
Chapter 10

Ryan shrugged again. “Believe it or not, it’s just fate or whatever. I didn’t know you’d be here. I live over in Connecticut now.” Ryan pointed, as if one could see Connecticut from where they stood, like Russia from Sarah Palin’s house. “Just spent a few days with my parents before they head off to Europe again.” Ryan was a dilettante, who lived off his parents’ fortune and partied instead of working. “I wanted to see the old field on the way back to Connecticut.”


“No new dog?” Ryan was as beautiful as ever. That was the word for it, everything symmetrical and fitting the supposed ideal of what made a person attractive.

“Not yet.” Geoffrey tried to smile. He touched his face, fearing he hadn’t quite pulled it off. “I moved a while back too. And I wanted to wait until I’m settled.” That was a lie. Geoffrey had moved before Max died.

“Ah. Fresh start.”


“We never divorced, you know,” Ryan said.