
Written in the STARS?(Completed)

Riele Morris is the reigning CEO to the biggest construction company in the world. Having had her trust broken by her ex, the idea of having anything to do with any other man repulsed her. What happens when a Woman that vowed never to be caught up with any man is thrown into a roller coaster of them?. What happens to her “no man rule?” especially when her ex comes into the picture wanting her back! …… “So come on girl, let us know which of them it will be” Candice asks excitedly. Riele looked around at their expectant gazes and after much thought, gave the first answer that seemed like the truth to her. “None”. With that she up and left them with confusion swarming in their head and faces.

PennedSylva · Urban
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55 Chs

Chapter 25: Beach time

Previously on WITS?..

"Who?" I asked Confused and a little amused at Mr Richards' expression that depicted just annoyance.

 He was about to reply when another voice interrupted.

"I'm here, I'm here. Sorry I'm late"

 The voice said and I froze.

'leave it to you to forget he has a brother'.




"You mean to say you forgot Tyler was his brother?".

 Candice doubled over in laughter and I suddenly felt stupid all over again.

"Leave it to Riele to be that stupid". Mia joined in.

"Okay now that's just offensive". 

 Jutting out my lips to display a pout, I prayed they'd stop taunting me.

"And you all know what's worse???" Vanny asked and they all yelled out a "what?!" In reply.

"Vanny don't____"

"She acted like she didn't know him when he called out to her".

 They all bursted out laughing. 

"Hey it's not my fault, I was taken off guard and mind you, I later acknowledged his presence".

"Yeah after looking at him for the longest of time and trying or should I say pretending to think of where you knew him from".

"Oh my God". I covered my face in embarrassment. I was definitely never telling Vanny anything again or even any of them.

 Liv just had to choose today to go out for a show leaving me with these wicked people. That was such an embarrassing moment and worse part was the father knew I knew him so why did I choose to act clueless at first ?.

 I blame tension.

"Alright that's enough for today before she disappears into thin air".

 Mia to the rescue!!!

 Soon enough we could hear Venice crying and we all looked at each other willing the other to stand up and go look into it.

 We've been here since the morning and it's almost evening. We decided to keep Candice company and help her out with Venice as Nathan resumed working today again.

 I on the other hand didn't feel the need to go to work today and so is same with the girls.

 On getting here we've been taking turns to take care of Venice and drained is a way too much nice word for what we were experiencing. 

 She doesn't even sleep up until thirty minutes before she screams out.

Looking around at their faces, they sure as hell didn't seem like they'd stand up any minute from now and I eventually caved making sure to pass by each one of them with a stink eye and three words.

"Bad, bad Godmothers".


 I was so tired from yesterday that all I wanted to do today was sleep and nothing was stopping me.

 Knock knock!!!

"Dear are you in there".

'you were saying??'

Covering my face with a pillow I screamed out muffling the sound with it.

"Yes. Yes I am".

 I replied calmly even though I was far from it.

"Can I?".

 He asked and I let out a tiny 'Yes'.

 First thing I noticed as he came in was the fact he was dressed in shorts, a vintage shirt and sunglasses looking way younger than his age.

"I went to you both bedroom and couldn't find you there. Did you both have a fight?".

 Mr Richards asked with a knowing smile sitting at the end of the bed.


 I replied confused. First off I was sleepy as hell, secondly I know the way this might sound but the man was looking so fine, I got distracted.

"Little one, this man is off the chart". He replied in a cocky manner that reminded me of jerkface. Of course it runs in the blood.

I laughed awkwardly snapping back into my right senses.

"Nothing to be ashamed of dear, I know how I look". He said doing a little pose that had me now laughing in amusement. The man was funny and his own type of cocky didn't annoy me as his son's does.

"You look good sir". I decided to just let out what was on my mind. There was no dirty intention added to my statement. I genuinely found him that way and I feel he deserved the compliment.

"Thank you and call me Jacob. I'd have preferred dad but I don't want to scare you by being too fast with titles"

I nodded at him smiling.

"And to my earlier question. I don't know what the problem is but sharing different rooms is never the answer".

 Award for coolest father goes to this man. Now I see the difference between him and my dad. Like for real?. He doesn't find it a big deal his son stays in same room with a woman that isn't his wife?. My father would kill me and kill jerkface also then would probably get killed by my mum. Point is my father isn't cool to that extent. 

"It is either you both work things out or have me down your necks. All I know is I'm making sure you aren't sleeping in here tonight. I'd take the easy way out if I were you".

 I change my mind. I didn't like this man anymore.

I and jerkface agreed on staying in different rooms and the past two nights went well. We were never home during the day as we go to work and he comes back very late. So there's been no much role play drama for his dad. We went to our separate rooms only when his dad goes off to bed. But today is the weekend, meaning we both didn't go to work and so I couldn't enter the room just at night. 

We tried our best avoiding this kind of situation I've just found myself in but I guess I wasn't so careful. How did he know I was in this room anyways?

'oh I don't know probably because you answered yes when he asked if you were in'.

Well there's that.

"Are we clear?".

 He asked snapping me out of my inner thoughts.

"Uh yes?". I answered, although it came out more like a question but he ignored it.

"Anyways...." He chirped and I saw the spark In his eyes letting me know he was about to enjoy whatever he would say next but problem is I knew I wasn't.

"I made him agree to it too just incase you want to say no".

 Oh God!. I am definitely not going to like this.

"We're going to the beach!".

 He clapped standing and before I could utter any word he went through the door saying

"Dress up real quick, we'll be waiting in the car".

You know what??. It's time Lord!. Take me home to heaven.


 If I thought going to the beach was worse, then I was totally wrong as this moment definitely changed that thinking.

 I was seated between two men who look like they'd kill each other soon. Nope let me rephrase that, one looks like he'd kill the other while the other looks like it's me he'd want to kill.

 I ignored both of them and stared at Jacob when he addressed me.

"So you looked at Tyler and fell for this one of all people?".

 He pointed out turning from the passenger's seat to stare at jerkface at his last statement.

 I almost laughed at the bewildered expression on jerkface's face.

 Well the old man's got a point. With such stupid attitude of his eldest son, any sane person would go for the younger one and trust me I was sane.

"Uh" I started racking my brain for some nice answers.

"He just grew on me I guess". I finished trying not to throw up on those words.

"You guess?".

"Oh look we're here". Tyler interrupted running out of the car in great speed like it was such a hassle being in there with us.

 He still hadn't spoken to me since that night and I even tried texting and asking for a meet up but he never replied.

 We had nothing but I didn't want him to act the way he was acting with me right now.

"Ty?" I ran catching up to him.

 The wind was so strong it almost blew away the knot on my kimono jacket.

"Just hear me out please". I kept on trying to catch up to him but he was walking so fast and the sand on the beach made it quite hard to move around.

"Ty?" I called out and he came to an abrupt stop which I wasn't expecting and so I hit his back and almost lost my footing but he caught me.

 His hair blew in the wind and so did his vintage jacket showing off his abs and I shut my mind from going places it shouldn't.

 Steadying myself I let go before their father saw the position we were in and then I'd have to start explaining again. Apparently I did the right thing because the next I heard was.

"Come on, what are you both still doing here!" Jacob chirped, passing by us with some baskets and an umbrella.

"Coming" I yelled back.

 Soon enough jerkface passed by too with some other stuffs throwing me a warning look and I knew he might have sighted the earlier scene.

"What do you want?".

 I was immediately riveted back to Tyler as soon as I heard his voice.

"Look we can't talk here but please please please meet me at that coffee shop down the street close to my company?. I'll text you when and where".

 I begged clamping my hands together with as much puppy dog eyes I could muster.

 He looked at me for a very long time before nodding once and leaving me there.I've never seen him so serious. He now had a resemblance to Jerkface that made me shiver a little. I'll save you Tyler. I can't have you turning into that monster.

"What took you so long". Jacob asked, giving me a plate of diced fruits of all kinds.

"A girl's got to take her time right?". I asked, smiling, to which I got one right back from him.

 I could see they had set up the umbrella and spread beach cloth on the sand. I was happy about the fact they didn't care for a beach chair or something extravagant. This seemed more normal and I don't know, homey??

"Oh no, seat close to Mason". Jacob shooed me away from the spot that was next to him and I moved closer to Jerkface.

 We both looked at each other not knowing how to behave but then I was shocked by the next thing that happened.

"Have some cat girl". Jerkface pulled me closer into his arms while putting a fork of pineapple close to my mouth.

 I squinted my eyes at the fruit and then back at him but apparently I took too much off his time as he shoved it down my throat.

"You stupid idiot". I coughed glaring threateningly at him.

"What was that?" He asked, faking concern as I started coughing.

 Soon enough Tyler and Jacob were fussing over me trying to get me to drink water while jerkface watched with a satisfied smirk


"Alright. I think it's high time I and Tyler call it a day and leave you two lovebirds to enjoy".

 Jacob winked at me and looked at an annoyed Tyler passing a not so subtle message to him with his eyes.


 One look from Jacob and Tyler clamped his mouth shut..

"There's no need for that, we'll just go with you guys" Jerkface said trying to get out of this situation and I appreciated it but even I could see the determination in his father's eyes.

"No you won't". Jacobs replied then looked pointedly at Tyler and with that, they both left the beach.

 It was into the evening already and the sky had such lovely view. Not many people were on the beach and it just screamed Peace. It was a private beach with just a few people on it minding their business. At first I had been afraid of paparazzi and any other fan that might have thought it good to get a picture and alert the media about us but it wasn't as I expected. Literally everyone here gave no fuck about us and I was happy about that.

 I've always loved the water so I couldn't even be angry at whatever just happened now. Deciding to just enjoy the moment myself, I left jerkface and went closer to the water, taking off my long kimono jacket in the process to display the one piece bathing suit I had under.

 It was a black colour that displayed my sides. Having a tiny rope to put it together around the neck. My back was open and so were my cleavage. 

 Taking out the band from my hair, I swung it around finally entering the water.

 It felt so good on my legs and at that moment I actually wished I could swim.

 I never learnt how to and by the time I wanted to learn, I got scared of dying. Yes thank you, I'm a chicken. I'd rather be that than dead.

I got deeper into the water till it got to my waist. Playing around by filling some and throwing it in the sky. I giggled at how nice it felt to loosen up and just have a little fun.

 In the midst of my playing around , I turned and saw jerkface studying me intensely before removing his eyes when he got caught.

 Inwardly I laughed at his actions. Obviously he found me attractive and I can't blame him.

 As much as I'd want to tease him about it right now, I was having way too much fun for that and I sure as hell won't let him or anything at all spoil it.

Next update on Monday *Kisses*

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