
Wrath Of The Gods

Hiroshoki · Action
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9 Chs

The Message

Colien: (Wakes up and looks at a note left on her dresser) "Huh what's this? Seems like someone left a note." (Reads it) "No...This...Th...This is impossible." (She says nervously) "EVERYONE WAKE UP THERE'S SOMETHING BAD COMING!!!"

Leviathan: "Calm down everyone left it's just me what's going on what's coming?" (He says in confusion)

Colien: "Th..The...The Dominator." (As she says scared)

Levithan: (Starts shaking) "No that's not possibe we sealed him." (Also scared)

As Levithan and Colien looks panicked they sense a large amount of power something they have never felt before

Levithan and Colien: "What's that." (Shaken up even more)

Ark: (Training with dragon mode and demon eye) "Heh I've got much stronger than before even my magic power has greatly increased though I don't know by how much."

*It has increased by thirty times* (Huncho Notes)

Ark: "Damn do you think I can beat Colien now?"

Colien: "Ark did you feel that over whelming power."

Ark: "Oh sorry that was me still trying to gain control over my power." (Deactivates demon eye and dragon form)

Levithan: "Heh seems like you have gotten more stronger and powerful, let's fight."

While this is happening The Dominator the person they seem to have forgotten about is closer

Dominator: "Out of all the countless universes I've destroyed why does this one seem to amaze me the most I can't wait to see what warrior tries and stop me." (Vicious smile)

Minions: "Master we are approaching them."

Dominator: "Yes we are, we are indeed."

Dominator is stronger than all his commanders and minions

The amount of universes he has destroyed is unknown

Hiroshokicreators' thoughts