
Chapter 22: A family that keeps together..

With great effort I pulled myself from my chair.

My legs were feeling a lot better. They did not burn or sting anymore. After a few lightheaded steps, I felt confident enough to get going.

If I stay still for a while longer, I will fall asleep again. Dya started on the dishes and Slaido left sluggishly to feed the pony's.

Valaea gestured at me to follow her.

We left the barracks into the central plaza. It was a very basic arrangement. Most of it was made up of a sandbox for drilling and training exercises.

The captain leaned over to me, doing her best to whisper:

''Are you and the Princess..''

She looks exactly like her sister Val, although her eyes were a more blueish shade of purple than those of Val. I will have to figure that out when they are in the same room, some day.

Val had a sharper face than her sister, which gave her a more mature appearance. Other than that, exactly the same.

Getting flashbacks from this morning, I got really close to Valaea and told her:

''No, we are not fucking. I want to fuck her, she wants it too, really bad. We almost did it last night, but I fell asleep.

And this morning your SISTER asked us the SAME. FUCKING. QUESTION!!!''

Valaea was now turning red, just as red as her hair. She started to mumble something before exhaling slowly.

''Right, thank you for this information Heiro.

Now, I don't mind if you two are intimate. But by law the two of you are pretty much brother and sister..

So, please don't go huggy-snuggy in public. It can get the two of you in trouble in the best case, and in the worst case it will cause a national scandal.

Please, Heiro, don't take this for granted.''

I looked her dead in the eyes, completely spacing out due to the medication and the revelation that for some reason I have a little sister who is also my girlfriend. Ah well, incest is wincest!

I nodded at Valaea, who appeared to be realizing that I was pretty much a human puppet right now.

''How much did you take from Slaido's medication?"

I measured with my fingers; half the bottle and a bit.

Valaea started to laugh and gave me a pat on the back.

''Well, I have found my new partyboy. I hope you have a strong liver, because that thing is going to do overtime today.''

I just smiled at her and went back inside. Valaea left to go help Slaido with the pony. I looked around to see if there were any other guards around.

There were none to be seen, maybe they were out on patrol?

Dya was just done with the dishes when I came in. I was looking for a towel to help her dry it off. But there was none to be seen in sight. Until I saw that Dya had a towel over her shoulder.

I walked toward her when she turned around. I looked at her, she was so beautiful. She looked away shyly. Feeling embarrased by this strange situation.

There was total silence for a few seconds. Until Dya started to blabber and stammer about a lot of things.

I had no interest in that Dender was afraid of the colour yellow. Or that she had Val dyed her hair and that the dye dissolves in salt water or blablabla.

I shoved the wet dishes aside and lifted Dya up and sat her down on the counter. Her dress was now completely drenched in dishwater. But I could not care less.

Dya tried to speak, but I shut her up with a passionate kiss. I was relieved that I was not a cheater, and that the Princess is really this pretty.

Frantically I started to unbutton her dress, searching for her bosom. She helped me out, looking around to make sure that the barracks were empty.

I found what I was searching for and started to suck on her hard, pink nipple. Dya let out a soft moan as she ran her nails slowly over my now stubbled scalp.

She smiled and said:

''I can get used to this, hihi.''

Her nails felt amazing on my hair and skin. I burried my face in her chest. Savouring the softness and warmth, accompanied by her faster beating heart.

Her heartbeat made me completely wild. I was running my hands up and down over her body, her sides, her legs, her breasts and her neck. She was as soft as silk.

I cannot fathom how I could have been so blind not to see what was in front of me. I sighed in relief as I kissed myself from her chest to her neck, after which I was welcomed by Dya's hungry lips.

Dya was giggling at my enthousiasm, feeling very much flattered by my affections.

''I thought you would be angry, Heiro.''

She was speaking the truth. I felt angry, but mostly just horny. So my anger had to wait.

My fingers grabbed Dya's soft well endowed rear end, and I found a lot of wet fabric.

Realizing that we can't go to the Town like this, we left the dishes to dry and left for the Changing Rooms.

Dya still had a spare dress, which she had borrowed from Valaea. It was a green dress, with red flowers embroilered on it.

I had to resist the urge to tear the dress from her body. But I had to calm down. Dya did not let me, though.

She sat down on my lap, wrapping her legs around my waist. I had nowhere to go; not that I wanted to.

The Princess breathed though her nose, and her cheeks were flushed.

''I still think about what we did this morning. It really turns me on. It was the first time like that for me. You really blew my mind.''

She leant over to me, closer and closer. I greeted her tongue with mine, and my hand was sneaking up her dress. I felt her panties, but I did not go for it.

We were not safe here; we needed a place more private. Dya was not amused by my sudden hesitance. And teased me a bit.

''What is the matter Heiro, you were not this insecure a few hours ago. Did Valaea ruin your mood, hihi?''.

With a deep sigh I admitted that Valaea had indeed ruined the mood; by telling me that we are brother and sister by law, and that we could get in big trouble if we were caught.

Dya just laughed about it. And hugged me, pressing her warm bosom against me.

''Heiro, if I am a Princess. And you are my brother by law, what does that make you by law.''

The medicine was starting to lose it's brain-draining effect, and I came to the realisation that I was indeed, by law, a prince.

I wiggled my ears a bit in my confusion. And Dya started to suck on my ear. It felt amazing, and I had to fight the urge to continue this scandalous activity of ours.

With great vigour I gave Dya a deep and passionate kiss, before lifting her up and putting her on her feet.

''If we do this the whole day, we will be late for everything.''

Dya pouted and looked at me endearingly. I suddenly got an idea.

I got down on my knees, and pulled Dya's panties down. She started to blush, until I had them in my hands.

With a quick sleight of hand the Royal panties I tucked into my front pocket of my vest.

I kissed the Princess on the lips, who could only gaze in bewilderment.

''Tonight, in my room. You will get them back, with interest.''