
Wracking Havoc

A cultivator arrived in DxD .And she is a big fan of eminence of shadow . This book might not have boundaries at smut .Dual cultivation and cultivation beast or animals rearing might not necessarily be fit for general audiences.Consider this warning before crying to me about it .

Theoryz · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Last recruitments by Shura .

There isn't any fanfare about appearing in front of a farm girl for three children. Two oni looks at the farm girl and drool .But when the farm girl let them see through her real avatar ,they both shivers and tremble while crying profusely.

Shura is late state Vanify realm cultivator .At the late state,one can already create avatar based on their personalities.If Cultivator will it ,they can change into avatar form and lay waste to whatever is big enough for annoying them .

Shura avatar is 300 m long Asura with 6 arms .Two hands holding a world each while other two hands hold blade and the two held nothing.The wheel of reincarnation is rotating just behind her head .

*(Image here)

That form was bought with money of course.But after transmigration it become real .

Not to mention Onis even Yasaka is trembling too much when she saw that image forming behind farm girl .

At that time Amatarasu come inside the house and saw Yasaka without harm . Amatarasu sigh with relief and looks at the farm girl while sitting in seiza in front of her .

Yasaka seeing her big sister sitting like that copy her big sister and sit beside her while holding back her tears .

Twin oni are hugging each other while trembling at the corner tho .

Only after that Shura started to talk .

" I want you to be my subordinate Amatarasu."

" You don't want to kill us ?"

Amaterasu asked with pleasant surprise.She thought maybe the culprit wanted to declare war on Shinto faction or something .

" If I want to kill you ,You won't be here .My goal is not your death but subordination."

" What is your goal after I become your subordinate?Will you leave the Shinto faction alone?I don't want to implicates them ."

" To control the events . You see I can see the future without me and I don't like where it is going.So I will make the future itself .I just need to control the key players and future will be what I wanted it to be .And for your questions ,I will say this only once.You still exist because I want you to .Your faction still exist because I don't do barbarians method of killing to conquer.Amaterasu ..Look at me ."

Amatarasu Goddess looks at the farm girl wondering just what she got herself into.

" You can be more than a just a Goddess confined to a specific place .You can be free from confines of your authorities. You can relieves in a fact that you are the one of key figures controlling the world behind the curtain. So your answer? "

" Amatarasu greet my master "

" So what you gonna do is ....."

After talking with Shura for more than a hour , Amaterasu leave the floating island to go back to Takamahagara ,The abode of heavenly Gods .And the abode is in pandemonium when Amaterasu descend to lower world and disappeared like someone just erased her. Shinto Gods were uneasy and worried about where their Chief Goddess got kidnapped to .So Amaterasu have to face the nagging and crying of Gods and Goddesses with splitting headaches when she got back to there .

'Fuck my life '

This is the last thought of neet Goddess before experiencing the migraines and headaches of a lifetime .