
Drunk on the highway

Jonah quickly went into his car after gulping the last beer in his hands, he told the others he had to leave so he could see his wife, it was already late at night, he threw himself inside the drivers sit and closed the door forcefully, for a moment he looked at the screen and everything appeared blurry, he immediately wiped the front glass and managed to rub his eyes with his hands and started his engine, he geared up his car and zoomed off.

Jonah's wife just put to bed and he was out celebrating with his friends in a bar downtown. Jonah who appeared to have drank a lot was speeding on the highway, his phone started ringing but Jonah didn't bother to pick it up for some reasons, he looked at his phone for a second and it was his wife, Jonah quickly picked it, Mary asked him in a scared voice, honey where are you it's almost mid night and you are yet to come back, baby I'm almost home so please don't worry about me and go to bed okay, Jonah replied and tossed the phone aside so he can focus on the road.

Jonah drove past a police car with an alarming speed and was immediately chased after by the cops who thinks he isn't supposed to be driving that fast on a highway. Jonah could see through his side mirror that he was been chased by a police car but instead of stopping he geared up the more.

For a moment the alcohol got to him, he could barely see but he knew he wasn't ready to stop so instead of hitting the brakes he increased his speed, while the police was still on his trail trying to make him pull over, Jonah wasn't going to stop suddenly he loosed control and ran into a fruit shop, he highlighted from his car seeing what he have done and tried to run away, not knowing what he have really done he started running but couldn't go too far before he was caught by the police.

Unknown to Jonah he have caused the death of the owner of the fruit shop who happened to have forgotten his car key inside the shop and when he went to get it met his death because of him

Jonah was tried in court and was charged to court and was given twenty five years in prison, he can only see his loving wife and beautiful kid through a prison glass and could only talk to his friends through a telephone for a rather bitter and regretful twenty five years.

Moral lessons

Always do the right thing at the right time and not otherwise and don't always over do anything.