
Wrath Unmasked

Xendrada, a vast land that is filled with magic and the unknown in equal measure, is home to the ten thousand mortal realms. Under the watchful eyes of the Gods and Goddesses, the world marches ever forward. Kingdoms rising and falling in the endless cycle. In the fifth cycle, the world faces an old enemy capable of catastrophic destruction. Demons, traitors, and mortals alike scrabble to use this divine power for their own gains. Now it is up to the Thousand Mask to save their world from perishing in the hands of another once again. ___ Disclaimer You will also be able to find this story on multiple sites such as Wattpad under the name Kimarirose. We will also be posting on Royalroads as well, under the hand of my co-author. We will be posting two chapters every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. https://www.royalroad.com/profile/263726/fictions ---

KimariRose · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Endangered Servants

"We are here." The rabbit girl whispered as she came to a sudden halt. She was unearthly silent as she stared at the tall man, waiting for his instructions.

Galliard looked around confused, not seeing a soul in sight, his brother however was not so easily deceived. Waving his hand he unveiled the hidden creatures, shocking many of them, he looked on unimpressed as a good number of them pointed short spears at him. Their bodies trembling in fear at the unknown threat. With another wave of his hand, their spears turned to dust and floated away in the wind.

"Who is the one in command of you lesser beings?" Wrath's voice boomed through the forest, his normally rumbling voice amplified even further with magical power, "Come forth now..."

An old and greying man made his way towards the Lord, his head high but his body trembling as he strode forward on shaking legs.

"I am he." The old man said in a voice that one would consider being strong but sounded like that of a child next to the Lord of the Thousand. "Whom, may I ask, is wishing to speak to me?"

"Your new Lord." He stated leaving no room for argument, the rabbit people gasp in horror but say nothing else. "I am aware that you are in danger of eradication, if you wish to live you will pledge your lives to me as my servants."

"If not I will leave you here and you will be picked off like the prey that you are."

"Even when he is being helpful he's still a cunt…" His brother murmured behind him snorting.

"Grandpa this is a generous offer, we will not survive out here on our own." The young girl that brought them here spoke up confidently. "The werewolves will soon find a way to get into the forest and finish us off." Her voice hitched with the fear she felt for her people. "They are strong, even the young one defeated the acid beast on his own, we will be safe with them."

Wrath lets out a slight cough to cover up the laugh that almost slipped past his lips at the girl calling his brother strong. Galliard glared at the back of his Lord brother's head knowing exactly why he had done it.

"Why do you wish to help the likes of us?" The elder questioned with his head bowed respectfully.

"I do not." Wrath said bluntly, not bothering to fake any interest. "I need servants and you need a safe place to live, there is nothing more to it."

"Besides, your kind is good at only one thing, breeding." Wrath stated pointedly, the rabbit people shared glances at his words, knowing what he would say next. "You have up to seven kids a litter and only need three months to give birth which gives me more of you under my rule to utilise."

It was not unheard of for their kind to be used as breeding harlots in the human Kingdoms. Even if they were just as mortal as each other, the humans saw the halfbreed races as less than, often seeing them as no more than delicacies for their carnal desires. Sold and auctioned off like cattle, all Beastkin Make sure to avoid the human towns lest they end up like the others.

Though they need not worry about that with Lord Wrath, in truth. The Lord looked down on the lesser races, as most Blessed did, but he was also a pragmatic man. These Rabbitkin could be useful and he was not one to waste a resource. If that meant keeping them unchained then so be it.

"Can I have just a moment to talk to my people about your generous offer?" The man urged, if he were to stay, death would be inevitable, but to put his people in the care of an unknown man with unknown motives could be far worse. "This is, after all, a big decision." After all, to agree to be his subordinates would be to take a leap of faith, either ending in the safety of his people or their demise.

"Death should be sufficient enough motivation," Wrath pointed out to the elder amused at his hesitance. "I will allow you to converse with them, do not delay me, as I am far from patient." He waved the lesser being away, chuckling darkly when the ears of the elder flinched at the motion.

The old man bowed his head in thanks and shifted his eyes to the girl beside them "Regan, come here little one." He ordered his grandchild, she nodded her head and shuffled her way towards her grandfather.

The two returned to their kinsman, whispering in hushed tones amongst themselves. They probably did not realize that the Blessed had hearing that was just as good as their own.

"Thank you, brother." Galliard beamed up at the man as the rabbits huddled together. "I know you did not have to do this."

"It would have taken too long to create golems to do what they can do." Wrath replied dryly, not looking at his youngest sibling.

Galliard nodded with a smile not commenting that he had seen him create dozens of golems with just a snap of his fingers in the past. He knew that Wrath was only bothering with them due to his meddling, had he been alone, the girl would have been laughed out of the clearing where they met. As the seconds turned to minutes Wrath began to tap his foot against the ground, bored. The sound of the armored boots made as he shifted caused a few of the Rabbitkin to look up at him warily.

Sensing the lord's impatience, the whispers came faster now, spurred on by the perceived deadline. Four hundred eyes gazed at them in trepidation, their elder moving forward once again on slightly less shaky legs towards the lord. There was no reason for him to speak his answer since the lord already heard what they would choose but he allowed him to continue.

"We would like to accept my Lord." The oldest member of the tribe declared, "We pledge ourselves and our lives to serve you and your people."

"Good." Wrath replied, looking over their number before teleporting them back to the castle with no warning.

Having never traveled through teleportation before, the rabbit people screamed in fright at the sudden change. A few of them doubled over, releasing the contents of their stomachs. More still looked around at their new location in awe, making the Lord roll his eyes at the mortals.

Members of the mask materialized in front of them the very second they had appeared in the courtyard, the sentinels bowing slightly to their Lord. Syrin was among them, as was Lord Commander Rizal, the only two not bowing in his presence. Lady Wrath's eyebrow rose in question, not voicing her thoughts for the moment, the woman feeling the annoyance bleeding off of her husband through their bond.

"Listen well and spread the word," Wrath spoke to the sentinels, trying his best to keep the exasperation out of his voice and failing miserably. "These creatures are now under my protection and the protection of the clans.'"

"They will work and train here under the watchful eye of my beloved." Wrath said, leaving no room for questions. "They are here to take the place of the servants of the clan while you ready for the upcoming battle."

The Lord of Wrath looked around at the faces of his people. "Through his actions, the King has called for war, so it is a war that we will rain down upon him." Wrath spoke, his voice was cold with the promise of death. "Show them to their chambers and I expect all of you to be training come the rising of Xal."

He walked off leaving his subordinates behind to do as he commended. Syrin followed behind him at a swift pace, he could feel the curiosity through the bond, though it was somewhat obvious even without it. Walking only a few steps behind him, she kept silent, her gaze boring into the back of his skull.

"Speak your mind." Wrath offered his wife as they made their way towards the royal Spellsmith's forge.

"I am just curious as to why you have offered such weak creatures protection in our home," The woman spoke genuinely confused at his actions. "That is, so to say, not something I would expect of you."

"Blame your infuriating brother." He responded with disdain, more so in himself for bending to his wishes than to his youngest kin for having them. Being around the boy was making him weak, something he could not afford to happen. "Had I not done so I would not have heard the end of it." He shrugged, not feeling the need to speak more on the subject.

Pointedly ignoring his wife's smile as they entered the arcane forge of the master smith Hunter. The young blacksmith, busy at work, did not even bother looking up from what he was doing when he heard them enter.

His ash-blond hair was matted to his head from the hours of sweat from the day's work. His forest green eyes were intensely locked onto the work of art he was creating. His chiseled jaw clenched in concentration. Beads of sweat dripped down his neck and into his clothing as his hammer rose and fell once, twice, thrice before he laid it flat to acknowledge his visitors with a flick of a finger putting what looked to be the blade of a glave in a time dilation spell.

"Brother!" Hunter stood as he spoke and clasped the other man's hand in a firm grip grinning, "How long has it been since we have seen each other?"

"About five years or so, by my measure, not that you notice anything outside of your Spellforge." Wrath scoffed at him, clasping the other man on the shoulder.

Hunter sniggered at his friend's words smiling at the familiar banter. His eyes soon turned to his Lord's other half, however, who had been watching them from the door.

"And this must be the new Lady Wrath!" Taking her hand, he kisses it lightly. "My apologies for missing the uniting of the two clans, I was here doing the brooding Lord's will."

"Watch where you put those lips brother, you best not be thinking about stealing my beautiful Lady Wrath," Wrath's mirth soothed his formally agitated state, seeing his long-time friend always helped to put him in a joyous mood. "We both know how much of an Incubus you can be." His words made booming laughter spill from the other man.

"I would never think of doing such a thing," He leaned forward to not so silently whisper to his ruler. "You would have my head, and balls, on a pike before the thought could even cross my mind!"

Hunter elbowed his friend playfully, making Wrath grumble something under his breath. Hunter always had been more on the carefree side, ever looking to create and jest rather than fight. Mayhaps that had been the reason the man had left the Black Blades in the first place.

"Plus it has always been a dream of mine to see what you are like with children of your own, those poor souls."

"It would seem I have lofty expectations to live up to." The Lady of Wrath mused, "Perhaps we should start with a dozen and go from there?" She giggled as her Lord husband choked on air at the thought of a dozen little ones.

"Are you positive that you are not half Rabbit yourself?" The man muttered under his breath running a hand over his vambraces idly.

The Lady of Wrath and Spellsmith beamed at each other at his evident discomfort. They were both enjoying it more than he would have preferred. Suddenly the blacksmith's mood changed to somber as he looked at his friend with eyes filled with sorrow.

"I heard about the former Lord Love's betrayal." He started, licking his dry lips, "To think he would do that to us when we have fought countless battles together, side by side."

He paused momentarily before he growled out, his fist slamming into the wall of the forge in rage. The stone cracked at the impact despite the runes flaring to protect it from harm. Breathing deeply, the man centred himself, reigning in his anger enough to speak once again. Hunter looked at his friend, the disgust in his eyes bare for all to see.

"The number of times we have saved his life," Fuming silently he clenches his fist tightly in anger at the lord-turned-traitor. "The back-stabbing cunt..."

"I know, brother." Lord Wrath rested a calming hand on his shoulder in support. "We shall not dwell on the past but prepare for the future and what is to come." He nodded as the Spellsmith's hand released.

"What will you need of me, my Lord Wrath?" The man bowed at the knee, awaiting the orders of his Lord.