
Wrath Unmasked

Xendrada, a vast land that is filled with magic and the unknown in equal measure, is home to the ten thousand mortal realms. Under the watchful eyes of the Gods and Goddesses, the world marches ever forward. Kingdoms rising and falling in the endless cycle. In the fifth cycle, the world faces an old enemy capable of catastrophic destruction. Demons, traitors, and mortals alike scrabble to use this divine power for their own gains. Now it is up to the Thousand Mask to save their world from perishing in the hands of another once again. ___ Disclaimer You will also be able to find this story on multiple sites such as Wattpad under the name Kimarirose. We will also be posting on Royalroads as well, under the hand of my co-author. We will be posting two chapters every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. https://www.royalroad.com/profile/263726/fictions ---

KimariRose · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Battle Plans

In the conference room, Lord and Lady Wrath stood side by side. Where the Lady of Wrath was the picture of calm calculation, the Lord of Wrath stood arms folded tense as he considered the large map on the table before him. The Map of Xandria was painstakingly painted with the finest of detail.

"We need to prepare for what's to come," He growled out, pausing to steady his voice, "We now know through my sister that the Red King, now a known collaborator of the Fang Brotherhood, is advancing and taking over more territory in the western continent of Shevara." A red crown appeared on the map, representing the said king, on the eastern side of the continent. A cloud of dark red smoke slowly consumed the land under his reign, inching into different territories. On the southern continent, Creonix, the glowing orange phoenix of the Ember Region appeared in the northern reaches of the Phoenix domain.

Usually, Wrath could care less about the war raging in the west, after all, the dealing of lesser beings was not his concern unless he was hired to intervene. If it were not for the fact that this upstart king had been the cause of his father's untimely death, he would have let it pass without a second glance. Now, however, he wanted revenge, and he was going to do that by destroying everything this human held dear.

"How do you suggest we proceed, my Lord?" Lord Gruesome, the father of Galliard's magic instructor and the most talented battlemage in all the clans spoke after a moment.

"We need to utilize all the specialties of the clans, we will need every advantage we can get against the Fang," The High Lord drummed his fingers against the table for a moment, his drake scale gauntlets clicking against the wood. "Lord Gruesome, work with Master Hunter in the Spellforges and enchant every black blade's weapon to work for their handler and their handler alone," He paused for a moment considering his following words, "Use blood magic if you have to, we do not want the enemies getting a hold of them, anyone that attempts it should die in agony."

There was apprehension in the man's posture for but a moment, before he nodded, acknowledging the task he's been given without a word.

Blood magic was not for the weak, even more so for the blessed, whose blood was far more potent than most. It could drive even the most experienced mage to insanity if misused. The man understood his lord's desires, however, after all, this was a time of brewing war. The Red King seemed determined to eliminate the Masks and destroy everything their ancestors had built, for they both would take the greatest of risks when necessary.

"Every clan will fight, in one way or another, the Black Blades of each clan shall have their training doubled and the Sentinels will be bolstered." Lady Wrath hummed at this, placing a finger to her lips in thought.

"We will train all, the young included, If worse comes to worst they must protect themselves," She voiced her own thoughts on the matter, "Perhaps it is time to expand our efforts in the training regiments as well?"

The lords nod along in agreement at this sentiment, the increased numbers of green recruits being trained would lead to more warriors for the imminent war.

"I have recently brought in aides for this purpose to the capital, I will send someone to gather more of their people," Lord Wrath spoke, after a moment, referencing the Rabbitkin. "They will deal with maintaining the keeps and family homes so we can utilize the Battlemaids as instructors and warriors."

"They will be training under myself and my personal retainers before they are sent to the other clans for their first assignments," Syrin spoke after a moment. "I will also be sending healers to teach them the art, so as to prolong the lives of the lesser beings in service to the clans," She giggles slightly behind her fan, her eyes turning upwards from an unseen smile. "After all, they do not possess the blessings of the divine as we do."

"Some of the mages of Lust will work with the cooks to develop a pill that will give one the satisfaction of having a full meal." Lady Lust added to the sentiment, getting raised brows around the table.

"For what reason, we have more than enough resources to feed the mortals in our employ, do we not?" Lord Sadness, normally quiet and soft-spoken, inquired to the older noble. "Not to mention we already have such an item for our troops when necessary, do you seek to improve them?" He asked, glancing at the ancient woman from beneath his hood.

"Oh it is not for us young man," She tittered, ignoring the annoyed look she received from the two-hundred-year-old warrior, folding one leg over the other, "It is for those silly little mortals that want to overthrow the Kingdom of Orvivia, we should give them aid in even this small of a way if they are to succeed." She began listing possible ingredients under her breath, rattling off several valuable substances for the pill.

"Just ensure you do not stray from your other duties in your desire to use the mortals to test your creations." Lord Wrath spoke dryly, not accepting her intentions in the slightest.

"She is not incorrect about one thing, however," Lady Kindness spoke in her Lady's defense, not unusual of the woman's most trusted vassal, "The rebellion does not stand much of a chance against the might of the Red King, or his forces, as they are now." She shuddered lightly when the High Lord of the one thousand turned his gaze on her for a moment. Slumping in relief when he instead chose to address the Lady of Lust instead.

"Lady Lust, you will proceed with the plan, however, you will also be directing your vassals to keep an eye on these rebels," The high lord nodded to his former instructor tossing a rolled parchment to her before continuing. "I want to know how much use they can be to us."

"We need as much poison as we can get our hands on, that will be your assignment, Lord Fear, call in all the alchemists under you and get to work," He murmured to himself before speaking again, "The more potent the poisons the better, I need efficient deaths, not agonizing torture that takes weeks to see results." The Lord of Fear, a short man with a scar marring his face from the last war against the Fang Brotherhood, nodded slowly, clearly lost in thought.

"The assassins and hunters from all the clans must return immediately. I have very special plans for them." Syrin spoke up beside her husband, the glee evident in her voice, even as she tried to hide her enthusiasm.

"Once those who are not essential to their positions have returned to their clans they will have their skills tested, we will not have the travesty of the second fang war happen again." Lord Wrath made a point to lock eyes with the Lady of Lust, the normally flippant and vocal woman flinching under the implication of her Ruler's words.

"Once I get word back from the spies trailing the rebellion that Lady Lust will be assigning I will approach them with the offer," Wrath tore his eyes from his mentor after a moment, "We will lend them a hand in completing their goal, if they are worth the effort, or at least of being suitable fodder," He sighed, running a gauntleted hand through his dark hair, "I will speak with the leader of this fledgling rebellion if they prove themselves at least competent, but we will not be joining their forces openly," He paused for a moment to let that sink in. "I do not wish for the Crimson Throne, once this is all over this rebellion can piece together what's left of their Kingdom."

"That is all for today, go back and prepare for what is to come." The Lord of Wrath spoke to dismiss them."You will be called back here when I am in need of you once again"

With their lord's dismissal, the rulers teleported out one by one, eager to proceed with the preparations for the war effort.

"Galliard's training will be intensified starting today onwards." Wrath spoke to the Amazon who stood in the shadows of the room without turning to look at her. "Do not go soft on him, break every bone in his body if you have to, he needs to be ready."

"Yes, Master." She bowed to her lord and vanished once again.


Tara sighed and shook her head in disappointment as she stood with her boot on the young Prince's throat.

"You are aware that none of the Sentinels watching respects you," Tara shook her head once again. "Even the children of the training regiments think of you as pathetic."

Galliard flinched at the girl's words, for they stung far more than any strike she had landed till now. The prince tried to respond, but the words came out as a gargle. The blood from his crushed throat stopped the words from reaching the open air. Hands scratched weakly at the boot on his throat, wishing he could use his magic to dislodge the girl. Sadly, that would go against the rules set by his tutor, he'd have put her through the ceiling by now otherwise.

"You are not fit to be the Prince of Wrath, let alone all the clans." Tara looked down at the boy in disgust.

"Enough!" Ashlin frowned at the girl's actions, making the younger Blessed jump at the sudden sound of the Amazon's voice.

"What, I have not said anything that has yet to be spoken!" The youngest in the room declared hotly. "Do not my words ring true, who could look upon him and think otherwise?" She gestured down to the older boy, a look of destain on her face.

"It is your duty to train with the Prince, but do not think you have earned the place to disrespect a member of the main family," The woman glared at the servant of Wrath for a moment, making the younger girl flinch. "Take leave child, I expect to see you back here with a different attitude." The intensity of the woman's gaze picked the girl apart. "Let me hear word of you talking in such a way to the Lordling again, and you will answer to me."

Tara removed her foot from the prince with a scowl and stormed off in a huff. The Amazon, still frowning, walked over and helped him to his feet. Lifting him, armor and all, with a single hand before setting him down upright.

He pats himself rapidly, his hands beating a thick layer of dirt away, "I did not need your help, I could have defended myself." He snapped, turning away from her so his pained face could not be seen. "I am not a child, I do not need you to protect me."

She does not react for a moment, simply staring at her charge's back. Instead of responding to his claim she walked over to the weapon rack and took out two sharpened swords. Galliard turned around at the sound of the swords being removed from the racks, forced to catch one when she flung it at him hilt first.

She raised her newly acquired blade and charged at a speed no mortal would be able to see. Galliard brought his weapon up just in time to stop the attack and even then it was just barely. Teeth rattled and bones shook at the incredible impact. Honestly, he was proud to even have retained hold of his weapon.

"Concentrate on your defense," His instructor ordered as blow after blow rained down on him with earth-shattering strength, "You want to show everyone that you are worthy, so prove it." Her strikes were hammering into him faster and faster, his hands bloody from the grip he had to maintain just to keep his weapon.

"If you want them to respect you then you must earn that respect," A thunderous sound echoed through the training grounds as his sword struggled to keep the Amazonian at bay."You want the world to tremble before you, then you better become strong enough to surpass them all."

She ended the speech with a blow so mighty that it shattered the blade and sliced right through his arm, the younger blessed gritting his teeth in pain. Falling to his knees, he gazed up at the warrior woman, even as the flesh began to steam and regrow from the strike.

"They have looked down on you for far too long," Ashlin said from above, as he forced himself to look up at her from his place on the ground. Looking as mighty as always, she placed her hand out for him to grab, Galliard hesitated slightly but in the end, he accepted.

"Show them the power that you wield," Pulling him to his feet once more she smiled, one so genuine and filled with true care for the boy, "Show them you are the Prince of Wrath."