
Woven Temptation

Sold out to be a courtesan, Oonagh is suddenly kidnapped and brought to the most thrilling mansion in Eviellan Kingdom, the Brannigan Manor. At first, she's confused on the reason why a nobody like her is brought to the Manor; many, including the poor and wealthy, were struggling to get their children into. On the other hand, the elders of the Brannigan Manor hid the real truth from the outside world, putting on facades of Kings and Queens while they guard their Kingdom with the powers from the gifted. Finding herself among a manor filled with struggle for power, position and attention, Oonagh will do anything in other to leave but one person changed everything… Gael Moriarty, a man with a corrupted heart making him the demon in disguise.

Everlasting_bee · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
7 Chs


Just as Oonagh made a bend in the corridor, Caelin appeared before her with a small frown on his face. " You didn't tell me you were a whore," he scowled.

" We don't know each other for you to know my secrets," she fired back with a glare. No one had seen her and Moriarty besides Caelin. He was the one who told her off to Mrs Beckett with a lie which never happened.

Oonagh brushed past him angrily and headed to the ground floor where the others were sitting doing one thing or the other. Halligan was sitting on the couch when he saw Oonagh descending the staircase with a red face.

Without taking a look at him, she stormed out of the Manor. Halligan's eyes met Moriarty who was looking worried after hearing the small gossip from the others.


It has been a week living in the Brannigan Manor and Oonagh has locked herself inside her room except when she comes to eat. There was no friend to speak with nor anyone to talk with. Caelin who was acting all good and caring wasn't that sweet young man anymore except Caomham and Halligan who were acting like brothers to her.

Oonagh quietly opened the window, peeking her head out, she scanned the outside to see if anyone was littering around the Manor. Spending a few minutes like that, she slowly crept out of the window.

The sun was setting, coloring the sky pink and gold on the horizon, Oonagh went deep into the woods inside the Brannigan Manor. Earlier, she had seen a letter on her table after returning from lunch asking her to come to the woods before nightfall.

She didn't know whom but it was worth trying to find out.

Oonagh then came across a huge rock sitting in the middle of the woods looking eerie. On the ground were footprints signifying someone was here.

" I'm here, Oonagh," someone yelled from another direction and she immediately rushed towards it. Removing the large leaves from blocking her way, she suddenly found herself standing in the middle of a beautiful stream.

" You're brave to come here, alone," he added and made his way towards her on the boulder she was standing on.

Oonagh exhaled in serenity and turned to see Moriarty gazing at her with a slicing smile on his face. " I'm surprised you're the one who wrote the letter, Moriarty."

She said and made her way to stand near him. Her eyes moved from one thing to the other and the exact word to say was blue and beautiful. The stream was surrounded by the forest giving it a seclusive look.

Moriarty couldn't stop himself from gawking at her and quickly looked away when Oonagh was about to stare at him.

" What?" She asked and touched his forehead to feel the wetness on his skin.

He swatted her hands away, I'm good. It's kind of hot in here," he half lied before pulling her to sit on the boulder.

" You don't look alright, are you sick?" She asked to see him smirk.

Moriarty shrugged and reached for her red hair to remove the hook she used in pinning all the hair together. Her fiery red hair fell to her back like a red flood and his eyes went wide in awe.

" It's over long, how do you bathe?" He asked but soon regretted saying a word.

" That's the reason I pin them together…"

" And it makes you look ugly. You look beautiful with your hair down," he added to see Oonagh blush crimson red.

The leaves behind them rustled and Moriarty's ears perked up as he tried to listen to where the sound was coming from.

Now, Oonagh was leaning her small head against his chest, peacefully enjoying the quietness but behind them, he could smell something dangerous, something evil and dominative.

" Oonagh," he whispered into her ears and she raised her head to look at him. Moriarty felt his heartbeat accelerated as she gazed at him with Crystal clear eyes. " Don't move from this boulder, no matter what happens, stay here."

" Why?" Oonagh was confused and tried to sit up but Moriarty pressed her down. There's something behind those leaves, I can feel it…wait here, okay?"

She nodded, " okay."

Moriarty stood up but her fingers were still interlocked with his, " be careful." She said and dropped her hands to her side.

He smiled at her before nodding his head while Oonagh waited patiently without looking back.

The rustles became loud enough for Oonagh to hear and she jolted in shock when an earth shattering roar came from behind as though there was a beast behind her.

Meanwhile, Moriarty wasn't the gentleman anymore. " You have no right to touch her," he snarled angrily and the beasts pulled back in fear. Many feared Moriarty but those in the Manor didn't because they knew little about him.

A black werewolf emerged from the pack of seven, baring its teeth at Moriarty who wasn't fretting over the massive being.

"~ Your Uncle wants the girl, Gael. She used to be a Courtesan before he bought her on the day she escaped." The werewolf mind linked Moriarty who was pulsating from anger now.

" Tell him never, Oonagh is mine, she belongs to me and no one else." He growled and turned on his heels to leave.

" I'm sorry, Lord Moriarty," the werewolf mind linked before chuckling wickedly. " We're ordered to bring her back, even if it means killing you," the werewolf fired back and the sounds of bones cracking filled the air.

Oonagh kept waiting for Moriarty to return but he wasn't and instead, she kept hearing growls and roars coming from behind, giving her goosebumps. Her heart thudded loudly like drums against the walls of her ears, frightened.

" Now!" The werewolf yelled which was soon followed by Oonagh's scream on the other side of the forest.

Two werewolves plummeted to the ground with a loud thud followed by bones breaking. A huge white wolf emerged, its fur contrasting that of the other wolves and its black eyes showed his dark side.

Oonagh kept moving backwards as the werewolf approached her stealthily, baring its huge teeth at her. The creature was bigger and fiery to the extent there was no space to see ahead and she felt sweat trickling down her skin like water.

The werewolf suddenly pounced on her, taking her unexpectedly and Oonagh struggled to free her leg from its teeth stronghold. Removing a dagger from her belt, she rammed it into the werewolf and it roared in pain, flinging Oonagh away from the boulder, she fell into the stream.

Behind the stream, the fight was intense and deadly. Seven werewolves against one white werewolf with three already taken down.

Moriarty's white fur was now dyed with blood from the three werewolves on the ground as they struggled, bones still cracking including their leader.

" Take your master and leave! Tell my Uncle that when I return, I'll take my late father's throne as the supreme alpha, he should get ready."

Gagging and retching water, Oonagh swarms slowly towards the dry bank of the stream. Blood dying the water red in some areas and she gasps for air.

A sound came from behind her and a white huge wolf appeared from the forest with blood dripping down its fur. It suddenly grabbed Oonagh's dress and threw her on its back before speeding away.

Oonagh couldn't breathe as the wind got into her ears, whipping her hair terribly and within the speed of light, she saw the female Manor come into view as it was nightfall already.

Since Oonagh's window was facing the forest, it was easier to hide before anyone could see them. Moriarty carefully threw her into her room.

" Moriarty," she whispered when he didn't join her and that's when she remembered he was too large to pass through the window.

Minutes after Oonagh was dressed up in a new dress, she hid the blood stained ones away from where it would easily be seen while waiting for Moriarty to come back.

' Knock, Knock '

Someone knocked on her door and she quickly arranged herself, thinking it was Mrs Beckett outside the door.

Oonagh then opened the door to find another person instead of Mrs Beckett leaning against the door frame. Some ladies were also watching with uncertainty and shock.