
Wrong Soul Transmigration?

Hi I am Jerod and my soul was transmigrated to another world by a god on her first day unsupervised. As you can guess my migration was fraught with mistakes. Join Jerod in his mistaken adventure in a new world filled with magic and mystery. He will travel with his best friend who is now an AI?

Arodicus · Fantasy
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41 Chs

My First Day!

'I am so nervous! Today I get to work without any other gods looking over my shoulder and it is soooo exciting! I hope I do everything correct.'

Today is goddess Saurina's first day in the transmigration office working unsupervised. She has spent the last few eternities going through training, learning the ins and outs of the paperwork, the processes, and procedures. She isn't the only god or goddess that deals with transmigrations, no, there are quite a few of them to deal with the infinite number of universes.

The job may seem simple to those not in the know. Many believe that it is a simple pluck a person from one world give them some talents or abilities and send them to another world to defeat a demon lord or solve a world crises. While that is part of the work a lot more goes into it than that. Such as selecting the correct person for the transmigration through specific vetting processes, choosing the applicable world that needs a divine intervention, verifying said world is not on the list of worlds to be destroyed by the gods of destruction, etc, etc. On top of all of that there is a mountain of paperwork to be filed. The paperwork has to be sent to the world gods that govern the world the transmigrator comes from and the world they go to. And of course it all has to be done in triplicate.

The whole process is then subject to the auditing department. The least liked gods in the whole business because they are extremely thorough and have zero manners. Unlike most gods that are fairly happy go lucky and relaxed. Even the gods of destruction are nicer than the gods of the auditing department.

Saurina sat at her desk looking around her office doing her calming exercises. She looked at the picture of her father who worked in this department when he was alive. She felt a pang of sadness thinking back about how much he enjoyed the job. He used to tell her stories about how the people he transmigrated from one world to another took up the abilities, skills, and tools he provided to them to become heroes saving billions of lives. He would tell her "Saurina, the job of a transmigration god is a vital part of the multiverse balance. Without divine intervention some worlds would be destroyed off schedule causing the cycle of reincarnation to be out of balance. Souls go in and out of the soul bank in measured amounts keeping the world creation gods and the destruction gods in sync with each other. So it is very important to do the job properly."

Balance, as Saurina thought about this she had another pang of sadness. This office was her father's office, as part of the balance once she started her training she took over this office. It still has personal items that belonged to her father including some of his work instruments.

Mortals believe gods live forever. In some ways they are correct but they are also incorrect. Gods have a life cycle much like mortals do, all sentient beings have a soul, and gods are no different. The soul bank for god souls is different from the soul bank of mortals as obviously the power of a god is much greater than that of a mortal. The life cycle of a god is roughly 50 eternities. How do you measure an eternity? Eternity is from the beginning of time to the end of time but isn't time infinite? All good questions, but here is the counter question, if time is infinite how is there a beginning and an end? Time is measured from the beginning of each universe to the end of the universe. In the beginning, all of the matter in each universe starts at one point in forced equilibrium. Then with a bang each universe starts rapidly expanding much like a popped water balloon. That bang is like the new year for gods. As the matter from each universe expands it wraps in on itself much like a doughnut. The matter continuously expands and once it wraps around the universe it meets back in the middle where it all crashes into itself in chaos causing another forced equilibrium. When this happens it is like new year's eve. Gods live through this roughly 50 times, so in the comprehension of mortals a god lives forever because they live from the beginning of time to the end of time when all of the souls of that universe return to the soul bank. The only truly immortal beings are the gods over the multiverse. Each universe starts off at a different time, again to ensure balance souls can't all be in the soul bank at the same time after all.

Saurina's father returned to the god soul bank a few eternities ago after spending 25 eternities doing transmigration work. Now it is her turn to start her 25 years of service.

"Okay! I am ready to start my first transmigration! I have my scripts to talk to them, I have my list of abilities, skills, and tools I can offer. Let's see what is next... Selecting the world that needs divine intervention!"

Going through her database Saurina locates a world that is on the edge of a universe dealing with a sorcerer trying to take over violently. Extremely good in magic, destroys cities and kills all inhabitants, future predictions show they will cause an imbalance in the soul bank possibly even destroying the world way ahead of schedule.

"Aha! This case will make a great first time! Now I have picked the world, flagged it to be under my case management in the database, next I need to.... select the transmigrator!"

Opening the database for vetted transmigrators Saurina looks through the list for a candidate that has a personality towards justice, has a flexible mind able to grasp new things (which will be needed for grasping magic), needs to be male due to societal preconceptions.

"Let's seeeee, soul 4865.144112253.753966.010236.122 should fit the bill. Now let's go to the transmigration system to input the information. World is input, now soul 4865.144112253.753966.01023.6122 is selected. Let's start the transmigration!"


Jerod's consciousness slipped through the black crack in the sky and landed in an unfamiliar office. He didn't have a body so he wasn't sure how he could see anything but sitting in front of him was a short girl maybe 4'5" tall with short pink hair, big round eyes, with a small nose and mouth, with a cute looking rounded chin. He tried to call out and move but couldn't do anything. He was as frozen as his body and the fish from the lake were while his consciousness left.

"Hello, Shawn Paul! I know things are confusing to you right now but rest assured everything will be okay!"

'Shawn Paul? Who is that? Where am I? Who is this girl?'

Looking at her scripts Saurina continued with her transmigration introduction.

"You have been selected for transmigration! You have the awesome opportunity to help save a world from destruction! Now that may sound hard but you get some great benefits that I, Goddess Saurina, will grant you. These benefits range from special weapons and armor, tools, skills, and abilities. These can be things like swords that cut through anything, armor that protects you from anything, super magic potential, or special fighting skills. You name it and I will see what I can do! You can select two of these for your mission that you feel will help you on your way. Now what questions do you have and if none which benefits would you like?"

Jerod sat in shock at all of the information told to him. He tried to move but still found he was frozen. He tried to talk but nothing came out, he didn't even know how he was supposed to talk as he didn't have a mouth.

As they sat in silence for a moment Jerod thought back to Lindsay with rising panic.

Seeing the soul fluctuations Saurina couldn't help but wonder if her pitch was off some how. She went over her checklist in her mind, told him about benefits, types of benefits, mentioned saving a world to help instill a sense of being useful, talked about magic which usually gets the people from worlds without magic to get excited from what I hear... Why isn't he talking...

"OH! I forgot! You are in soul form so you can't talk."

Saurina bonked her hand on her forehead.

"I am going to establish a soul communication link so you can talk with me. One moment."

As Saurina started the soul communication link she thought to herself, 'This isn't on my checklist. I will have to put this down in my notes so I don't forget next time. This is sooo embarrasing.'

"Now Shawn can you hear me? Please go ahead with any questions or concerns, and let me know which benefits you would like."

Jerod could feel the communication, it wasn't exactly like talking, almost like thinking, but more and in ways he just couldn't elaborate on. This question brought back one glaring problem though...

"Who is Shawn Paul? My name is Jerod White. Where am I? I need to go back my friend Lindsay has a serous condition and I need to carry her to the forestry station to get a doctor to help her. Please help!"

Saurina starred at Jerod with one thought on her mind.

'It's my first day and I already messed up!!!!!!'

How is this goddess going to fix this problem? Will Jerod be able to get back to Lindsay?

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