
Wrath of Perseus (Percy Jackson)

Percy wakes up after a small nap of 3000 years to find most of his friends dead, and the offer he had refused 3000 years prior had been forced upon him. 1000 Years Into Percy's Nap The gods fought a third great war against Tartarus. The heroes of the war grew up under the Stories of Perseus The Righteous and unknowingly channeled the power of Percy, who was already on his road to godhood. 2000 Years into Percy's Nap The Temple of Perseus was built by order of the gods to inspire loyalty into the hearts of demigods reminding them of his sacrifice. 2500 Years into Percy's Nap The world had been reset after the devastation of the rebellion of Ares and Hercules, along with most of the other minor gods. They ultimately lost their combined might was nothing against the other Olympians. Under the leadership of Clarssie, the minor Goddess of Carnage, the Ares cabin fought against their Father. _______________________________________________ This is a story to practice my writing skills for [Salthey: Sin of Wrath].

Fates_Writer · Fantasy
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6 Chs

The Council

Previously on Wrath of Perseus.

Alright, that's all, oh and Perseus, make your way to your temple in New Athens." Then they disappeared in puff of blue smoke replaced by My

Hellhound, who was now roughly the size of a large Tank and Blackjack.


Artemis P.O.V

We had been tracking a divine disturbance in this forest that had been growing. I had decided to take Thailia my lieutenant and my top 6 most elite hunters.

After some time, I felt the divine aura of the being, which confirms Athena's theory that it was a god, and from the feeling it gave off, it was a newly born God. it felt like waves but also the wild feeling of the forest and had an underlying danger

to it but also felt impowering.

I halted my hunters. "Wait, this is a god I will meet them," one of my Hunters protested. "But what if he is dangerous?" I responded."We can't know until I talk to him. Besides, we aren't in a position to turn down a god with this much potential, " I said slowly.

I walked up to see the god washing his face in a creek. From what I could make out, he had Black hair and a swimmers body and was wearing a pre-rebellion faded yellow shirt, which meant he was not a new god like I thought. unslinged my bow and knocked an arrow.

"Who are you?"

He looked up to see the golden eyes that had only ever belonged to one being Kronos.

Percy P.O.V

"Who are you?"

Startled, I looked up to see a girl around 16 with auburn hair and silver eyes with a knocked bow.

"Lady Artemis, it is me, Percy, you know the son of Poseidon I saved you from Under the sky?"

"Perseus died a long time ago. Besides, he was a mortal"

"Keyword Was," I sassed

"Watch it male before I rid you of what you males care so much about!"

"I am Percy. What do I have to do to prove it to you? "

"Summon Riptide"

I sighed and pulled out Riptide from my pants and uncapped it, and a three feet long leaf shaped blade made of bronze appeared.

I felt a tackle from behind "Percy" I looked over to see thalia hugging me until she broke away, and she started getting angry.

"Where were you for three thousand years, Hmm?"

she yelled

"Sleeping," I said sheepishly

"for three thousand years?" she yelled

"Yes," I said slowly.

I heard a voice from behind me. I turned around to face Artemis again.

"How did you survive?"

I explained what had happened after the battle and how I was poisoned, and Hynos saved me by putting me into a coma. I also explained how the poison killed my mortal side and how through the worship of Demigods, I became a God.

"What are you the god of?" Thaila asked

Moving my collar pompous like

"I am Perseus, the God of Time, Heroes, Waves, Combat, and The Wild"

"Well, that explains your Aura,"

"What Aura?" I asked her, raising my eyebrow

She shook her head like I was idiot, to be fair, I was, but I didn't understand why in this peculiar instance.

"All God and Goddess give off an Aura unique to them"

I tried to focus on her to feel the Aura she was talking about, and I felt it she gave an aura of the forest, and I imagined deer with silver antlers that represented perfectly what her Aura was like.

Opening my eyes and I could feel traces of Aura everywhere. "Wow!" Shaking her head,"did you just realize this.

"I'll have you know I've been aware as a god for less than a day,"

Artemis said "Allright girls, come out, he's safe."

six girls came from. different directions of the forest.

"Everyone meant Lord Perseus God of Time and Heroes"(gods in quick greeting only list their two strongest domains)

"Just Percy, everyone,"

the girls just ignored me and turned to Thaila.

"How do you know this male?"

"His name is Percy, and he's one of my favorite cousins."

"Alright, Thaila, take them to the wolf house and wait their until I come back, okay?"

Thailas demeanor changed instantly"Yes Lady Artemis,"

After they departed, Artemis turned towards me and stuck out her hand.

"I assume you don't know how to flash?"

"You'd be correct,"

"Then take my hand we are going to Olympus."

"Okay," Taking her hand, I felt myself burst into energy before being flung east. I looked over to see Artemis had a silver energy surrounding herself.

In 5.666 seconds, precisely we arrived at Olympus

council chamber, I noticed Ares's throne was removed, and in its stead a throne made of skulls and stygian Iron, which I assumed was Hades's I turned towards Artemis "Uncle Hades had Throne" she responded exasperated "Yes has had one for 500 years" She Knocked her bow and shot it at the ceiling and it exploded in a silver energy and shot into twelve directions which I guessed was where the other gods where.

I saw the Aura of Zeus appear with Hera and the other gods following suit.

"Daughter, why have you called this meeting? Have you found the disturbance?"

"Yes, It was as Athena thought a New God was created."

"Not born but created, and where is this new god?"

"Right here," pointing at me

"Perseus was poisoned, and Hynos put him to sleep, and with all of the worship, he's a now a god," she explained now sitting on her throne.

"Percy," a voice asked with wonder as I turned to my father, who was crying.

"Can't believe it's raining in the Council chambers dad," I said, a smile on my face as I hugged my crying father. As we broke off, I heard a voice behind me. I turned around to find Zeus with an ashamed grimace. "I'm sorry, Nephew, I should have been a better Uncle." Putting my hand on his shoulder, "It's okay, Drama Queen,"

"Hmm, you should treat your King with more respect raising his Thunder bolt he threw it. I closed my eyes, waiting for it before I heard a boisterous laugh come from in front of me. I opened my eyes to find Zeus slapping his knees in laughter. "And you call me drama queen."

"What are you the God of?" Athena asked

"Perseus The God of Time, Heroes, Waves, Combat, and The Wild at your Service," I stated theatrically, giving a deep bow to Athena

"Hmm..." My father said,"What father?"

"Well, you are with the fading of Triton, my eldest son, and henceforth my heir." How about "my sisters, are they not older than me?"

"That is not how it works for the seas, Percy."

"How come?"

"That is how Pontus wills it so"

"So what does that mean?"

"Nothing right now besides a Temple in Atlantis, and a Palace"

"Father, this brings up what I keep on saying you need an heir for Olympus."

"I am not having another son. I have seen what they can do. I got lucky with Jason, "

"Then how about a grandson?"

"From who" it looks like they have had this argument many times, but Zeus truly changed by the fact he didn't immediately shut her down.

"It can't be you, Athena it has to be born naturally and from two major gods to boot,"

Athena turned to Artemis, who, much like me, had only barely paid attention to the argument and asked, "What's your view of Perseus sister?"

Artemis barely said, "He's the only male god that I respect and trust,"

Athena faced her father. "Then how about Artemis and Perseus? They are both major gods and have the fatal flaw of Loyalty, meaning they will never betray their martial oaths"

"It has merit, Poseidon?"

By this time, I was checked out, and it turns out that sleeping on stone slab for about three thousand years is very tiring.

3rd person P.O.V

Poseidon turned to his sleeping son and had a look of contemplation on his face.

"Do you think it could help him heal?"

"I am not going to try and claim that to be the case, but I think personally that it could."

"Hmm...Yes, let's give them some time before the wedding though," Poseidon whispered into Zeus ear

"Okay, I'll announce it."Zeus stated

he walked up and stood in front of his throne

"All God's stand for the announcement"

a long snore intruputed Zeus he looked at the sleeping son of Poseidon

"Could someone wake up Perseus, please?"

Hestia gently shook him wake after some time and bribing of blue cookies he got up rubbing his eyes, and after he stood up.

"With the death of my traitorous son, Ares Olympus was left without an heir,"

Everyone followed along, nodding along

"So my daughter Athena came up with a plan, as all the Olympians know an heir of the Skies needs three things, one they need to be a direct descendent of the current King, two they need to be male, three their parents must be two major deities"

Zeus said in a calm voice before taking a deep breath before continuing.

"Athena Thought that if I had no more eligible sons, that it could instead be a grandson. However, there were no major gods that my daughters could marry."

Artemis had a look of concern on her face that made Zeus pause before continuing

"However, with Perseus back, we now have eligible major god. Henceforth, both me and Poseidon would like to announce the betrothal of Perseus, the God of Time and Heroes, and the Artemis Goddess of The Hunt and Childbirth

Silence blanketed the throne room until Athena began clapping, and slowly, Hesita followed with a polite clap with Zeus and Poseidon doing it, looking with a pleading look at their respective children.

Artemis P.O.V

And just like that, my world collapsed on itself. I thought that my world had ended. I was going to lose my hunt when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I opened my eyes to see the golden eyes of my now fiance he gave me a reassuring smile before

I heard a voice inside my head. 'Don't worry, I'm not going to let anything happen to the hunt, okay?'

I gave Him a small smile of thanks before he walked to the hearth and sat down, waiting for the applause to end.

Eventually, the applause ended, and my father spoke again."

"We'll have a celebration of Perseus return and the betrothal in three months' time until then Artemis and Perseus will live together and sleep in same bed but no funny business okay that's final?"

Perseus gave my father a smile. "Yes, Zeus."

"Meeting adjourned," my father said before disappearing with a flash of lightning.

Eventually, everyone left until only me and Perseus remained.

He walked up to smiling sheepishly

"So, I have two sacred animals, my Pegasus Blackjack and my Hellhound, Miss O'Leary,"

"Hmm... I assume you don't have a Palace"

"Not yet. My father's building one near New Athens it will he be ready in 6 months"

I sighed. "I guess we'll live with the hunt. I assume that won't be a problem."

"Shouldn't be reminds me of traveling the country on Quests. Oh, on another note, do you know what happened to my sister's descendents?"

"Yes infact she joined my hunt for a while until she left to be your priestess and her children followed suit"

"Thank you for caring for her while I wasn't their"

"your welcome"

I offered my hand to him to flash out he grabbed it softly and we left arrived at borders of my main camp.