
Chapter 16: The opposite of eating.

''Wow!! I am completely stuffed. I really needed that.''

I burped loudly, for all the people in the Dining Hall to hear.

Aereis giggled and let out a small burp under her breath.

I loosened the belt around my weighted tunic a bit and slapped contently on my filled stomach. I wanted to savour the moment of saturation for a while.

Alas, the other side of my pie hole started to protest; I really needed to take a shit.

Aereis smiled at me and leaned over the table. She rested her bosom on the tabletop, revealing a hint of cleavage.

I looked at it for a second before looking away; I am a monogamous and loyal man.

Aereis was stroking her full belly under the table and whispered at me:

''My belly is so round now. People might thing I am pregnant.''

I was utterly shocked by this statement. I looked around me; nobody had heard her, I think. I awkwardly excuses myself.

Aereis grinned and said:

''The guys's bathroom is on the..''

I was running already and yelled before I left the Dining Hall:

''I know, I know! The last door on the LEFT!''

I raced through the hall, making sure that I went to the right bathroom on the left.

During my sprint I loosened my belt completely, entered the door without breaking it. And ceremoniously landed upon my marble throne.

My lower intestines growled at me, before I started to discharge what felt like a solid treetrunk from my rectum.

I was pushing and heaving loudly, clenching my stomach.

I was breathing heavily, trying my hardest to expel the solid slug which felt it was formed out of pig iron and cobblestones.

My fingers grabbed the toilet seat with as much force as I could possibly muster. My knuckles were turning white and the smell was horrible.

The whole bathroom now smelled absolutely disgusting; a combination of raw sewage and slaughtered cow.

Finally my guts were emptied out. And the feeling of discomfort subsided somewhat, making room for the sensation of utter bliss.

My hands released the seat and I collapsed on the toilet.

My legs were shaking from the amount of pressure they had to endure during this excremental exorism. I was starting to breath more steadily.

With great effort I worked up the courage to stand up. And gaze upon my unsavoury expulsion.

It was the biggest turd I had ever seen!

I was incabable of comprehending how my body was able to squeeze out such a beast like that without suffering permanent injury.

Although my anus was feeling sensitive, it was not painful. And I could stand normally.

Although my legs were still a bit wobbly and the most foul stench in the world made me feel dizzy.

I wiped my butt with the green toilet paper, which had the same velvetlike texture as the paper in the Girl's Bathroom. The only difference was that it did not smell like flowers.

Which wouldn't have mattered in any way; nothing was able to mask the scent of slaughterhouse on a hot summer's day.

While I was carefully wiping my tortured nether region, I discovered something strange. I was holding on to a long hair that clearly belonged to a female; it was a blonde hair.

A different kind of blonde than the strawberry blonde of the twins, and certainly nothing like the platinum blonde hair belonging to Asachico.

The fetid odour shook me out of my pondering and I threw the hair down the toilet.

I decided that it was time to flush my coal black abomination down the pipes. I wondered if it was the Dark Essence in my system that caused it to look that way.

Then again.. I also ate a lot of protein.

Not wanting to be exposed to the reeking smell any longer, I pressed down hard on the handle and the cleansing waters drew the vile horror down into the deep sewers.

With my head held high, I left the bathroom stand. I washed my hands with soap which had the strong smell of pomegranate.

It was a welcoming smell and it fought a hard battle against the cloud of putrification lingering in the Men's Bathroom.

Feeling a bit guilty for the person who would needed to use the bathroom after me. I opened up all the windows as far as I could before I left the bathroom to it's own devices.

After I left, I shut the door as tightly as I could, pulling on the handle until I heard it click.

I pushed against the door, making sure that nobody will have to be exposed to the evil smell now possessing the bathroom.

The door did not budge and I felt content about my preventive measures.

Feeling much better I looked around the hallway. The sun was shining through the leaded windows, filling the hall with a cacophony of colours.

I did not see Aereis anywhere. So I decided to stretch my legs, which were still a bit traumatised by their hard labour.

It was the first time I was outside of the palace. My eyes were gazing upon a wonderful and expansive garden.

There were flowers in every colour of the rainbow. Not a single weed or wild herb was in sight.

I strutted around a bit, doing my best to get used to the bright sunlight that shone upon me. In my moment of near blindness I bumped into a solid wall of meat and bones.

Startled, I recoiled and looked up.

In front of me was standing a man; and I don't mean a boy like Hyseau, nor the old servant who cleaned up our mess in the hall way.

No, this was an absolute unit of a man! The massive man was over 25 centimeters taller than I am, and his shoulders were broad like a brickhouse.

I could only stand and stare in awe while he affectionately rubbed my curly bush of hair with his big, rough manly hand.

''Open your eyes, kiddo. There are other people living on this planet you know.''

I stopped staring at the masculine presence in front of me. And stammered with an utterly immasculated voice that I was sorry.

I bowed before him, knowing that I was in the vicinity of a lifeform more manly that I could ever hope to be.

Knowing that bowing until he left was not an option, I looked him in the eyes; he had emerald green eyes, a tanned skin with a friendly smile and a big scar running down his face, accentuating his well formed cheekbones.

I could not utter a word. The wind was blowing, making his long brown hair flutter slightly. He had a moustache and a mullet. I felt like a piece of salt dissolving in a glass of water.

''My name.. is Heiro, sir.''

The giant man lifted me up with his muscular arms and hugged me tightly, making my bones and ribs crack in my body. He put me down on the ground and told me:

''My name is not of importance, but you may call me Camouflage.''