
Wraith Macabre

Wraith Macabre, one of the best occult detectives in the business & the only son to Mother Earth. With nothing but his keen eye & the help of his trusted hell hound Hex, they sniff out the most recent strange goings on in London Town. But when truly sinister forces begin plaguing London, will Wraith and his friends be enough to protect their beloved city? Only the secret war for London’s soul will tell. Novel by: David Thomas Illustration by: Felix Setiawan

mangabigbang · Fantasy
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58 Chs

The Unknowns.

Me and the kid soon took to the streets with vengeance. He seemed like a natural. There wasn't a criminal or situation he couldn't handle. He danced along like an acrobat, laughing in the face of danger.

But on the other hand, he wasn't too reckless either. He was still as sharp as a cutthroat razor. With a cunning for battle that would make any general proud.

The press had nicknamed him the Fire Cracker. He had become the pin up for every teenage girl in London. There was hardly a week go by when there wasn't a picture of him in the press smiling as he stood over a bunch of battered crooks like Errol Flynn.

Then on a cold a dreary day in March, Ms Martini made a deadly comeback. She made no secret that with my blood she was able to make not superheroes but supervillains.

She'd had made four from near dead prisoners she had found all over Europe and had called them the Unknowns.

She showed them off by getting them to smash up Queen Park Rangers football ground.

Hundreds had gathered to see the strange sight. Four police officers were killed trying to stop them.

Her deadly team consisted of Jack Hammer, an oversized thug who could punch through steal. Phlegmonster, a hulking creature whose breath was poisonous. Lord Ha Ha, a suited trickster with a flair for bomb making. He got so carried away that he blew up two nearby warehouses and finally there was The Queen of Shadows. A cloaked figure with a guillotine sword.

The Chief did the only thing he could do and asked the prime minster to call out the army. It was a disaster though. Dozens were killed. The army, any army in fact, had never fought a supervillain group before.

Jack hammer threw their tanks like cardboard boxes. While The Queen of Shadows mowed them down like grass. Phlegmonster spat at the jet fighters overhead. While Lord Ha ha just sat back and screamed with insane laughter then decided to join the fight by throwing dozens of handmade grenades at anything that moved.

Ms Martini demanded to have air time. She was given 6pm on the BBC that very night.

"I want, only want one thing from you London, only one. I want Darknight. Or we will level London."

The Chief called an emergency meeting for the army and police, as well as me and Firefly. We all crammed into the room that was last used by Winston Churchill in World War 2. There was still a poster on the wall saying loose lips sinks ships.

The kid spoke up like he was Churchill. "We have to kill them."

"I'll pretend I didn't hear that." Said the Chief.

"No, he's right." Said Major McClure. "I've lost dozens of men today. Hell, Chief Inspector you lost four men yourself. We have to kill them. The first rule of war when faced with an unknown enemy is to wipe them off the face of the earth."

The Chief gave a grunt and shook his head. "So, we become like them now do we. The first sign of pressure and we buckled and fall down to their murderous level."

"No." I said. "We don't become like them Chief."

I leaned over the table that we all stood around and said. "I have a plan."

Thank you for reading Wraith Macabre. There will be a chapter every Tuesday and Friday, with more spooky adventures of the occult detective as he tries to solve weird and wonderful cases!!

This is a novel by David Thomas, the writer of Avatara the manga series. Read Avatara webnovel based on David's manga script, written by novelist Domnic Obi:


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