
Written in the STARS?(Completed)

Riele Morris is the reigning CEO to the biggest construction company in the world. Having had her trust broken by her ex, the idea of having anything to do with any other man repulsed her. What happens when a Woman that vowed never to be caught up with any man is thrown into a roller coaster of them?. What happens to her “no man rule?” especially when her ex comes into the picture wanting her back! …… “So come on girl, let us know which of them it will be” Candice asks excitedly. Riele looked around at their expectant gazes and after much thought, gave the first answer that seemed like the truth to her. “None”. With that she up and left them with confusion swarming in their head and faces.

PennedSylva · Urban
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55 Chs

Chapter 20: playing dirty


"Father there are way better things on my plate than that, just drop it!"

 I was utterly frustrated with my father right now but I was at least glad he was back to his nosy nagging self again.

Months ago he was in a very critical condition that messed up my mood and it showed on how I treated everyone before deciding to go on a trip to where he was hospitalized.

 I wasn't the most nicest man but I knew the way I was acting those few weeks before leaving was bound to lead me into killing someone. Also the fact that annoying little cat girl must have thought I was bipolar with the way I acted towards her after the incident at Nathan's wedding.

 I traveled to reassure myself my father was okay and on getting there, his health deteriorated which explains why I stayed for so long leaving Tyler to take care of both our company. He requested on going along with me but we both knew someone had to stay back so it wasn't hard convincing him to.

 It was the scariest moments of my life watching my father struggle to get better.

 I still hadn't recovered from the death of my mother which was why I found it hard talking about her or even trying to remember her, but that proves hard with the reoccuring dreams I get from time to time of her dying in my arms.

 I was still very much heartbroken. I sure as hell couldn't deal with my father dying also.

 I stayed with him till he started getting better and I couldn't have been more relieved .

 Still can't forget those nights he asked and begged me to forgive him if he ever let go. It was a horrific moment and I have never seen my father look so helpless. At a time I wondered if it would be best to let him go.

 I'm glad those moments are over now.

"Mason! Son!?"

 Snapping out of my thoughts, I focused back on my phone's screen.

"Here father"

"Where did your mind run off to?..." He halted and looked at me in a way that made me know the wheels in his head was working at a fast pace.

"Wait!!!!" He chirped and I immediately winced at what he must have put in his head.

"You found a girl already? Haven't you?"

 He wiggled his brows suggestively and I stared blankly at him wondering what sort of thing was this?

I'm pretty sure not all parents behave like this but my father doesn't get the meaning of boundaries. Never has.

 Quickly muttering I had a meeting, I cut off the FaceTime before he could say something else.

 What could I possibly do to stop all this marriage talks he bothers me with.



 I could easily just cancel this date and claim to be sick. I mean you can't force a sick girl out now, can you?. Wouldn't wanna be blamed for my death I'm sure.

 Smiling at my plans that seemed to be a success in my head, I climbed the bed and decided to just have a nap when my phone beeped with a text. It read:

              You better not be trying to play smart

               Or I swear I'd do much worse than I did

               at your company today

                                          ~ ❤️ Seth

 The Audacity!

'but you'd still do as he said right?'

 Do I look like I want some mad man on my case?

'good choice'

 Looking around I decided to have some fun with frustrating him instead.

 He wants a date?, A date he'd get.


 I can't help but feel like I'm being followed as I drove through the city of New York.

 Had to threaten Seth I'd cancel if he doesn't let me come on my own. After much bantering he agreed.

 The black car at my back was giving me chills. I could possibly be imagining things but I've always had a knack for telling when things seem wrong and right now, it's screaming that shit to me.

 Even the turns I took, it did same. 

Oh God I don't want to die. At least not until I meet Cardi b

'so you'd like to die after that?'

Of course not!. 

'but you just said.....

We are currently in danger and you want to argue with me?

 When I didn't get some clap back from my subconscious, I knew she agreed this wasn't some joke we had going on.

 I couldn't have been more happier when I saw the hotel Seth picked out come in view.

"Thank you Jesus". I muttered, literally running out of my car and towards the entrance. 

 The screeching of tires made me turn to look at the black car reversing and speeding away.

I was being followed, no doubt.

But why???



I saw her walking or should I say running towards me and I stood up worried.

" Hey hey, what's wrong".

 I whispered immediately wrapped her in my arms

 She was shivering and I looked towards the entrance hoping to catch who made her this way or I don't know , something that explains why she looked so terrified.

"S.....s.....someone w.,,was…..

"Hey calm down and breathe"

Putting her at arm's length I observed how pale she looked . I was already getting pissed and God so help me if it was someone that did this, he better run far.

I watched her take in breath like she was underwater for too long.

"Someone was following me"


I was confused. Why would anyone do that?

"I thought I was probably being paranoid"

 I watched her take a seat and gulp down the water on the table.

 I took a seat ready to listen to whatever this was all about because I wouldn't lie, it didn't sound right.

"But he took the same turns and as soon as I got down to the entrance of this building, I saw the car drive back towards the path we came through"

 I understood how that might have looked but she should expect things like this now she's exposed.

 Letting out a reassuring smile, I held onto her hands on the table.

"Babe, calm down" I let out a little laugh at the situation. She's always been this way. Over thinking things that shouldn't be.

When I saw her facial expression change from fear to annoyance at my statement, I knew I should have probably just shut up.

"It's funny?"

I shook my head so fast I feared I broke a bone.

She immediately took out her hands from mine and eyed me dangerously.

"I could have died and be buried without anyone knowing where my body was!"

 Oh God. This dramatic side of hers is never the easiest.

"And you sit here laughing at me?"

 She let out a humourless laughter.

"No baby. All I'm trying to say is it must have been the paparazzi. You know, since you're out in the public now, all these are normal things you might encounter".

 She gave me the stink eye and threw a fork my way.

Thank God for good reflexes as I immediately caught it before it hits my forehead.

 I stared at her amused but not letting it show. Last thing I needed was to be killed by the love of my life.

"So I don't know what I'm saying right?"

 I was about to speak when she cut me off.

"Okay then , enjoy your date alone". 

She smiled and stood up about to leave when I caught her hands.

"Babe please relax, I'm sorry. I was stupid to have thought that way"

 I saw the little satisfaction expression that appeared on her face when I said I was stupid and I knew I was doing a good job so I continued.

"Let's just enjoy the date and forget about that okay? I mean they are foolish to be chasing after you. You'd probably kick their ass if they approached you".

 She laughed a little at that and I thanked the big guy in heaven. I guess today isn't when I die.

" I've got a lot in store for us by the way, this dinner was just so we'd get something in our stomach first".

 She sat back down and I mimicked her, calling the waiter and giving out our orders.

 We made small talks as we ate and I was happy she seemed to be a little free than usual.

"So what next?".

"Skateboarding" I smirked seeing her shocked expression.

"Well that's why I asked you dressed casual"

Finally since she stepped into the diner I took a look at her outfit and choked on air.

This time around she was the one to smirk.


 His eyes trailed down my body and to make matters worse,I stood up to give him a better look.

"Well what are we waiting for?"

"The fuck are you wearing?"

"Cloth???" "You blind or something ?"

 Clearing his throat he stood up putting a check on the table and then led me out, more like dragged me out.

"I'll get someone to pick up your car, just get in please".

Seeing the pleading look in his eyes, I complied. At this point I was still winning. As much as Seth loved seeing me all sexy , even I knew this was too much. 

 I'm not sorry though, he forced me out on this date, he'd have to bear other people's eyes on this body tonight.

 I was putting on a two piece leather skirt and crop top. The skirt stopped just under my butt. Any small mistake could give a display of my ass. And the top showed off my cleavage way too much. I wasn't so blessed with boobs but there's nothing a little push up bra couldn't do.

 He totally ignored me and sped off to God knows where. Knowing Seth he might probably be taking me home.

And that's what I wanted, so I am definitely not complaining.

 We reached some place and I could see the obvious written words of "Skateboarding" flashing in different colours and I looked at him surprised.


"Yes?" He replied now smiling.

What the hell?

"You still want me to skate?"

"Why? Are you uncomfortable?"

He asked still with that stupid smile.

"Well...." I swallowed "Not that, I mean I don't know how to"

There's no way I'm admitting I was uncomfortable.

"Well I'll teach you. Just some falling here and there but I'll definitely make sure it's nothing severe"

Falling? With this outfit? Boy No

"Seth I can't____

"Oh come on, you know I would catch you every time"

"You don't get it. I_____

"I do, you just need to trust____

"My outfit Seth!!!! I can't!!!"

 There! I said it!

"Oh" he said with a knowing smile. "I actually like it you know"

"Seth" I warned 

"Fine, fine. Should have known before wearing something like this out"

 He said getting annoyed again as he eyed the outfit.

So he was playing me? Jerk!

"So what are we going to do now?'

"Always a step ahead baby"

 He typed away on his phone and I looked at him wondering what he was up to.

 Not long enough, a woman came knocking at my side of the window and Seth rolled down the glasses collecting a package from her while thanking her.

"Change into this. I'll leave you to your privacy"

He said and stepped out of the car leaving me dumbfounded.

Next update on Monday *kisses*

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