

Valeria (aka Val) Creico was the heir to one of the biggest Italian mafias. Unlike many other heirs to mafias, she wants to be the head. She wants to be the one that makes everyone bow down to her. The ranking system is messy but if you ever hear the name Red, you run. If she winks at you three times, you are already dead. She doesn't call herself the devil because everyone knows that she is the devil. Xavier Torres is the heir to the Spanish mafia. He is no fool and if you dare to even try to do anything to him, you are probably dead. This isn't some normal mafia leader, he lets his enemies think they are winning just to kill them right. He likes to see the hope go away from his enemies' eyes. Both are cold hearted and highly intelligent. You could ask the people they tortured, but they are already in their graves. What will happen between the two of them?

Emma_Donker · Urban
Not enough ratings
13 Chs



My arms and legs feel like mush. In the Harry Potter movie, when that guy takes out the bones from his arms; that is how I feel right now. I tried moving but I suddenly couldn't. My eyes wouldn't open, and I couldn't hear anything. What the hell was going on?

I suddenly remember that I was fighting Xavier. That brat. I had a limp and couldn't stand because of that asshole. He was going to get a very angry call today.

"You can do it Val, open your eyes," I hear my mom saying.

I find my strength and open my eyes. Almost like they acted on the command of my mother. I take in my surroundings, instead of being in my room, I was in the infirmary with Xavier next to me. Those bastard nurses should have known better. He was still sleeping. I try sitting up, preparing for my attack.

"Val, don't!" My dad whispers, not waking Xavier up.

Too bad I didn't fuck listen to my parents. Xavier's parents weren't around. Good, less witnesses.

I step out of the bed cot. My legs feel jiggly, since I haven't used them for some while that I am not sure how long. But I was able to stand.

I quietly take the two steps to his bed. I take the step to get on the bed when he turns. He turns on the side opposite to wear I am standing like I was repelling him from facing me. It left room on the bed for me to sit on. I life myself on the bed. Before I thought out the plan, I straddle his hips so he can't move. I reach for my knife, shit it's not there. I notice a knife on his bed side table. I reach for it and obtain it successfully. I put it to his neck and lower my head so I can yell boo in his ear. Just as I was about to, I felt myself getting flipped over.

"Look what we have here?" He says quietly.

I was now underneath him. I didn't feel his full weight, so he wasn't only resting on me. I noticed that the knife of my hand was now pressed to me neck. I looked to his neck. Flipping me over while a knife pressed to his neck, must have created some cut. Sure enough, his neck was bleeding.

"A bleeding cut," I coldly respond.

I take the moment that he goes to look at the cut to try to flip us over again, so I was on top. I did not like, not having dominance.

"Don't even try, princess," He responds.

Ugh, I was not stuck in this position until he let go. He took the knife out of my hand and pressed it in the same area, I had pressed it to his neck.

"Eye for an Eye," He says before cutting into my skin making my neck bleed.

I was enraged, but unless he made a move to kill me, I wasn't wasting more energy than I could.

The doors barge in.

"Was nobody going to tell me, you had woken -"

His brother started speaking until he stopped, seeing the position we were in.

"Did you guys finally fuck?" He accuses us.

"No," We respond at the same time and glare at him. He takes a step back.

"This lady decided to kill me while sleeping so she only got payback," He said.

"Xavier. Remember she's more - " His mother tried to plead with him. She hadn't liked violence much in the whole time that I have known her.

Why did everyone always stop mid-sentence, I think to myself. Xavier's figure on top of me becomes blurry and I feel myself falling like I did earlier. Noises were muffled, the only holding me from shutting down was those piercing eyes looking at me. Was I finally dying?

My eyes slowly drift to a closed position, noise is now not audible. I can't move..

"Hey, don't close your eyes?" I feel someone hit my face as to keeping me awake. My eyes open to see that it was Xavier.

I try to ignore him and drift off to my own sleep but he continues talking and slapping me.

"I need someone to argue with me," He says.

He slaps me extra hard this time. I find the strength in me to rebel.

"Don't you fucking slap me!" I yell finally pushing me off him. He slowly gets up, I see him grimace as he stands on his legs. He smirks at me.

Fuck, that is what he wanted me to do the whole time. I gave in but without it I might have been in a bad position.

"Interesting. I guess I know what works now," My father said.

I glare at him.

I also notice that Zoey is there. Why the fuck was she there? Then I look to see who is next to her and I see Lia as they call her. BFFs right?

I actually thought that Zoey cared. Ha.

"How many days has it been?" I ask.

"Five days?" My dad offers me.

"Shit. We have to get back. We have the initiation ceremony and then IS islands," I groan.

"We are going back to Italy tomorrow."

I should feel excited. Finally going home but now I feel like I don't want to. It would mean that I would have to go to another ball and go to the islands with him.

I get up and walk out of the infirmary.

"Wait, you almost fainted. Valeria please stay till you get the green light," My mother begged me.

"No thanks, this girl is leaving," I announce back.

I hear my father soothe my mother. She may be heartbroken, but I haven't showered in 5 days, and you can only keep someone locked up for long.

I heart scuffling behind me. Its him.

"Wow, really quiet," I say.

"Only for you," He answers.

What does that even mean?

"What do you want?" I demand.

"Nothin," He answers.

"Let me teach you some wise words. Whenever someone says nothing, it is always something," I counter.

"I was just bored, our families seem to be preparing the next events..."


"Fine I lied. I know what I want now. For you to be dead," He muttters.

"Trying to be civil for 5 minutes never works does it," I answer.

"It would be nice to get a thanks ever now and then for saving someone's life," He says.

"Do you want a thanks for killing too?" I seethe.

"Come off it."

"Oh please. Who cares when? You killed him! Innocent!"I yell.

"Like you didn't kill innocent people either."

"So, you're going to bring that up?" I yell back.

"Just like you did," He says.

I did what needed to be done. He did not only do the necessary but also the unnecessary.

Before anything else could be said, I was once again pushed against the wall.

I laughed in his face. Confusion filled his fucking fake face.

"I didn't know that your prey on the wounded," I say.

"You are not wounded," His agitated voice says.

"Really?" I ask questioningly.

"Don't test my patients," He replies.

I don't give it a second thought. I raise my shoulders, pushing away his arms. He grips untightens. I take the chance and duck. Then I roll under his legs to the opposite side of him. I look at him with a smirk, expecting one of fear but instead I got one with a smirk back.

He then kicked me in the crotch area. Unlike men, it didn't affect me as much as it would to him.

I recover quickly.

"Now a taste for your own medicine," I say.

I started to punch him so I could get a free shot to his dick. Just as my leg was going up, rough hands surrounded me and pulled me back. I look to see my father. I roll my eyes.

"We leave you alone for one second and you start fighting...How typical!" His father exclaims.

I now see that he was also held back by his father. How we didn't notice them coming was beyond what I could comprehend. As far as I could see, he was thinking the same thing.

"Ok, ok. You can let me go now," He said annoyed.

Both of our parents let us go. I had to pack and who knows what for the next preparations.

He turned to leave but not before briefly stepping forward and whispering in my ear, "Its not over yet."

A shiver went down my spine. I hated how he could look me in the eyes. Few could. He was going to die, and it would be at my hands.

His footsteps clicked and clacked in the distance down the dark hallway. A shadow of him could be seen.

I turned to head toward my room. I needed to relax right now.

"Val," My father called from behind me.

I swiftly turn around. What now?

"We are returning today in two hours to Italy," He replied.

As I was about to respond, he seemed to disappear and turn around.


Now I was going to have little time to pack and much less to relax.

I started walking more quickly to my room.

I walked into my room and breathed in the comfortable smell and feeling of the solitude of my room. I felt at peace. I would be more relaxed if I didn't have to pack. This initiation ceremony was fucking me over. Though it would pay off in the long run.

I checked to make sure no one was in the hallway. I slammed my door shut and then started blasting my favorite music. Since my father realized that I like to blast music that is according to him "bad music", he had installed soundproof walls. That is the reason I liked to believe at least. My mom also said that the noises from my one-night stands kept her up all night. It is hard to please everyone.

I marched over to my light switches and fiddled around with them, until the light was on but dimmed so it was perfect.

I went to behind my bed and pulled out my plain elegant red and black suitcases. I hadn't brought much too America, but I always seemed to have more coming back from our trips. Most of my clothes would have to be left here anyways. Thank god I would not be bringing that dress back. It was in ruins for everything at the ball and was in no good condition to wear again. Luckily for me.

My parents insisted that we stay in America for long periods because they liked the area and wanted us to get some of that "American Spirit." Something about it being good for the mafias.

I packed my black jeans and different t-shirts and whatever other clothes that we mostly the color red and black. I through in whatever seemed to fit. I wasn't exactly and orderly person. Finally, I decided that the suitcase had as much as it would hold. I tried to close it, but the zipper wouldn't zip.

I hated when this happened. I don't know why my parents could not have just flown us back to Italy on the private plane after the ball was over. Things were defiantly going to change, now that I was the donna.

Shit, I was going to have to sit on it. Shit, Fuck. I wanted to kill the suitcase.

I tried a little more to just zip it but ultimately, I sat on it. The zipper quickly started to zip, and I didn't have to go through that much trouble. I thought I was going to need to get Alonzo to go help me.

I turned to my other suitcase which was the black one and filled it with my guns, knives and other gadgets I had brought. One must always be prepared when traveling. If I was to go on a normal airplane, I have no idea how many times those detectors would go off at security. It was funny to think about, all those people waiting in those long lines at security when I could just fly somewhere myself with little trouble.

Fortunately, unlike the first suitcase, this one closed easily. No sitting on suitcases was necessary.

I couldn't seem to find the heart to pack anything else. I was going to have to get Bertha to do it. She wasn't exactly my maid, but she wasn't exactly not a maid. She was like a generously paid servant who wanted to do it and was treated very well. She was supposed to be teaching me my manors but I think I have better ones than she does.

I couldn't watch TV. I just wasn't in that mood.

The guitar started playing without any lyrics sang alongside it. The guitar!

"Alexa, turn off the music," I said. I was too lazy to go to my phone and turn it off. I was so thankful that I had connected the Alexa to my phone.

I walked slowly to the guitar. My beauty. I had kept her so clean and shiny, you wouldn't know if it was brand knew or not. Technically it was brand new. I had destroyed the other one last week because of some technicalities.

I started waving my hand among the strings. Sounds started to play out. It sounded wonderful. I imagined waves crashing on to a beach. Somehow my music had resembled it. I briefly heard the door open, but I ignored it. It was probably Bertha. I continued to play my guitar. I had played ever since I was 5 years old. I had taught myself. It somehow helped me cope with everything. My parents had wanted me to do painting, but I was never passionate about it. Guitar was for me.

I continued playing until I felt unsatisfied. The music seemed to fit a much too pretty seen for this world. It wasn't perfect and it began to play a sad tune. I was instantly filled with anger. I hated this guitar. It was not predictable or equal to the real sounds of life.

My anger building that I couldn't hold it in, I threw the guitar behind me. Hoping it would hit the window. But it didn't it hit the floor and it didn't even have a scratch on it. Ugh.

I groaned.

"Feisty, aren't we?" A voice remarked.

What was Xavier doing in my room?

"Get out," I sneered."

"I haven't heard you play like that in a long time."

"And you still haven't," I replied to him.

I ran in to him unsuccessfully pushing him out of my room.

"You are not fighting now!" Alonzo said while running. He was breathing hard.

"I second that!" Antonio said. He was also out of breath. They seemed to have both run here to stop us from fighting.

I roll my eyes at them.

Awkward silence filled the space.

All of us didn't know what the next move was. If I was going to attack him or he attacks me. It would go either way. It seems we were waiting for something remotely exciting to happen.

"Dad said that the Jet was leaving now," Alonzo finally speaks.

"Okay. Let me just send Bertha in to pack my toiletries-

"Don't worry, I had her do them already. I knew your lazy side was going to come in," Alonzo interrupted.

I didn't know if I should thank him or be upset at the insult.

I decided to ignore both of them and head to the roof.