
249 elite members

Recruit people?

The sudden question from Kuang Xin made Bai E's heart skip a beat.

Recruit! Definitely recruit!

He had a quota for issuing tasks every day, but recently he'd been entangled in miscellaneous matters and hadn't found the time to look for reliable player targets.

Bai E didn't plan to hit and run, changing targets after each shot. The limited task quota he had each day couldn't be given to unreliable players or distributed randomly; he definitely needed to focus on nurturing the same player consistently.

He would cultivate them with his authority, and use their feedback to improve himself. This was the choice that served his interests best.

The targets, of course, had to be chosen with care, and ideally, be as deeply tied to him as these three individuals before him.

Bonding them through joining the organization could also be considered the best choice.

With the corners of his mouth slightly raised, he asked softly, "Do you have any friends still?"