

If I had to choose one person that inspires me, it will be my dad. Most people will believe nobody inspires me because I don't talk about my family so often, or at least in a positive way. My father had done the impossible, as far as I can tell. He had taken care of me when I lost my biological mother ever since I was one year old. He took both roles, a mother and a father. He took me to school every morning, even if he was running late to work, did my hair for me, played with me, and comforted me. Most dads would have even given up, on their child or gave them away to a relative till they got older. No, my dad didn't do that. He kept me. He went to work when I was in school and had my grandmother pick me up just in case he had to stay late. I never noticed my dad as being the best inspiring hardworking dad ever. I used to give him hell, but now that I look back it was all for love and I appreciate him for that.