

Daichi, a high school student and popular manga writer, was declared dead just 5 minutes after his birth. However, he suddenly came back to life. His grandfather, believing him to be a monster, insisted that his father separate him. To avoid any commotion, his father purchased an apartment in Tokyo and decided to send Daichi there, where no one would know about his abilities. Daichi's parents also moved there with him. When Daichi turned 15, his parents died in a road accident, and Daichi was also present. But thanks to his abilities, he survived. His uncle then took responsibility for his living expenses. Over time, it became clear to Daichi that he isn't normal. Now, it's up to him whether he'll use his abilities as a blessing to help others or as a curse to bring sadness upon them.

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10 Chs

It's been 4 years

Daichi bids farewell to Polka's lifeless form.Suddenly, Daichi's phone rings as he stands on the roof of a building, interrupting his thoughts after four long years. He glances at his phone, seeing a call from one of his recent manga fans. Amidst reminiscing about his past and reflecting on Polka's memory, Daichi also contemplates the reasons behind his regrettable act of ending Toya's life, despite Toya's inherent goodness. His phone continues to ring, and he answers to find Kaori on the other end."Sup!" he greets."Good. You, Daichi?" Kaori responds."Good.""When will you come back to Japan?" Kaori inquires."It'll take some time," Daichi replies, his target now within his scope. "I'll call you later."With a single shot, the target falls, a headshot confirming its demise. Daichi swiftly packs away his sniper rifle and retreats from his vantage point. He contacts the agency responsible for his employment."Hello," he greets."It's me, Dailen," Daichi announces, using his work alias."Your call indicates the job's completion, correct?" the agency confirms."Indeed," Daichi confirms."You'll receive your payment within the next six hours," the agency assures.Daichi ends the call and dials Kaori's number again."Well, I was in the middle of my job," he explains."I know. But, you should consider another profession," Kaori suggests firmly."But it's the only thing I'm good at..." Daichi begins."Just shut up!" Kaori interrupts.After a brief silence, Kaori expresses her concern."It worries me, you know," she admits."Alrighty. Don't cry, okay?" Daichi responds, attempting to reassure her."Yes," Kaori confirms, wiping away her tears.They hang up, and Daichi gazes at the engagement ring on his finger, a reminder of his recent marriage to Kaori. He resolves to return to her and cherish their bond as his only family and beloved wife. Yet, he remains haunted by the question of why he ended Toya's life, despite Toya's inherent goodness.Daichi's involvement in sniping persists solely due to his dealer's promise of revealing more about his past with each successfully completed mission. As he contemplates Kaori once more, Daichi reaches out to his dealer."Hello. It's Dailen," he announces."Ready to take another job?" the dealer inquires."Um, no. I believe my efficiency is gradually diminishing with the frequency of missions," Daichi admits. "I need some days off.""I understand. You'll have three days off then. Make the most of this opportunity," the dealer grants.Daichi's face lights up with relief, but suddenly, his vision blurs. He collapses to his knees, unable to move or speak, forced to endure the unfolding events in silence.

Why can't Daichi regenerate? Isn't he supposed to be immortal?

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