
Wrapped in sins (18+)

+18 Erotic Short stories and One Shots From Literotica.com This is to satisfy the dark desires of the readers if you are into some Non-consensual/Reluctance!!! Reader discretion and awareness is highly advised: You've been warned prior to reading further! There'll be trigger warnings and tags above in the beginning! All rights belongs to the respective Writers!

Isinoften · General
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13 Chs

Persephone Pt 2

I found myself filling out my profile, just to test the functionality of course. I had a couple lingerie shots of my body that didn't have my head, all taken a year ago after I had finished running a half-marathon. My body was still very slender and I may have gained two or three pounds, but why not share myself at my peak? I also added one of my ass that I love. I took that shot looking back at a full length mirror and, with the angle caused by arching my back, my butt looked particularly nice and round.

I had to fill in my measurements, five foot eight inches tall and one hundred twenty five pounds, and the dreaded bra size question. I'm a B or a C cup depending on the bra, usually a C on most them. Given I'm fairly skinny, most guys think they look large on my frame and often guess I'm even a D cup! I went with C cup as my lingerie shot supported that and I didn't want to disappoint my... umm, rapist? Brunette hair and hazel eyes rounded out what felt like a police report on my description, the kind I might fill out after a real assault.

On to the fun stuff, my kinks and limits! They had some general questions, such as how rough you like sex, that required you to move a slider from "No Interest" to "Favorite", or any level in between. If you wanted more granularity, every major category had a bunch of optional subquestions for more detail (e.g. Spanking, Face Slapping, Being Spit On, Hair Pulling, Shoving, Physical Domination, Choking, etc.). To do a thorough job would take me an hour or more, so I wound up skipping most of the subquestions.

I was a little nervous publishing these kinks for the world, so I took a moderate approach and marked my preference in the middle for almost everything, which included the major categories Roughness, Humiliation, Bondage, Vaginal, Anal, Oral, Discipline, Toys, Fear, and Public Sex. After some consideration, I ticked up Vaginal to Favorite and bumped down Anal to Somewhat. I marked as favorite a lot of the rougher subquestions, like slapping and being spit on, and also gave high marks to being humiliated via name calling and other dirty talk. The complete list was giving me lots of naughty ideas and turning me on again.

Last thing to do was to write up my bio:

"Hi, I'm Curious Amanda. I'm a 27 year old trying Persephone to see how I like it. I have a lot of non-consensual fantasies that I'm curious about exploring, but am a little nervous. Hope to meet some fun partners soon!" A couple emojis balanced it out, a blushing face, covered eyes, and some hearts. There, kind of coy and innocent, but hopefully sexy enough to get someone interested in raping me. Did I just think that?

Okay, I was now published and available in their listings. My stomach churned. Then I realized I had another task still left, but the idea made my heart skip a beat. I went back to Big Dave's profile and eyed the red "Rape Me" button. With a gulp, I touched the screen and sent him my rape invitation. This was all just in the spirit of testing the app, mind you!

Well, it looked like I had really done it. Did Yasmin know I had sent him a request? I felt like a freaky slut already. Of course, I rationalized, I could always flirt with him via chat and ghost him, just like on Tinder. It's not like he was going to come kicking down the door right now and take me violently... although that was kind of a hot thought.

The vibrator flipped back on.

Time for one more orgasm before sleep it seemed...


The next day was torture.

I woke up full of regret, hoping last night had been a dream. To my horror, I had a bunch of notifications from Persephone of men that had found my new profile and liked it. "Savage Animal wants to Rape You." "Black Mamba wants to Rape You." "Ass Destroyer 35 wants to Rape You." The list streamed on-and-on, before I quickly disabled notifications lest any pop up during my work day.

It was flattering in a weird way that so many of these men, around twenty so far, were interested in fucking me in a very taboo roleplay. I mean, I guess it's like Tinder where a bunch of thirsty guys hit on you, but the level of violence my mind conjured up as I got each notification and imagined another man getting in line to take advantage of me was way beyond getting "liked" on Tinder!

I started to look at their profiles, but got really horny and realized I'd be late for work if this continued. So I forced myself to put down my phone, took a cold shower, and got ready for work instead. The entire morning I was in a weird state of arousal and very distracted in the office. I kept covertly checking Persephone to see who else had sent me a Rape request.

The one person that hadn't send me a request was Big Dave, and his lack of response was slowly killing me. Unless we matched, we couldn't chat. And without chatting, we couldn't set up something in person. And if we couldn't set up something in person, I couldn't get... raped?! How did I go from being appalled at Yasmin's app to now moping like a nervous teenager waiting for her crush to write her back? Was I that enamored of this guy as my potential "rapist" that I was getting depressed? I couldn't help but begin to wonder if I seriously was so ugly that he didn't even want to rape me, no strings attached. Where was my self-esteem!

Doubts persisted as the day wore on, and by the afternoon I was getting pissed. I was ready to delete the stupid app, and send a nasty note to Yasmin, when I saw a new message appear on the home page. I had a match, and could start a chat! Big Dave had decided I was worthy after all!

"Hey Amanda! Welcome to Persephone. Thanks for wanting me to rape you!" He added a smirk.

How the fuck do you respond to that? Technically he was accurate, but I blushed deeply as I sat in my cubicle. It took me five minutes of erasing and editing to tap my stupid reply back, and I still hated it.

"Oh hey! Yeah, I'm kind of new to this stuff."

"No worries. I like having fun with first timers. I loved your pics, your ass is amazing."

"Thanks, your cock looks great too." What the fuck was I typing?

"Thank you! So... what kind of fantasies do you want to explore?"

I squirmed in my seat, my breathing suddenly quick. I glanced around furtively to see if any of my co-workers were looking at me. I felt hot between my legs and realized that I'd need to change my underwear when I got home. This was all too much. I was a good girl and did NOT do things like this!

"Umm, I'm not sure. Is there something you recommend?"

Lame. Lame. Lame. Why was I even typing? I was supposed to close the app and delete it. And, if I wanted to go through with this, why didn't I tell him I wanted him to cuff me and stifle my cries of protest with his big cock! Or any of the hundreds of other acts that I'd been masturbating to for the last three nights!

"Sure. Well, for a person new to this kind of play, I recommend doing it at your place, so you feel safe."

"Ok." God I sounded like a zero personality wet blanket. I added quickly, "Yeah, I agree, my place would be a lot better for this. I'm nervous enough already!"

"If you like, we can play on your nervousness and uncertainty. I can come over, and then you can decide to back out, telling me you don't want to have sex. I will then make you fuck me anyway, whether you want to or not. And as rough and hard as we decide before hand."


I needed a new pair of underwear, right now. I glanced around at my unsuspecting co-workers. Could I make it to the bathroom and relieve the need emanating from the swampy, hot mess my sex had become? Having a guy take me as I protested that I didn't want to do it, that I wasn't a slut who would sleep with a stranger... that was exactly what I needed for a first time roleplay like this! I could extoll my virtue all night long as he helplessly made me cum over and over again.

"That sounds really hot, REALLY hot."

"Great. Well when do you want to meet?"

"I get home from work around six so anytime after that would work!"

"Haha, that's a bit short notice and I'm a busy tonight. Plus the app requires us to schedule meetings at least 24 hours in advance, for cooling off purposes."

My face flushed in embarrassment. How thirsty did I appear to him right now? I knew they made you wait to schedule, to make the encounters a bit more planned and less impromptu, but had totally forgotten in my enthusiasm to get this locked in. My desperate horniness had made my brain stop working!

"Oh, right. LOL. Well, any evening this week then..." I sent him a facepalm emoji.

He said he'd send me a "Rape Date" request later and signed off. I sat there and realized I was so frazzled that I was sweating and breathing hard. Had I really just had this conversation, about a guy coming over and pretending to rape me sometime later this week? What the fuck was wrong with me? What evil had Yasmin introduced into my life? I'd never even considered masturbating at work before, but I hurried off to the bathroom to give my tingling sex the attention it craved.

Deep down, I was worried that I was rapidly becoming exactly the kind of the slut I was ashamed to be.


The "Rape Date" request came through that afternoon for Thursday evening at eight o'clock. That was two long days away. I was in agony. Two more days and nights of anticipation. Work was going to be a disaster and the nights would only bring me partial release until the real thing happened. Why was Big Dave so fucking popular? Or was I just not worthy of him trying to fit me into his schedule earlier?

I was out shopping Wednesday evening at the grocery store, my tortured mind eying cucumbers and even eggplants with a critical eye, when he called. I'd forgotten, but he had sent a note saying he would give me a call the night before to discuss logistics.

"Dave? BIG Dave?" I said, my heart suddenly hammering. A mom shopping nearby, with her toddler bouncing in her shopping cart, eyed me suspiciously, probably wondering what kind of girl had a friend called "Big" Dave.

Dave didn't sound at all like I expected, but still very sexy and hot. I guess I was hoping for a deep, gruff voice, but Dave had a nice, mellow tone with a slight Southern California dialect to his expressions. He sounded like the kind of guy that would take me out to a dinner and make sweet love to me by candlelight, not rape me.

"Hey, I just wanted to go over everything, you know, logistics wise," he began, chuckling at my audible excitement. "And answer any questions. Hopefully you aren't getting cold feet! I'm really looking forward to tomorrow."

He was looking forward to tomorrow? He had no idea how I was feeling, I mean I was in a fucking grocery story and feeling hot between my legs just from talking with him! I assured him that I wasn't getting cold feet and was also looking forward to our 'date' tomorrow.

I saw the Mom eying me with a knowing gaze. I bet she wished she had a date with a guy that was nicknamed "Big". I glared at her.

"So first things first, where do I go?" he asked.

"Uhm, my apartment, right?" was my reply, wondering how stupid Big Dave might be.

"Yes, but I need your address!"

"Oh, RIGHT! Haha, you'd be wandering around knocking on strange doors otherwise, duh!" I answered, laughing externally while I died on the inside. I hurriedly gave him my address and made sure he got the apartment number right. It would be awkward if he mixed up the apartment as my new neighbor next door kind of resembled me, just with larger breasts.

"Great, and then, you know, I'll come over at eight as we agreed and we'll just play it like I suggested. Just act like you are having second thoughts, or whatever, and I'll take it from there. It'll be fun... and sexy."

I giggled nervously, blushing as I squeezed the cucumber I had picked out. Ten inches long and quite thick, what had my subconscious mind been thinking in choosing this one? I stared at it in admiration and then realized what I was doing in front of the other shoppers and hastily hid it behind my back. Hopefully that nosy mom hadn't noticed, although her smug grin hinted otherwise.

"I had some other questions about your kinks profile, just to make sure we are on the same page. I saw you marked Anal as a little lower than everything else?"

"Yeah, it's cool though. I mean, I didn't want to say I liked it too much, as I thought it would seem slutty, right? But I know guys like anal, so I figured if I put it as 'Somewhat' that the guys that really want it would ask, but not all would, and it would balance out as average, right?" I quickly answered. The mom had drifted closer and gave a little start when I said the word "slutty" and a sharp glance when I followed that with "anal". My rating methodology had seemed so clear at the time, but now as I tried to explain my logic it sounded a little bizarre and passive/aggressive. I had this strange urge to please my would be rapist and didn't want him to think I was some prude, so I continued. "I'll be ready for it, if you want it, that is. I mean, I like it, actually, with the right guy. Yes, please."

"Sure, that sounds great. Your ass looks amazing in your pictures so I'd definitely love to bury my cock in it," Dave answered casually. I squirmed and bit my tongue.

"I'm sure it would love being buried into, or whatever," I answered, glaring again at the Mom who was pretending to squeeze avocados while eavesdropping next to me. "You know what I mean."

"And I see you like a lot of the domination and humiliation kinks, which is great as I love those as well. Anything you are sensitive about? It sounds like I can manhandle you as much as I want, and treat you like a filthy whore? Ha ha."

"Yes, please, Ha ha," I answered a bit too quick quickly, then added a forced chuckle at the end. I didn't think his idea was funny at all, but was rather turned on right now imagining him slapping me around my apartment and fucking me silly. "Anything you want there. Look, you seem to know what you are doing, so just do what you want. I'm sure I'll like it!"

"Awesome! That's the best attitude. And if you don't like anything, you can give me your safeword. I always stay in roleplay unless I hear that safeword, it makes it more realistic and fun for both of us. So pick something you'll remember."

"Safeword? Right." My mind was struggling and the mom was giving me a disgusted look, like she'd finally certified that I was some sort of kinky slut by saying that word in public. She'd probably read Fifty Shades of Grey a dozen times and even watched the movie, so she considered herself an expert on deviant sexual behavior or something. Well, she shouldn't be offended if she was freaky enough to know what that word meant! I doubted I'd need to use one, but I struggled to think of something memorable. I looked around desperately, picked out a random fruit, and gave it to Dave as my safeword.

"Perfect. That won't be used accidentally! Any questions for me?" he asked.

"Uhm, what should I wear?" I said finally. It had been bothering me and I'd spent most of the prior night, when not using my vibrator, laying out various outfits. I had even been tempted to go shopping tonight for new lingerie. "Is there anything you like?"

"I'm not picky, but I always love skirts or dresses as they are easy to get off. Also, please wear underwear as I love seeing some sexy lingerie, and even like to keep a piece or two on when we fuck. Nothing too nice though, as things can get rough and I've torn clothing before by accident."

"Got it, I'll definitely wear some sexy underwear then!"

We hung up.

I gave a final glare to the horrified mom, tossed her my extra large cucumber, and said, "I won't be needing this anymore, but you look like you might." With a taunting lift of my eyebrows, I pushed my cart away quickly. I saw her catch the cucumber by reflex and drop it with a disgusted expression into her cart, as if she'd just contaminated herself with whatever filthy slut germs I carried!

"Don't touch that little Tommy!" I heard her cry out in fear.


Yasmin texted me the next afternoon.

"Hey Anna! Good luck tonight! I saw in the system that you have a rape date scheduled!" Lots of hot flame and thumbs up emojis followed, a couple kisses, and a smiling face.

So, she knew I was doing this. I had wondered how anonymous my profile was, but clearly she was able to track my activity with her admin powers. Shit. Part of me had hoped I could sneak in this one, itch scratching date, without Yasmin even knowing. How did I feel about a friend knowing I was signed up to be roughly fucked by a stranger pretending to rape me tonight, even if the friend had created this perverted service?

"Oh, yeah. Big Dave seemed pretty cool. I don't know, I may get second thoughts tonight."

"You will have a blast! Just do it!" More emojis. "Lunch tomorrow?"

I agreed, hopeful to beg her in person for her absolute discretion about my usage of her service, and we chose a restaurant a short drive away from my office.

I left work early, which was not a big deal as I couldn't focus on anything productive anyway. In an amazing display of self-control, I did not masturbate at all the prior night. As a result, I was so horny, distracted, and tightly wound all day that co-workers were asking me if I felt alright! I sped the entire way home, even running a red light by accident in my distraction. At this point, I knew I was delirious with anticipation and I wanted to get my "rape date" over with just to get this kinky shit out of my system and get back to normal! Why did Dave pick 8pm instead of 6pm? Argh!

Once home I cleaned my apartment thoroughly, again, and even took the extra step of moving easily breakable items from the coffee table and end tables. I didn't know what Dave planned, but thought it prudent to assume some collateral damage. Okay, maybe I was hoping he'd fuck me so hard that we'd be breaking shit!

I laid out a couple more outfits, showered, blew out my hair, wandered around my apartment naked, applied makeup, tried on various lingerie combinations, and otherwise kept myself nervously busy and slightly aroused. Worried about my promise of anal to Dave, I hadn't had any solid food all day, just soup, yogurt, and a smoothie, and my stomach rumbled hungrily.

Anal? That made me remember something. Fuck! I should have tried to stretch out my tight little asshole over the last couple days! That would have been very useful prep as I'm not really that experienced at butt stuff, except for one boyfriend that had loved to try to fuck me in what I considered my dirty hole, especially when I was drunk. In fact, that boyfriend had given me a small crystal ended buttplug as a gift to try and entice me to offer my ass up more. I hadn't used it in years and suddenly wondered where I had stashed it.

I started tearing through my drawers and bins, trying to find the missing buttplug, and at last discovered it in a shoebox along with some embarrassing other items, including an old vibrator, lube, padded handcuffs, a blindfold, a leash and collar, and a pair of nipple clamps. It was my little trove of forgotten kinky stuff that had been gathering dust, because well, I'm not that kinky really. The leash and collar had been a gag prop for a bachelorette party, that I recalled, but I couldn't even remember buying or using the other stuff, especially the nipple clamps!

I did a quick time check and was startled to discover that I only had around thirty minutes before Dave was supposed to arrive. Well, better late than never if my ass was going to get plundered as hard as he hinted it would be.

I went over to the bathroom and examined at my nude body critically in the mirror one last time. My natural breasts were nice and perky, certainly they looked medium-large sized as I had rated them, and had a nice pear shape. Sticking out, straight and hard, were fairly large nipples that always embarrassed me in cold weather, but my dark pink areola were quite small, which overall helped make my breasts look even bigger. My stomach was flat and although I always thought my hips were a tad wide, my slender thighs had a nice gap between them from that extra spacing.