
Wronged Alpha Mate

Soon to be alpha find out he have male mate and he couldn't make a peace with it. He thought it's just an attraction but he is not gay. He feels desire for him and can't keep in his pants when he see his mate.

Anki002 · Fantasy
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28 Chs

13. The hunt

It was Tuesday, Cody was getting ready for school, his situation was worse, his body was on fire, his eyes were blood red, he didn't sleep the whole night, he tried to cool down his situation by masturbation with a dale photo like last time but it didn't work. His body was shivering, he couldn't even button up his shirt properly. His wolf was in rage, his wolf was angry at his mate. Cody is not able to handle his emotion or control his body situation, and the wolf is also out of control.

He doesn't have any planning today, he is going to act straight on instinct.

He came to school and F4 was on the spot having fun, discussing games or something like that, he joined them, he kept distance so no one would notice the temperature of his body or shivering, His eyes were blood red but he could make an excuse, but no one asked.

They went to class, Cody saw Dale on his regular seat with David. He just started staring at him with his one eye.

Second class ended, they were all ready to go out towards cafetera for lunch. COdy made the first move and caught Dale and whispered to follow me, he passed him and stood in the door for him.

Dale was relaxed because today he came to school with Ruth and the first scenario he saw was Cody with F4 on a regular spot as always. He was happy seeing things are regular. This means his last running has no effect on Cody, and he has let go things.

But now the situation was all different. He was in class with a bag in his hand, David was talking about something, All class was getting empty, and Cody was at the door waiting for him. He told F4 to leave and will join them after a while.

Dale has two options now, he can call Ruth, David was there, he can stand ground and fight the situation and not follow Cody, or the second, just follow Cody and let the things happen.

He decided to go with the second option, he told David to forward and have lunch, he had something to do, David didn't ask anything because he could see Cody at the door, he read the situation and left quitely.

He knew the situation was something sirions, he directly went to the cafeteria and explained the situation to Ruth. Ruth ran towards their class but knew no one was there.