
Wrestling Royalty

A steamy story of a goth bad-girl turned princess, Bella is the out-of-control royal who has a love for rock music, skateboarding, and pro wrestling. When she meets her favorite wrestling icon, Jett Flynn, the strict laws of Mecca island threaten to rip the relationship apart. Jett must find a loophole in royal law to keep her out of an arranged marriage. Yet, nothing is as it seems when a dreams fade into reality.

LorettaKAuthor · Urban
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68 Chs

Chapter 11

(Knock, knock, knock!)

The sudden rapping at the door made the couple jump to attention. Whispering, Bella sat up, holding on to Jett's leg behind her. "Oh no. If I'm caught..."

"Shh... don't move," he whispered in her ear. Yelling to the person at the door, "Who is it?"

"It's Scarlett. Have you seen Bella? The Duchess and guards are looking for her. She's not in her quarters."

"Shit... hide," Jett whispered, pulling the princess to her feet. He pulled his clothes on before heading to the door. "Give me a second. I'm in my boxers."

Bella grabbed her clothes and ran for the adjoining bathroom. Once he saw she was inside, Jett went to answer the door swinging it open quickly, annoyed at the interruption. "What? I haven't seen her. She was out at the courtyard earlier. Go check there."

Scarlett peeked around him into the room. "You sure? Ace said he thought he saw her come this way."

"No. Are you saying I'm hiding something? Come on in and check. I've been trying to get some sleep."

Scarlett didn't seem to believe him. "Why are you all sweaty?"

"Upset stomach. Guess this European food has been rough on me."

"I guess that makes sense. You are a health food nut and things you're not used to can do that. Do you need anything?"

"I'll be fine. I just need some rest."

"Okay, if you see her..." Scarlett looked past him again.

"I'll call. She's probably gone for a walk or something. She's under a lot of pressure right now."

"Okay well, get some rest. See ya in the morning."

Jett nodded as she turned on her heels. Scarlett left, and he closed the door behind him, letting out a relieved breath, and quickly went to find Bella.

"It's safe now. You can come out."

"I should go. I'm so sorry," she sighed with a kiss on his cheek.

Jett pulled her closer, kissing her tenderly. "Don't be sorry, sweetheart. This was my idea. Tomorrow. Can you get away for a while?"

"Noon, after my studies and lunchtime. Meet me at the horse stables."


Bella nodded as she head to the door. "Good night, lover," Bella said, rushing out, careful not to be seen.

At the castle courtyard, the shortest route back to the princess quarters, she heard a voice. Turning on her heels, she came face to face with the duchess. "Arabella! Where have you been? The entire castle is looking for you. Why are you all flush? Oh no. Is something wrong? Are you sick?"

"No. I'm fine. I went for a run. I couldn't sleep. I'm nervous about the coronation, I guess." She hoped it was convincing enough.

The duchess narrowed her brows as if she wasn't believing this story for a second. "Hmm? Very well, then. Next time tell the guards where you're going so no one worries. Up to bed with you. Early morning lessons. It's your last big practice for the coronation."

"Yes, ma'am," Bella smiled with a nod and rushed to her room.

She had dodged a bullet. If anyone found out about her little affair, the king may demand her guest to leave the castle. She didn't think she could bear it if that was to happen. She was already head over heels for Jett and they barely knew each other. She hadn't ever believed in love at first sight before... until now.


The next morning, Bella and Jett did their best to pretend as if nothing happened the night before. At breakfast, Scarlett couldn't help but notice the two every-so-often exchanging glances at each other. She knew Jett was up to something. She had known him for far too long to not see something was up.

After lunch, Bella told William she was going for a ride on her horse, to have some time to herself. It was nothing out of the ordinary for her to ride alone around castle grounds. She was independent and liked time alone.

Jett stood in the stables, petting a horse while waiting for her.

"You came."

"I'm sorry for keeping you waiting."

He looked over his shoulder, seeing Bella in a pretty powder blue vintage style sundress. He smiled to himself at the absurdity of dressing up for the occasion.

"Do you always dress up to ride horses?" Jett smirked, walking over to kiss her hand.

"Yes, I am a royal. Sidesaddle, usually. My grandfather taught me. I rather ride bareback, to be honest. They are faster and free to run that way. I'm very high society now, you know." She motioned jokingly with a snooty playful expression. "You look nice. Slacks and a polo shirt. Isn't that a tad swanky for mister jeans and t-shirt? It's sort of weird not seeing you in black or a leather jacket."

"Yeah. Mason wanted us to be presentable for the weekend. I wear stuff like this a lot, actually. The other guys hate it, but I like to look nice. You look beautiful, by the way. I want to apologize for last night. I was too forward. I didn't want to pressure you. I don't know what has gotten into me lately? I never act like this," Jett said as he shuffled his feet over the dirt floor of the stall.

"It was both of us. We got a little carried away. Do you want to stop meeting with me?" She hoped that was not the case. Jett was everything she liked in a guy. Part bad boy, part charming.

"No way. I need to see you. You're like a drug, my little rock princess." Jett winked at her.

Bella blushed and headed to her horse's stall, patting the horse's head as she entered. "Come on, ya big flirt. Let's ride and get away from the castle for a bit. Ozzy could use a run through the pastures. That way we can be alone too. I told William I am going for a ride and not expect me back for a while."

Once saddled, Jett got on the horse, pulling Bella up in front of him. They rode awhile through the countryside, just taking in the view of flowers that were now in bloom. In a clearing where a large tree stood in the center of the meadow, they stopped for a break.

Jett helped her off the horse and Bella tied it up Ozzy near a stream that flowed nearby. They went to the tree where a large low-hanging branch was perfect to support them comfortably together.

Finally, they were alone.