
Shadowing Me


I was attacked with sudden bouts of coughing. I looked away in embarrassment. Why did he wonder about something so humiliating? He could have wonder about the Earth's origin, or the history of the mankind. He was being a tease. I just wish for the ground to swallow me up right where I'm standing.

"Ah, let's go back to the packhouse. It's about time for dinner, and I'm sure Dion and Arabella are waiting for me. I've promised to fetch them." I babbled and ran away like my life depended on it.

I heard Atlas chuckle loudly, but I ignored it and fled. My heart's thudding so loud that I'm afraid my ribs would burst. I know Atlas, and I wouldn't be a thing in the future. Nonetheless, I can't stop my heart from galloping every time.

The snow crunching beneath my feet didn't even bother me as they started to soak my socks. I just wanted to get away from my embarrassment. I glanced back and glared at the cheeky man. It was a mistake.

The idiot was watching me fleeing like a headless chicken with a smirk on his lips. Is this fun to him? I've never run faster in my life when I saw it.


"Are they too much?" I worriedly asked Arabella and Dion, eating silently, each of them, beside me. Their plates were filled with a heaping pile of food, the pack being the culprit, and the pack was chatting them nonstop. Almost everyone is present. The long table was filled to the brim.

After Alpha Cedric introduced them to the pack and vice versa, the pack members were racing off to offer them food and ask about their food preferences. In no time, their plates were full. If humans would be in their shoes, they would be probably overwhelmed.

"They're warm," Arabella smiled happily. She's looking pretty at the moment. Dion's the problem because he can't stop blushing.

Dion, being shy and skittish around women almost fainted on his seat. He was trying to be polite by accepting the food they were giving him.

It was a good thing when Reggie interfered. It's really a wonder how Dion was okay talking to the men but struggles with the womenfolk. Strangely, he is okay talking to the old women.

The dinner was long gone, but the members stayed in their seats. They keep chatting with each other, sharing anecdotes, and making the new members comfortable. Arabella tried her best to keep up with the conversation. Somehow she seems to clicked with Dahlia really well. Thankfully, no one was rude enough to ask why they transferred.

While they were at it, I was sneaking glances in Atlas's direction. I know the transfer affects him more than he visibly shows. The dinner was pleasant, and I think he was having a good time talking to the Alpha.

"Why are you not eating?" my knees knocked the table quite strongly. The blooming pain on my knees caused me to glare at the culprit who startled me. Craig was facing me with a mischievous smile was plastered on his face. The whole room quietened. I slapped my forehead in frustration.

"Would you like me to feed you?" the sweet smile on his lips is grating on my nerves. I sought Kate with my eyes to ask for her help. She was sitting beside Craig. They're sitting exactly opposite me. When I met Kate's eyes, she only gave me a shrug and continued to snack on her dessert.

"I'll do it." someone pushed Dion out of his seat. The unfortunate shy man scrambled out and stared wide-eyed at the jerk who pushed him out of his seat. Kalix.

"Alpha," I tattled and asked Alpha Cedric for help. The whole table exploded into chuckles and giggles. Like a Shadow of Doom, Reggie appeared out of the blue and pulled Kalix's ear.

"You don't do that to anyone. You're not a kid anymore," Reggie pulled Kalix away from the chair with the whole table's laughter in the background. It sounds like a comical skit.

"Come to think of it. I haven't seen you in the training grounds these months." Reggie added to the wincing Kalix. I know his ear doesn't hurt because of the idiot's pouting.

"I'm busy with my projects, you know. That's why I pirated Dion. I don't have enough hands in my shop," he beams, and Reggie squints her eyes at him suspiciously. I pulled the smiling Dion back to his seat.

"Your pack is lively, Mavis. The homey kind" is what Dion told me with the adorable soft smile pasted on his lips. Arabella is still giggling beside me at the display. Am I doing well at welcoming them so far?

I sneak a glance at the man on the left side of Alpha Cedric. I almost died in embarrassment when I caught Atlas's eye. I was still humiliated at my action earlier, and now this? I saw how he simpered upon catching me sneaking glances. I repeatedly hit my head in my mind.

I was quick enough to avert my gaze and shove a mouthful of heavenly apple pie on my plate. A tiny chuckle sounded beside me. It was Arabella. Why is she laughing now?

The fine hairs on the back of my neck stood on its end when Arabella leaned in to whisper on my ear. I'm not ticklish, but it's a different story when it comes to my ear. I leaned back from her, my neck tucked on my shoulders. She pulled my shoulder in and whispered again.

"Alpha Atlas's watching you," Heat blossoms on my cheeks. I couldn't help but sneak a peek again and saw a smirk this time. He tilted his head a little and subtly touched his ear. Another knowing smirk.

I glared at Arabella who's mischief was dancing in her eyes. 'Stop it,' I mouthed, and she burst into excited bubbles.

The dinner ended pleasantly just like that.


It didn't snow today.

What the hell is his problem? I cast one last look outside of Solace and still see the same thing. Atlas is standing outside like an idiot. He's been shadowing me around the past days that the pack started to call me his babysitter in jest. With Luke's absence, Atlas found an ample of free time in his hands. Since I'm the known friend, everyone thrust the responsibility of entertaining Atlas in my hands. Like, what the hell is wrong with that logic?

Arabella, being adventurous between the two of the new members of the pack, gladly tagged along with Dahlia's activities, every day. That means she's almost at the training grounds from sunrise to sunset. In fact, Arabella was already training with the rest of the pack. She might not tell me about it, but I also know that she's talking to Luna Eva every night.

Dion, the timid one, opted to shadow Kalix in his shop. I don't see him much these days, but I can see Kalix littering around almost every day now. Before I left the pack, you would seldom see Kalix walking around because he was always inside his shop. Now, it's the opposite. I better pay Dion a visit one of these days. I'm afraid Kalix is slaving him away in the shop.

Dion and Arabella were engrossed with their assimilation to the pack. They surprisingly get along with everyone. Now, I'm left with the down-spirited Atlas who follows me around. I don't want to spend more time with him. There's no use in nurturing the bond when the Pack Summit is almost weeks away. I have to get used to the absence of my mate too. It would be impossible with Atlas lagging around me. The Assent would be inevitable.

Other pack representatives would arrive one by one a week from now, and the pack would be busier. I, myself, will be busy by then with pack matters and Solace. I'm not signing anything yet with my dominant hand still in a sling. But, I've got papers to read.

"Are you not going to let him inside? The weather's especially cold today," that was Laura as we both stared at Atlas standing outside.

I shrugged my shoulders in defeat, "Would you like to entertain him yourself, by any chance?" I pouted. Laura raised her perfect arched eyebrow at me. She flicked her hair in my direction and marched out with a matching flicked of her hips.

"I ain't gonna add more job on my plate," she dramatically disappeared back to the counter. My shoulders slouch further as I walked out of the mart to approach the idiotic Alpha. Why is he here all the time?

I tapped his shoulder, "Atlas, you really need to get a life," mumbled and the nerve of the man to chuckle at me. He gestures me to follow him, and I glanced back inside the mart longingly. It's extra cold today. I would prefer to stay in my office, have some hot cocoa and get some reading done.

"Come on, girl. Move your ass," he simpered, and I huffed in annoyance. This is getting on my nerves for real. I just want something cozy. It's also a nice feeling that we were plain friends these days. We don't mind the bond at all.

"Where are we going this time?" I whined as I followed him to his car.

For the last few days, we have been frequenting the meadows around the pack. I don't know what Atlas's deal was, but he wants to visit the fields when you can't see anything, literally. The snow covers the whole plain. It's all you can see for miles. Maybe we are going to camp in one of the meadows again?

"Don't worry, we won't be bird watching this time," he smiled at me, and I scoffed in return. Bird watching was his reason for camping around the meadows. The birds flying about were scarce, not ideal to bird watch. It's winter, for Pete's sake.

"Don't worry your head over it. We are just going to eat out," he grinned. He is giving me a lot of heart attack these days. I thought he would be sulking because of what happened back at Sterling Pack, and two of his members transferred to my pack. But, he was not even an inch closed to sulking. Instead, he is smiling freely, like he was having the most fun in his life.

"You haven't had your breakfast yet?" I thought he ate in the packhouse. He shrugged.

"Alpha Cedric was kind enough to always eat with me. But, he is a busy man, he can't always eat with me. I find it awkward eating alone with your pack. I appreciate the sentiment, though. I've told him to not mind me anymore. Pack Summit would occupy most of his time, so it was a welcome suggestion," he explained as he opened the car door for me.

It's reasonable. Atlas might be an Alpha, and capable of many things. But, it was customary to let the host pack do all the preparations without the interference of another pack. Atlas has been staying in our pack multiple times now. If he would offer his help, the host pack would politely decline.

I heave a heavy sigh, "Please, no bird watching today," I asked of him, and he laughed at my reaction without saying anything. I clamber in his car while thanking him at the same time. One of these days, it would be okay to remove the sling and slowly use my right hand again.

"What do you fancy eating today?" I asked as he swiftly maneuvered the car out of the parking area. This is the area where I saw him kiss Luke. However, it was a different car back then.

I slapped myself out of my thoughts. "What the fuck are you doing?" that confused question came from Atlas. His stormy bottle-green eyes looking at me like I have lost my marbles. I blushed in shame. Why am I always doing weird things in front of him?

"Mosquito," I let out a forced laugh, flinching in embarrassment.

"Inside my car?" he asked perplexed. It was a lame reason since his car was spectacularly clean. All the nooks and crannies of Atlas's car were squeaky clean. I groaned in mortification. I turned myself away from him; in the direction of the window.

"Just keep driving," I pleaded.

"You must be thinking about something inappropriate," he smirked. I glared in his direction. When he is like this, it's so hard for me to deal with him. Atlas being serious and snobbish is an easy thing to counter. A playful Atlas is another matter. Though I give up on our connection, it doesn't mean I don't feel anything for him anymore. I'm in love with him, after all. It doesn't go away that easily.

"Shut it," I moaned in protest. Atlas ended up chuckling to his heart's content. I smiled in secret. Moments like these were a treasure.

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