Born from blood and guts, given life when a human's is brutally reaped, wretches are nothing but filth and destined to die a pathetic death, befitting of the dirty little creatures they are. One of them however, born with strangely colored eyes and blessed with greater intellect, sought nothing more than destroy his fate and to desecrate the laws of nature that bound him. This wretch wished nothing more than to be an exception to the rule.
Clearly seeing a right hook coming his way, Jareld freed one of his hand from the handle of his mace, swinging it toward the attack and stopping the left hook that inevitably came soon after.
This time, he was clearly able to see the result of his blow, everything below the elbow was clearly blown away, utterly gone but the dreadful wound didn't deter the minister for even a moment, nor did he lose any of his momentum.
Uncaring about it all, he just moved closer and slammed his bloody stump in the silver knight's helm, covered in heavy armor and reinforced by the wondrous silver mana, he barely felt the hits and readily prepared to strike again.
The orc left fist was still caught in his grasp for now and it didn't appear Undying Prophet was in any rush to free himself either, instead keeping his offense like nothing else mattered.
The advisor knew that this certainly meant that it truly didn't matter, the orc wouldn't be in such a position if he was just a reckless fool, he had something that made any wound or lost limb nothing to worry about.
In fact, the forearm that had been blasted away was bleeding like crazy without ever stopping in either intensity or amount, despite that, he wasn't affected.
Swinging his mace toward the monster's neck, he squinted his eyes, analysed every single movement from the orc, his expression, his breathing, his mana flow...
Questions flowed through his mind constantly, such as, why hadn't he used his legs to attack yet? Why not free his left arm to attack with it as well?
Feeling a hunch, he seemingly went through with his attack but instead let go of his mace completely alongside the monster left fist at the very last moment, allowing him to step back as the orc's right arm grew back to a perfect condition in the blink of an eye.
'Not magic or an art...' thought the human, glancing to the side.
The blown up pieces of the orc's arm were still there, it had truly regenerated, however, it hadn't been as simple as it actually 'growing' back, his fingernails and the flesh right beneath the elbow reconstructed at the exact same instant.
The orc had tried to bait a strike at his poorly protected head and neck to try and disarm the knight from his main weapon.
He had seemingly achieved his purpose anyways.
"Impressive regeneration, didn't expect you to be this shrewd" commented Jareld, making a curious movement with his right hand as he spoke, his index and middle finger stretched out and stuck to one another while the rest were clenched.
"You're one to talk" responded the orc, right before the mace came flying back, going right through his whole head, leaving a headless body behind, but a body that remained standing an moving.
The sound of metal falling to the ground was heard as the rings decorating his beard were left without support.
Jareld caught the mace with one hand and unsheathed his sword with the other, rapidly sending forth slashes of silver adorned with dull gold to slice apart the minister.
Undying Prophet bent his knees and launched himself up in the air as his head instantly reappeared, the fact that even his beard and the rings were included didn't escape the captain of the knights.
'That is no regeneration' that much was clear, he didn't even ponder over the fact that having his brain splattered didn't even stop him from moving for a second.
Jareld sent another slash before sheathing the blade away and moving to meet the orc in his charge.
Axiolypito yawned after a while, the fight had been quite eventful at the start but the two warriors had quickly exhausted any surprise move they had access to, after showing his strange regeneration, Undying Prophet wasn't able to do anything too crazy with it anymore.
Jareld could already guess and foresee its applications and didn't fall for any tricks.
As for the knight's aces, they were also quickly seen through.
His battle art to call back his weapons could only work once, his silver mana was still magic at the end of the day, it could be sensed and evaded with ease, not that it was really necessary, the orc had demonstrated what could only be referred as immortality.
Whether his brain was destroyed, his heart crushed or if he was split in half, he always regenerated within moments to perfection, clothes and other accessories included.
Neither of the two men had infinite stamina however, they were still going strong but some signs didn't lie.
It wasn't like they had been going at it for long at all, it wasn't a fight between two sturdy novices, it hadn't even been five minutes yet.
Axio wasn't bored because it was lengthy, his own fights were nearly always atrociously long, since he spent his time chipping away at his enemies while looking from afar.
It was because they were both significantly slower than him, he had since long grown a perception befitting of his speed, so to him, it looked like they were fighting underwater.
Feeling like it was nearing its completion as the orc's veins protruded from his body and his muscles bulged, he moved much faster than before, the bones in his legs breaking apart from the increased pressure on them, his flesh ruptured and bled, but was constantly brought back to top condition.
Jareld threw his mace at the orc's legs, forcing him to slow down to leap over it, allowing him to get a hold of his sword and shield.
Undying Prophet figured that Jareld was going to move on to focus on defense and try to recover some stamina but his belief was thrown down the gutter as the knight freaking threw it too while the orc was stil airborn, cleaving him in half at the waist.
His upper half stumbled forward after having his momentum cut as his guts and organs came flying out, he saw Jareld swinging his sword at his face and rather than using his hands, he opened his maw wide and chomped down on the sword.
He didn't regenerated his lower half and instead focusing on his jaw and teeth, breaking the sword and grabbing a hold of the knight's wrists.
Not managing to break them, only bending the armor.
Finally regenerating his legs, he struck one of Jareld knees.
At the same time, the silver knights headbutted the orc, stabbing the pointy protrusion of his helm right through his nose.
With a roar, Undying Prophet, pulled his head back and responded in kind, getting stabbed in the face again but getting Jareld to stumbled back.
Throwing the knight's arms away and leaving him wide open, the orc put his all in his right arm, striking at the human's heart.
Despite using all of his strength in a perfect blow, the orc wasn't able to puncture the chestplate while it was being reinforced by Jareld hefty silver mana.
It wasn't needed however, the blow had been strong and caved the armor in deeply, the blunt force had gone through all of the protection and made Jareld's heart explode from the force.
It might have seemed like a close fight, but Axio knew that it never was, Undying Prophet was true to his name, he never was in danger.
'Four more to go...'