
Wrestling Royalty

A steamy story of a goth bad-girl turned princess, Bella is the out-of-control royal who has a love for rock music, skateboarding, and pro wrestling. When she meets her favorite wrestling icon, Jett Flynn, the strict laws of Mecca island threaten to rip the relationship apart. Jett must find a loophole in royal law to keep her out of an arranged marriage. Yet, nothing is as it seems when a dreams fade into reality.

LorettaKAuthor · Urban
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68 Chs

Chapter 6

As the group from XFW entered the main hall, the guys couldn't deny it honored them to be a part of this. They entered the foyer, looking in awe at the massive castle. Jett particularly loved medieval history, and as much as he protested, he was going to enjoy it. People were bustling around the halls, decorating for the coronation, and Scarlett's eyes were wide with excitement.

"Wow. Noah, look at the crest over the entryway. Isn't this place fantastic?"

Noah put his arm around his girlfriend's waist. "Sure is. I can't wait to explore. My queen is in an actual castle. Right where she belongs."

"Aww. You're so sweet," she said, hugging him from the side.

Scarlett's younger brother, Scotty, pretended to gag. "Gross. You two make me sick."

Mason nudged his son. "Be nice to your sister. No arguing when we are here. Understand?"

Scotty rolled his eyes. "Yes, sir."

The duchess entered the hall with a welcoming smile. "Lovely, you're early. Welcome to Mecca castle. We can get straight to going over the royal rules and formalities. The princess would like to have you join her for lunch later this afternoon. All right, let's head to show you your rooms. We can go over the rules of the week after you're settled in." The duchess turned on her heels to lead them upstairs.

It thrilled Scarlett entering her grand guest bedroom, the place was enormous and perfectly royal. She unpacked while taking in the beauty of it all. She smoothed her hand over the embroidery on the pillowcases, admiring the hand-stitched royal crest. As she began putting away her bags, someone quietly entered the room. Scarlett turned, seeing Bella smiling at her.

"You came!" The girls rushed into a big hug. "I can't be gone long. I'm supposed to be in the restroom. I had a quick break from princess training, so I wanted to come to say hi. I just wanted to let you know that I am glad you are here. I have to be very careful to be very formal in the castle. Especially when we have a guest. My great uncle will flip his lid if I'm not on my best behavior. The king can be a little old-fashioned. But I'm not snubbing you. I promise. I set some time aside to hang out with you all. I don't have any friends here. So talking to normal people is a good thing, and you're so nice."

"I understand. I really want to be friends. I would love to visit you again sometime."

"Really? I would love that. We can exchange phone numbers so we can keep in touch. I didn't really have a lot of friends back home. I was sort of a loner."

"I will see you at lunch, right?"

"Yep. I'm excited to meet the rest of the Rebels of Destruction. I have a girls' night planned for us and Halie tonight. We can meet in my chambers and watch movies or something. A pajama party would be fun. I'm so sick of being all prissy and want to just be a normal girl for once."

"A normal girl with a crown and palace."

They giggled as Bella headed to the door. "That's true. Okay, Scarlett. I have to get back. See you soon."


Bella snuck back to her training in the ballroom, tucking her skateboard behind a plant so the duchess wouldn't see she had been riding it.

She was learning the official Mecca Island waltz. It seemed that all of the European royals had once had some sort of recency dance traditions. Bella hoped she wouldn't be forced to dance that with an old man from Parliament at the coronation ball or an expected suiter who they expected her to have a relationship with. There was already a discussion of her being single and needing to carry on the royal bloodline.

"Ugg. William. I keep stepping on you. I'm sorry."

"May I show you?" A smiling Duchess Cora stood in the doorway watching her progress.

"Couldn't hurt. I stink at this. Worse than stink. I royally suck."

The duchess grunted, "Grammar, Miss Bella."

"Yes. Ma'am." She stepped back from William.

The duchess went over to dance with William, and the man looked at her like she was the most beautiful woman in the world. "May I have this dance, Duchess?"

She bowed and started to dance. "See Bella. Grace. Keep your head up. Shoulders square and let him lead you."

Bella sighed at the cute couple. It was clear there was something there between them, but they tried very hard to hide it. "Can't I just ride in on my skateboard and do an ollie and a kickflip? That would blow their royal minds. It would be epic!"

In unison, the older couple said, "No!"

"Oh. Poo. Fine. I'm going to go change for lunch. I'm starving." Bella smiled, watching how they were just focused on each other, knowing how much the two cared for one other. The couple continued dancing as Bella quietly left the room. "Old people are so cute."

She heard the duchess voice carry down the hall. "I heard that!"

Bella giggled. She couldn't get by with anything when Cora was around.