
Wrath of the dragon king volume 2: The final battle

Wrath of the dragon king volume 2: The final battle is the story about Lokai: The conqueror of worlds in his quest to acquire the last divine weapon while the god of storms comes back from the dead in a attempt to stop him.

Joseph_Mckee_1384 · Action
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13 Chs

Chapter 9: The quest for the spear of kings part 9

With the spell now activated Lokai and his army travel through the portal that exists right outside the temple ruins and they've now reached their destination safely without any problems at all however there's two guards standing in his path but he won't hesitate to eliminate them since they're just a minor annoyance that must be killed right away because they have the ability to grow larger during each passing hour until they get so tall that they'll become harder to destroy and that's why the warlord is going to handle this situation by himself since he also possesses the same power as them since he can become a colossus in terms of size with greater durability.