
Writing is my Passion2

James was an aspiring author and reading fanatic. He loved reading; webnovels, fan-fics, best-sellers, teen novels, hell even children stories. One day, on his way home to read the latest series of a light-novel he'd been following, he hears a tires screaching... Next thing you know, he's been reincarnated as 6 year old kid, with a terrible headache.

TMHisOurSavior · Fantasy
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Am I an Author?

Jaime hasn't always loved books. In fact, growing up, he despised reading. Some of this had to do with growing up in a Hispanic family who migrated to the US.

He had to learn two languages at the same time in order to 1; understand his family, and 2; catch up with the rest of the kids who only had to learn one language, English.

Jaime had to study extra hard because when his parents migrated over, there were only 2 years until he had to enter school.

Jaime only being 3 years old, could barely understand Spanish, so being tasked with understanding both, put him in a tough situation.

His mom also didn't have an easy time teaching him as it was her first time learning this language as well. This made explaining things to Jaime a terrible experience.

All Jaime wanted to do at this age was watch TV and play with his toys, but instead, he had to get up early to practice writing in an old notebook.


Anyways, this whole process for Jaime was an ordeal that he'd rather not dwell on, but the point is that learning English made him hate the subject.

His hatred for anything related to English, be it grammar, writing, or books, made him not open one up for many years, voluntarily at least.

Any book assigned to him in class was simply skimmed over or understood at a basic level.

That is until he reached middle school when he overheard a couple of children talk about the Percy Jackson series. The series had already ended, but the second installation had just come out with a new title.

Never having read a book, and with a movie release on the horizon, Jaime decided to try it out before watching the movie.


Needless to say, after reading the first novel, Jaime finished the entire series in about a month and a half.

Jaime was hooked for the very first time on something other than TV and food. This magical experience, made him have an unquenchable thirst for good novels.

Of course, Jaime decided to try out other novels after this.

He wanted to read again, but he didn't know what.

Not knowing what books were the same as Percy Jackson, he decided to try an old book that was assigned to him in elementary school.

This book was a failure. It was incredibly boring and put him in a foul mood for trusting school to assign something enjoyable.

But, this didn't stop Jaime from searching for similar stories to the Percy Jackson series.

Here, Jaime delved into the world of Juvenile Books.

Some were hit or miss, but at the very least they whet the appetite of Jaime.

These Juvenile Books allowed him to think about certain topics he was interested in and made him see that there were many types of books out there.


And as the years grew on, Jaime continued to read. Now, he was pretty well versed in new books, and with the growing rate of the internet, he could now read anything he liked.

His likes grew and so did his searching range.

Light novels, fanfics, old poems, Shakespeare, even children's stores. Anything that caught his interest, even a little bit, would be read by him.

Jaime, now in his third year of college, was on his way back from class, to read a manga that recently got translated.

But, before he could get his keys out of his pocket to unlock his car, he heard tires screeching.

The screeching of tires made him want to turn his back, but before he could, he felt a giant jolt go through his spine.

This giant jolt sent a shockwave up his back which then pinned him to his car.

Jaime could feel the blood in his mouth. It felt like liquid metal was overflowing from it, like a broken faucet.

He heard screaming and then the world went dark.

First chapter, pls correct me if anything feels awkard, but pls only give good suggestions. Please no negativity. Thank you for reading.

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