
Writings of Insanity

Conversations from the delusional have manifested into semi-coherent words.

Daoistebc4vh · Realistic
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21 Chs

Mental Health

A dearly depressing phenomenon when discussing mental health with friends or family is that each one gets a different and incomplete view. Seen through their lenses of bias and what they assume to be facts. Each person believes that they know the answer to whatever plagues the individual. Such an act invalidates the speaker's needs, the need to be heard, and the need to feel heard. Undoubtedly, depression creates a fog, hides reason, and generally cast doubt on oneself. However, I believe wholeheartedly that everyone processes the tools to fix themselves or at least cope with what they have nevertheless, we lack instructions on how to even use the tools. So we are left lonely staring, staring at a locked window, and at the other side, happiness, or at least what we think happiness is.