also tightened. Obviously, he knew very well that this was the question he had always wanted to find out from Hinata, that is, the real eight children. attitude!

Although Hinata had indeed told him and Naruto the attack points and steps to use the eight children, no matter what he did, Sasuke felt that his eight children were always just an attacking technique, not a complete mystery, so The black-haired boy quickly understood that he had to watch Hinata perform the eight-children completely once! And now, this is the opportunity!

how come? ! Why is the ferocity of this move so terrifying? !

Compared with Sasuke's frenzy, Kakashi was completely terrified. This feeling was as if he saw a sharp demon knife suddenly unsheathed. Even if the blade was not aimed at him, he could still feel the sharpness. Incomparably sharp **** breath! There is only one thing that can be explained, and that is that this trick is indeed an extremely terrifying killing trick, and Hinata has definitely killed people with this trick, so it will show like this is like an edge. As terrifying as a murder weapon!

At the back of the stand, Danzo, who was observing all this, showed a satisfied smile. Obviously, his last concern about Hinata was also resolved: "Not bad~ It's a powerful killer move, It turns out that I have already tasted the taste of human life~ No wonder there is such a good consciousness."

As for the other genin who lack momentum, such as Kankuro and others, after the posture of Hinata, they even subconsciously made a defensive posture. The evil spirit!

"go to hell!"

Different from Orochimaru's standing stance, Hinata's entire figure was almost three points higher than her usual maximum speed when she cast the eight children, and her whole body flashed in the air like an afterimage, already coming. In front of Neji, who was barely standing up, when the white-eyed boy instinctively tried to defend, he already felt a sudden pain in his chest, as if he had been hit by a red-hot iron nail in his chest, the whole person was under the intense burning pain. Stuck in a stiff stance!

The fingers of Tanzhong, Yunmen, Zhangmen, Chongmen, and Hinata were skillfully and cruelly moving around Neji's body like a needle through the **** of death, just like those samurai and genin who were killed like this by her. The grievances gathered were just like that, and the breath of death was clearly and arrogantly shrouded in Neji's body in her attack!

"not good!"

After seeing the eight young girls that Hinata used, both Kakashi and Kai were shocked! On the surface, this move does not seem to be fatal. The previous attacks were even more restricting the enemy's movements, but after carefully thinking about the positions of the acupuncture points on the meridians that Hinata hit, the most Kai, who is good at physique, and Kakashi, who has a wheel-eye observation, were the first to report it. The two Jōnin jumped out of the stage almost at the same time, trying to stop the last blow of the eight children!

too late!

Immersed in the violent and bloodthirsty emotions brought by the eight children, Hinata raised her right hand with a grin, and the crimson flames revolved in her palm and gathered into a spiral shape, even as if the spirit of the dead was absorbed. The inside of this flaming spiral looks like a **** mouth with jagged fangs. Jie Jie smiled strangely and printed it towards Ningji's last qi sea hole!

As long as this blow hits, the fire-attribute chakras that were poured into Ningji's body before will be concentrated and detonated, and its power is enough to directly tear Ningji's body into pieces!

And whether it was Kakashi or Kai, they had just jumped out of the stands at this moment, and even with their speed, they couldn't stop Hinata's last blow!


She roared these words inwardly and cruelly. Hinata's right hand slammed into Neji's qi sea hole. She could almost foresee the scene of blood splashing in front of her in the next moment!

However, right now! However, Hinata felt that her right arm was suddenly pushed by someone. The last blow that could have hit Ningci's Qihai Cave was deflected, and it was printed on the wall behind Ningci with a bang!

Accompanied by the violent explosion of flames, the entire wall seemed to have been directly bitten by a large piece of the monster's mouth. There was a circular pothole nearly half a person high, and it had been hit seven times. Neji barely coughed out a mouthful of blood, and then fell to his knees weakly. His seven acupoints responsible for the main activities had been hit hard by Hinata, even if he didn't take the last blow to avoid death, but This set of injuries was enough to keep him in the hospital for more than half a month.

Well... what's going on?

Hinata's eyes were almost enlarged to the limit with an unbelievable emotion. Within her line of sight, a palm was pressed against her right wrist. It was this sudden push that caused her final blow to deviate. Target.

And this palm is her left hand!

"Enough! Hinata! Stop it!"

At this time, Kakashi finally arrived at Hinata's side. The silver-haired Kamunin hurriedly glanced at Neji, who was lying on the ground, and subconsciously heaved a sigh of relief. Although the white-eyed boy was seriously injured, it was not fatal.

"The winner, Hinata Hinata."

As the chief examiner, Moonlight Gale, after seeing that Kai had already held the fallen Neji aside with a grim look, he raised his arm slightly after shaking his head and made a judgment. They all breathed a sigh of relief, and as the Eight-Children's moves stopped, the fierce pressure finally disappeared.


Raising her left hand and taking a look, the expression on Hinata's face disappeared again. Although it seemed to others that she had returned to that calm state, this was precisely the expression of her inner emotions that had become extremely intense. .

"It's amazing! As expected of Hinata! He won the first game beautifully!"

Naruto jumped up and cheered happily, but Sasuke on one side frowned slightly. He could see clearly with the wheel eye. Hinata's first seven attacks were undoubtedly Hachiko's correct steps, but in the final blow At the same time, her left hand suddenly pushed her right, so that Sasuke did not see where to hit the final blow.

Wouldn't it be to prevent him from stealing lessons, so he deliberately destroyed the overall perfection of his moves?

Or, is Hinata still showing mercy to that fellow clan?

"Well? Did you show mercy in the last blow?"

Turning Xiaochun, who was standing behind the third generation, frowned slightly, but soon the female elder nodded lightly: "It's not bad, although it's a little kind, but after all, she's from the same clan and village, so she can't commit murder."

"Indeed, if the final blow of that taijutsu hits, I'm afraid it will directly kill Neji Hyuga without a corpse. This kind of taijutsu is the most brutal I have ever seen in so many years."

Mito Gate Yan on the side also gently supported the glasses on his face. As a person who observes Hinata's quality, although he feels that the other party is showing mercy at the end, it is acceptable. After all, the opponent is a ninja of the same clan and the same village. , a little bit of sympathy is fine.

"Well... After all, she is still a child, and it is enough to be able to perform such a terrifying ultimate move."

Sandaimu also breathed a sigh of relief. After all, for him, he still hoped that his successor would be kinder to his villagers. This kind of style was his quality.

"Well~ congratulations, little princess, now you have qualified for the next game. By then, it will be a battle under the eyes of all audiences, so it's not worth it here. "

With a smile, he followed Hinata back to the stand. Kakashi also tried his best to comfort the student in front of him. Of course, what satisfied him the most was the scene of the girl showing mercy at the end.

"Kakashi-sensei, can I get out of here now? I have something to deal with at home."

Raising his head, Hinata spoke lightly, while Kakashi, who was slightly stunned, nodded quickly: "Oh~ of course that's okay, do you want me to take it off for you?"

"No need, as a teacher, you still have two students who haven't participated in the war."