
Wrath Of The Titan (Fairy tail)

The main character dies using a fragment of the soul of a God, taking with him the one who could possibly plunge the entire universe into chaos. Because of this, the God whose power he used notices him and sends him to another world in gratitude... The world of magic and magic... ------------------------------------------------------------------ https://tl.rulate.ru/book/43386 - Here in Russian

SomaDD · Anime & Comics
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61 Chs

Chapter 20. S-rank mission. Part 2. Demon?

- Do not listen to her, - the old man said with a heavy sigh, - She recently lost her daughter and has not yet recovered from it ...

- I am not crazy! - the woman shouted, looking at the old man with fury, - I saw this creature! Only for a second, but I saw him ... It was a demon, a real demon!

- Can you describe this creature? - during his life, Eros learned to understand whether a person was lying to him or not, and such ordinary people were the easiest to read, and looking into the face of this woman, he saw only real horror. This is simply impossible to fake, and Eros decided to believe her, perhaps she really saw a demon, or maybe this is just a figment of the imagination of an ordinary woman who has lost a child.

Startled, she looked at Gildarts, who also nodded.

- He was ... - the woman began to tremble, her eyes filled with fear, - He was at least two meters in size, completely black ... On his feet and hands there were four fingers with razor-sharp claws, - she sank into a chair, - He had six pairs of red eyes and a mouth full of sharp teeth.

- Demon huh? Gildarts said thoughtfully.

- Teacher, I believe her.

- If so, then we still need to walk around the city, - a grin appeared on the face of the senior magician, - Today this same demon should attack us, let's look at him closely.

- Thank you for the information, you helped us a lot.

The woman looked at the boy in surprise.

- Let's go Eros, today we will have a sleepless night.

- Wait, gentlemen magicians, - exclaimed the surprised Elder, - Do not believe that crazy woman.

- Whom to believe, we will decide for ourselves, so step aside.

The old man had no choice but to get out of the way and look sadly in the direction of the departing magicians.

- I hope you can help our city… - the elder whispered softly.

After leaving the tavern, both magicians split up and began to wander around the city, questioning people about the loss. Basically, everyone actively collaborated and told everything they knew, but the magicians did not find out anything new. Only that before them there were three groups of magicians who came to the city, but all three disappeared right from the hotel the next day. And nobody saw anything.

When it got dark, both magicians entered the nearest park. And if they are attacked so as not to harm anyone and not destroy anything.

- What do you think? Gildarts asked, looking at the beauty of the stars.

- The Elder is dark, - said Eros thoughtfully, - The woman did not lie, the elder did not lie when he asked for help, as well as about the Duke that he threatened, this is also true.

- You voiced my thoughts, I also think that he is not saying something.

- So, it remains only to wait for the attack, only in this way we can understand more.

- Yes, - after a moment Gildarts sharply grabbed his stomach, - Apparently, I ate something wrong, - his face twisted in pain, - Still, we shouldn't have entered that restaurant ...

- I told you, - said Eros with boredom, - you yourself wanted to save money, and went to the cheapest one.

- I'll leave for fifteen minutes, don't go anywhere!

And without waiting for an answer, he abruptly galloped under the nearest bushes.

- We have a kind of serious investigation here ... - Eros said wearily sighing, looking around, - Still, I want to see this demon live ... paw and what surprised the titan most of all, he simply could not escape, and when he was about to use magic, everything suddenly darkened before his eyes.

- Wuh, - Gildarts stretched out with relief, - I thought I would die, - he looked in surprise at the place where Eros was sitting, - Eros, where are you? Now there is no time for games, come on out! Eros! - The next moment his gaze filled with steel, - Come out, you think I will not notice you.

There was silence for a couple of seconds, until a two-meter creature jumped from the tree, exactly as that woman described.

- I didn't lie, handsome man, - Gildarts's gaze moved to the opposite side, where another of the same creature crawled out, - And he brought his brother, - with every second more creatures appeared in front of the magician, - There are many of you, - he held out with slight annoyance magician, throwing off his cloak with his right hand.

The monsters growled at Gildarts, slowly approaching him.

- Hey, what are you hiding? - the magician exclaimed reproachfully, looking at a tree in the center of the park, on which stood the same creature, but with a slight difference, its fur was red, - Apparently you are the leader, - powerful pressure emanated from the creature, much superior to that of the black ones.

One of the monsters ran abruptly at Gildarts, but before reaching a meter, he was torn to pieces. The rest, who were about to rush in the same way, froze sharply, and the wool stood on end.

- Weak, - the wizard stretched out with a grin, - Come down, these I can destroy with my eyes closed, - in the next moment, pressure descended on the clearing, of such force that it simply nailed all the dark monsters to the ground, - Or should I come myself?


- My little head, - Eros stretched out with a groan, opening his eyes, - Someone turn on the light and give him a drink, - they gave him a mug, which he quickly emptied and returned back without hesitation, - Thank you ... - he froze sharply, looking in front of him ...

The eyes quickly got used to the darkness and Eros saw in front of him a girl of about fifteen, with long brown hair, brown eyes and a calm smile. She was wearing a white jacket and a long gray skirt.

- Not at all, - she removed the cup and gave a tray with some white slurry and a piece of bread, - This is your portion, eat.

- How long have I been here? - feeling his stomach rumble, he very much regretted that he had not eaten in that restaurant ... Although remembering how Gildarts went ...

- A couple of hours, but for sure, I'm sorry I don't know.

- Nothing, thanks ... - Eros thoughtfully peered into the girl's face, forcing that to become covered with a blush, - And we have not met anywhere, do you know your face?

She shook her head.

- Yes ... - the next moment, it suddenly dawned on him and he took out a thick stack of leaflets and quickly began leafing through them until he got to a certain one, - Are you Julia?

- Yes, how do you know?

- Well, actually, I'm a magician and came with my mentor to this city to investigate the disappearance of children, - after his words, the girl looked at him in surprise and sighed sadly.

- You found us, but ... - she pointed to the right, and looking there, he saw another cage in which there were five boys and one girl, a little further from this cage, there was another one and there were also children in it, there was another one nearby, then again and again, - Not everything is here, because every week, these creatures take away one of us, and he never comes back.

- Joo, stop talking to him, because he'll be next anyway, there's no need to help him, - a guy of about sixteen came out from behind Julia, with short red hair, a big nose and blue eyes. He was wearing black trousers of cheap material, a matching shirt, and a sleeveless, button-down leather jacket over it.

- Gary! Do not say that! - jumping up, with anger exclaimed the girl - Why am I next?

- If you are really a magician, which I doubt, then they will take you next, - the guy chuckled, - After all, you are not the first magician here, there were already ten people before you, and as soon as they were brought here, they were taken one by one until they run out , - he with a sigh, sat down in the corner, - And you are a very unlucky guy.

- Why?

"Today is that day," the guy shuddered when a head with six eyes and a mouth filled with sharp teeth peeped into the room.

Eros also saw this creature, and raising his hand to the level of his face, he showed her the middle finger. Of course, it is unlikely that it will understand the whole sacred meaning of this gesture.

- Is there a lot of these damn things? - studying this monster, asked Eros.

- Several dozen, - he embarrassedly scratched his cheek, - So the magicians told before you, they said that they were surrounded by several dozen such monsters.

- I see, thanks for the information, - "Now it remains to wait for Gildarts to come and I hope he will be there soon. I myself can easily escape from here, but I can hardly take the children and protect them from all these creatures. "


Examining the carcasses of the fallen creatures, Gildarts only sighed and shook his head.

- You are not demons, but ordinary monsters, but I have never seen such ... Where did you bastards come from? - Throwing the last red into the common hill, his hand lit up white and the monster carcasses disappeared the next moment, - I hope this fool is okay, - Gildarts's gaze was directed at a beautiful mansion three kilometers from the park, - I think it's worth visiting the Duke. - Why am I next?

- If you are really a magician, which I doubt, then they will take you next, - the guy chuckled, - After all, you are not the first magician here, there were already ten people before you, and as soon as they were brought here, they were taken one by one until they run out , - he with a sigh, sat down in the corner, - And you are a very unlucky guy.

- Why?

"Today is that day," the guy shuddered when a head with six eyes and a mouth filled with sharp teeth peeped into the room.

Eros also saw this creature, and raising his hand to the level of his face, he showed her the middle finger. Of course, it is unlikely that it will understand the whole sacred meaning of this gesture.

- Is there a lot of these damn things? - studying this monster, asked Eros.

- Several dozen, - he embarrassedly scratched his cheek, - So the magicians told before you, they said that they were surrounded by several dozen such monsters.

- I see, thanks for the information, - "Now it remains to wait for Gildarts to come and I hope he will be there soon. I myself can easily escape from here, but I can hardly take the children and protect them from all these creatures. "


Examining the carcasses of the fallen creatures, Gildarts only sighed and shook his head.

- You are not demons, but ordinary monsters, but I have never seen such ... Where did you bastards come from? - Throwing the last red into the common hill, his hand lit up white and the monster carcasses disappeared the next moment, - I hope this fool is okay, - Gildarts's gaze was directed at a beautiful mansion three kilometers from the park, - I think it's worth visiting the Duke. - Why am I next?

- If you are really a magician, which I doubt, then they will take you next, - the guy chuckled, - After all, you are not the first magician here, there were already ten people before you, and as soon as they were brought here, they were taken one by one until they run out , - he with a sigh, sat down in the corner, - And you are a very unlucky guy.

- Why?

- Today is that day, - the guy shuddered when a head with six eyes and a mouth filled with sharp teeth peeped into the room.

Eros also saw this creature, and raising his hand to the level of his face, he showed her the middle finger. Of course, it is unlikely that it will understand the whole sacred meaning of this gesture.

- Is there a lot of these damn things? - studying this monster, asked Eros.

- Several dozen, - he embarrassedly scratched his cheek, - So the magicians told before you, they said that they were surrounded by several dozen such monsters.

- I see, thanks for the information, - "Now it remains to wait for Gildarts to come and I hope he will be there soon. I myself can easily escape from here, but I can hardly take the children and protect them from all these creatures. "


Examining the carcasses of the fallen creatures, Gildarts only sighed and shook his head.

- You are not demons, but ordinary monsters, but I have never seen such ... Where did you bastards come from? - Throwing the last red into the common hill, his hand lit up white and the monster carcasses disappeared the next moment, - I hope this fool is okay, - Gildarts's gaze was directed at a beautiful mansion three kilometers from the park, - I think it's worth visiting the Duke.