
Chapter 26

"Even if it means two innocent boys get in trouble?" Laney ground her teeth in frustration. "Doesn't it mean something that every time there's a fire, they've clearly been somewhere else? By process of elimination, they're about the only two people in town who can't be setting the fires."

"You're right." Marla gave her a solemn nod. "We need to start cross-referencing things. But in the meanwhile, what you're doing, keeping them with solid alibis? If it were me, if it were my little brother being accused, I'd keep doing it. Maybe even find a way to get him out of town for a few weeks."

"I wish I could." Camps cost money - and Laney didn't have enough of that to spare.

She saw the detective out then went to fill Miss Mamie in on what Marla had said.

Mamie gave Laney a pensive stare.

"Hmmmm." She set down the notepad she been writing on and picked up her purse from a nearby shelf. "I have an idea. I think it's time I went and had a chat with Walter Shannon."