
Writer's Whim and The Fate Of Fei Yin

Imagine a story completely at the mercy of an inexperienced writer's whim. Successful stories on the contrary require great devotion to the work- Countless hours spent on planning, designing, outlining, researching, revision, and the like. But what if the story written is written by the spur of the moment? Countless questions arose in my head. Will the story make sense? Will the story progress far? Will the story even have an end? Imagine a story that could possibly accomplish the above. A story born on a whim, the spur of the moment. -TOTALLY RANDOM Every chapter, phrase, prose, dialogues, conversation, sentence, paragraph, and all that is in this novel, at the mercy of my fingertips. A story without any foundation, outline, and not even a single f- that is given. Totally random. Imagine that all this time I'm f-cking with you and here you are still reading. Now let's see how far we can make it in the story: The fate of Fei Yin. I don't even f-cking know what to write for chapter one but I just have that -MAGIC! A f-kng impulse to write random sh-t. Well, Fei Yin, good luck my character, born out of a whim. If you read this, you won't even be disappointed, because there's nothing to EXPECT! HAHAHAHAHA No consequences, No Guilt, No commitment. Just a random novel by yours truly. ArdentIgn

ArdentIgn · Action
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The Chapter One


The sound of a fist whistled as it traveled in the air and directly towards Fei Yin's face. It was a quick right hook that he failed to block.

The punch sent Fei Yin's head leaning backwards as he took three steps backward, leaving him stunned for a second. Covered in bruises, blood trickling from his nose, this young boy had a strong fortitude of mind and body. Despite receiving the blow directly into his face, he remained standing.

Fei Yin spontaneously lifted his fist adjacent to his face, taking on a boxing stance. He silently panted as he tried to control his breathing more steadily.

His heart was racing and a blaze was flickering within his eyes. He could feel the thrill, fear, and exhilaration.

Dou Jin, his foe, didn't look great as well. He didn't expect Fei Yin to be so vigorous and strong-willed. He took a quick glance, looking at his lackeys unconsciously laying on the ground.

"This fucker won't fall down..." Jin thought to himself as he sweated profusely from exhaustion. "Not only that, he still has energy to continue. He took five of them. This is nothing! This is just luck!"

"Dou Jin, did you really think I'd allow you to leave unscathed after harassing sister Ro Nanxi?" Yin angrily exclaimed.

Fifteen minutes ago before the brawl started, Fei Yin was walking around looking for a ramen shop only to find out his friend was being harassed in a small alley just beside. After seeing the abhorrent situation, Yin couldn't take it in and walked silently on the first lackey before abruptly grabbing the lackey's shoulder, pulling him in an instant, and delivering a knocking blow directly into the lackey's face.

Ro Nanxi ran after Fei Yin saved him from the situation, a young beautiful girl just about Fei Yin's age. She has long and silky black hair, cascading like a veil of darkness. Her skin is as beautiful as a jade while her figure was like a doll. She doesn't have that "kind" of features yet but her appearance alone can melt the hearts of youthful men.

Which clearly enticed Dou Jin to grab her and forcefully touch her in areas forbidden.

"Damn you, Fei Yin. Damn you!" Jin roared as he pounced towards Yin.

Jin is a handsome young man, if not for his despicable personality, could've gotten all the women he wanted.

But appearance is nothing. As all appearances are meaningless before Fei Yin, who values morality and value more than anything.

His belief for what is right and what is wrong has forged this young child to often engage in fights. And in return, he was able to withstand blows and injuries that aren't life threatening.

Dou Jin threw a quick right jab to Yin's face in which Yin's palm easily tapped Jin's fist and threw a counter jab towards Jin's stomach.

Jin's eyes widened as the blow connected.

Jin gritted his teeth and threw two consecutive punches. Yin raised both his fists, receiving the punches. Although Yin blocked Jin's punches, the force colliding in receiving Jin's punch with the back of his palm still managed to injure Yin. The punch pushed Yin's blocking arms to his face, delivering a collateral impact.

"I can't lose consciousness! I- I can't!" Yin was already exhausted, he had just taken care of five guys, and those four managed to bruise Yin and exhaust him of his energy.

"I can't! I can't! I can't!" Yin was again momentarily stunned, it was due to the exhaustion and his mind and body reaching the limit.

Dou Jin mercilessly continued to throw punches, Yin continued to receive those punches with his arms protecting his head. One punch managed to pass through Yin's defences and struck his left ear and temple.

Suddenly in that moment, Yin's mind went blank, his ears ringing from the blow. Dou Jin sneeringly rejoiced as he managed to sneak a punch in Yin's defences.

Just as Yin was falling backwards to the ground, he suddenly lifted his right foot. Delivering a direct kick towards Dou Jin's chin, who was grinning. Just as Yin was about to hit the ground, he threw his hands backwards, receiving the ground with his palm, and did a flip.

Yin stood there while Dou Jin fell to the ground unconsciously, his nose bleeding, and his two front teeth broken. A loud thud could be heard as Jin's back crashed to the earth.

Ro Nanxi, who was hiding behind a post, immediately ran back to Fei Yin. She saw everything and it was a memorable day for her. It was traumatic yet the outcome of the scene was exhilarating. Her heart was thrilled!

"Fei Yin! Thank you! Thank you!" She hugged Fei Yin from behind, expecting a response yet there wasn't.

"Fei Yin?"


Fei Yin was standing unconscious.

Inside Fei Yin's mind, his thoughts continued to rattle.

"I can't fall unconscious! I can't..." He seems to be adamant. Only when he realized he could no longer feel his extremities nor his eyelids, he began to ponder; "Am I unconscious already?"

Fei Yin felt like he was drifting in an empty space. He could feel his self, no, he could sense his self. A plane of consciousness surrounds him.


A sharp cacophonic sound resonated within his mind and in an instant his conscious vision was overwhelmed by extreme light!

He awakens, panickingly arose from the comfy bed he had been laying hours ago. Yin didn't know that Ro Nanxi went to get some help and luckily there was an elder nearby who heard her calls. The elder immediately helped Yin, carried him behind her back, and delivered him to the nearest medical facility.

"Where am I?!" He anxiously roamed his eyes around.

In his peripheral, the space the room had was small, only a bed, a small table and stool beside the bed, and a half meter of space before the door. There was a window beside Yin, he took the chance to look outside and found out it was night time. He grabbed his head when a sudden surge of pain mental assaulted him.

"You should be resting. Please lay back down." A woman spoke out of the blue and startled Fei Yin. "You're a feisty one. I don't know how you're still managed to be awake when you suffered a very heavy concussion." Fei Yin stared at the woman curiously.

"Oh, those gang of scoundrels are also in the same state as you. However, I'm really surprised you managed to wake up. Their beat up but not as beaten up as you." She sat on the stool and began unpacking certain herbs. She began to prepare an herbal medicine and when Fei Yin noticed it, he finally laid back and closed his eyes.

"Everything hurts." Fei Yin uttered.

"Open your mouth, drink this. This should help you recover your health. For the time being, you should stay here. The young girl-" Before she could finish, Fei Yin said: "How is Ro Nanxi? Is she alright? For a young girl to be treated that way, it can have a life-lasting effect on here well-being."

The woman raised her brow as if she was astonished by Fei Yin's personality. She smiled gently and a soft chuckle left her lips.

"She was here a quarter minutes ago. She stayed until her mother came to pick her up. She told me everything with tears in her eyes. But she seems more worried than traumatic."

"I see."

The woman wanted to ask him why he went to lengths for someone he's not even related with and only acquainted? Her questions were immediately answered when Fei Yin spoke.

"You see I had a younger sister before and our uncle took us in when we were kids when our parents died in a mission. She was treated poorly and abused by our uncle. Our uncle died years ago but the trauma stayed with her to the point she no longer could endure it." The woman actively listened and Fei Yin continued: "When I woke up one day, she was no longer by my side. I don't know if she's alive or not. I felt guilty and that I was responsible for why she experienced such a trauma. I wasn't able to protect her and so she left."

The woman's heart felt like it was in shallow water. She felt empathic towards Fei Yin and understood why he behaved that way.

"Anyway, thanks for taking care of me again, Elder Sister Yoqi Ling."

"This is your thirty-fifth time here, younger brother Fei. It's probably time for you to join a sect and learn a cultivation technique so that you won't end up again like this."

Just as medical nurse Yoqi Ling finished her words, Fei Yin lost consciousness again. He returned to the plane of consciousness, floating. Hours already passed but Fei Yin felt like it was minutes. The silence around him suddenly disappeared when a voice resonated within his head, reciting a cultivation technique!

Unknowingly, the technique is engraved into Fei Yin's soul! An energy began to envelope Fei Yin's subconscious amorphous body! The energy seems erratic... NO!

The energy is demonic!

Subconsciously, Fei Yin felt in danger! He felt like his life was hanging on a precipice, waiting to fall! He woke up within his plane of consciousness and began to fight the energy enveloping him!

"What the hell?!" He grunted inside his head.

His efforts to break free were reciprocated by a menacing laugh!

"I'll be in your care, Fei Yin! BWAHAHAHAHAHA!" The voice intensified and shook the plane of consciousness!

Fei Yin awoke again from his sleep! When touched his face, he noticed a devil's horn protruding from his forehead!


<The orb within Fei Yin that connects to all his mortal meridians awakens without help from a cultivator. Fei Yin awakens that night as a cultivator at Rin Accumulation Realm!>