
Woven Fates: A Journey Beyond Time

Kensuke Hamazaki, your typical high school do-gooder, doesn't expect his heroic act of saving a girl to land him in a whole new magical world. Thanks to the unknown, he's given a second shot at life, complete with a destiny that's apparently been pre-packaged for him. As Kensuke stumbles through this fantastical realm, he's not some epic hero but just a guy trying to figure out what on earth is going on. This enchanted journey is no joy ride. Kensuke faces challenges that feel like a crash course, and the whole destiny thing? It's not sitting too well with him. Along the way, he finds other characters and they made a party, each with their own stories. As Kensuke peels back the layers of his reincarnation mystery, he's learning that destiny might have drafted the script, but he's got a pen too. Will he change his fate?

Yuzumix · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Another life?

Fire crackling, the sound the red flames whipping violently into the beautiful black night sky

"So dark... What happened?" A guy, confusion painted his face as he lay on the ground, disoriented and unaware of his surroundings.

"How did I end up in this situation!?"

You might be wondering how this person ended up in this situation. Let's go back.

Let's rewind to the incident

Alarm clock ringing very loud at 7:30am on Monday BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!

"sigh Man I really need a new alarm clock." I said as I slam the alarm clock—annoyed of how loud it is.

My name is Hamazaki Kensuke. I've been living alone since the start of highschool...

"yawns stretches I better get ready for school again."

...I don't know how to make friends and I don't have any intention to have friends anyway. They're just distractions for me...

"Shit I forgot to prepare my school uniform."

trips down the stairs

...I say this even though I succumb to video games. The fantasy RPG game was just too good! I wanna live in one...

"Alright, I just need to shower."

Water spraying

...But yeah, it's impossible. I have to live in this boring reality...

8 : 14 AM : 08/12/2024

"Oh no! I'm gonna be late." I ran towards the door and sprinted out.

...Well. Here we go.

When Kensuke was walking down the street and was waiting to cross the train track—he saw a girl who was wearing a school uniform, same from his school. She was recklessly talking to her friends while walking in reverse, since she was infront.

Such foolish actions done by the girl caused her to trip over the train tracks, and unfortunately, a train was coming in less than 3 seconds.

Kensuke hesitates to go and push her away. He clenches his fists—he sweats rapidly, even though all this is happening in a short moment. 'Shit, what should I do? Should I help her? I'm too scared. Shit I have to think fast!'.

The train continues to make its way on the track—whistling loudly signaling them to get out the way. The train couldn't stop—of course it couldn't. It's the girl's fate—to die by the train tracks.

In the midst of the situation—a certain someone jumped towards the girl in danger. It was none other than Kensuke. Acting on his own. He had a choice, he chose to save the girl.

"Watch out!" 'This word is going to be my last word huh?' Kensuke's last thoughts while on air. He was aiming for a heroic sacrifice.

The train continues to blow the whistle. The noise fills the whole street—all the people's attention, drawn to the incident.

Kensuke shoves the girl—just in time as the train is already infront of him. He lays over the train track staring at the train's wheels, it was ready to end his life.

Everything then turned black.

As Kensuke slowly opens his eyes, an ominous darkness surrounds him, engulfing his senses. The air is heavy with an unsettling stillness, leaving him suspended in a mysterious dark void.

'Where the hell am I?' Kensuke wonders, his hand instinctively reaching to scratch his head, a veil of confusion draped across his face as he tries to unravel the mystery of his surroundings.

His ears ringing

"I see that you've woken up," A mysterious voice suddenly echoes, its somewhat feminine tone resonating in the obscure darkness that envelops him.

"Who's that? Where the hell am I?!" Kensuke shouts, his voice reverberating through the shadowy void as he frantically spins around, searching for the source of the strange voice.

"You are in a very special place," the strange voice resonates.

"What is any of this!? Show yourself!" Kensuke madly yells, his frustration directed towards the mysterious voice echoing in the peculiar darkness.

"Despite the vast distance between us, fate intertwined our paths." The voice says with such deep words, Kensuke was left speechless.

"You have been chosen. You will be granted another life—bearing one and only a single task," the mysterious voice declares, its words hanging in the air, revealing a destiny that awaits Kensuke.

Kensuke's angry expression faded to confusion and worry. He contemplates asking if he died when he tried to save the girl, the weight of uncertainty pressing upon him.

"What life are you talking about? Am I dead?" Kensuke asks with a very worried look, trembling with the fear of death as he seeks clarity.

Though upon realizing he was about to be given another life, Kensuke's initial fear subsides, replaced by a sense of calm. A newfound hope flickers in his eyes as he awaits further explanation from the mysterious voice.

"So many questions. I will have to show you—what truly happened to you," the voice replies, its tone hinting at a desire to ease Kensuke's worries.

Bzzz Zzztt

A magical screen materializes in front of Kensuke, revealing the aftermath of what happened when he saved the girl. He watches, captivated, as the scenes unfold, shedding light on the events that led him to this peculiar place.

"Watch out!"


The haunting sound of a train whistle pierces the air, signaling for Kensuke to get out of the way, but it's too late. The unfolding scenes on the magical screen paint a tragic picture.

Blood splatters

people screaming

As the train passes, all that's left on the magical screen is Kensuke's lifeless body, his head gruesomely torn to shreds. The distant screams of the passing crowd fill the air, a symphony of terror echoing the tragic event.

The girl, covered in his blood, sits on the side of the tracks, confused, looking at his lifeless body, questioning, "Why?"

News of the incident swiftly sweeps across Japan, leaving behind a trail of grief for Kensuke's family. However, amidst the sorrow, the girl he saved is eternally grateful for his heroic deed, a bittersweet recognition echoing in the aftermath of the tragic event.


The screen closes.

"Was that me? Well... At least I went out doing something good. No regrets here. I saved a girl I didn't even know," Kensuke reflects, a sense of relief washing over him as he finds solace in the knowledge that the girl he saved is safe, even in the face of his own tragic end.

"That is why you were chosen... Now, stand." The voice commanded.

The room brightens.

His ears rings again

The voice said something but Kensuke could not hear it.

Kensuke wakes up.

Fire crackles, its lively whispers breaking the silence, each snap and pop a dance of warmth in the quiet night.

"Where the hell am I now?"

"A campfire? Is this the other life she's talking about?"

'Man... I'm still really confused about what's happening. I need a breather' He contemplates inwardly, his hand absentmindedly scratching his head as a profound deep sigh escapes.

"Well whatever... I hope this goes well."

Bush moves

Sshhs Shss

"Is there someone there?" 'There better be no ghosts in here.' He went to check the bush—expecting to be just a squirrel, or any kind of rodent.

As Kensuke cautiously approaches the bush, his senses on high alert, a sudden rustle signals the emergence of a goblin. The creature unveils itself, its malevolent eyes gleaming in the dim light, turning a routine check into an unexpected encounter with a little monster.

"What the fuck is that? A goblin?" Kensuke shook of what he is seeing—a green little monster holding a wooden club.

The goblin tries to hit him.

Kensuke barely dodges the attack.

"Am I in a fantasy world?" Kensuke's face lights up. He knows he can take down only such mere goblin. He slaughters goblins in his video game—why can't he slaughter them now, right?

"A goblin like you clearly have no chance against me!" Kensuke gets cocky and smiles at the goblin.

"Magic power!" He exclaims, raising his hand and pointing at the goblin. Yet, to his bewilderment, nothing unfolds—no mystical force responds to his command, leaving him in a moment of both frustration and realization.

'How could this be? Don't I have any magic?'

As Kensuke grapples with his failed attempt at magic, a sudden onslaught ensues. Other goblins, concealed in the shadows, leap from the bushes, catching him off guard.

Overwhelmed and outnumbered, Kensuke endures a brutal onslaught. The goblins mercilessly batter him, each strike with the wooden club echoing through the night. Punches rain down on his body, and kicks target his face, leaving him sprawled on the forest floor, battered and defenseless.

"Shit I can cast spells right? Magic spell! Fly! Go away!" He surely thought he can do spells since he is in another world, but it did not work as he thought it would.

Smack Pwak Thud

Tears welling up in his eyes, Kensuke summons every ounce of strength to push away the relentless goblins. Badly beaten and battered, he attempts to flee, his screams for help piercing through the darkened forest, a desperate plea for salvation echoing amidst the chaos.

The goblins chased him.

"Helpp!! Someone!! It hurts!!!"

"Fuck, they're still chasing! I don't want any of this!"

For over 30 minutes of chasing, the goblins eventually gives up.

Exhausted from the relentless beating and frantic escape, Kensuke's every step is a testament to his endurance. His legs, injured and aching, bear the weight of his battered body as he walks painfully, each slow and deliberate movement a struggle against the overwhelming pain threatening to collapse him.

In the middle of the night, he still carelessly walks trying to seek help. He can't barely see anything, since it is dark, and his eyes were full of bruise.

Emerging from the bush, battered and bruised, Kensuke stumbles upon a serene meadow. To his surprise, a lone figure sits there, gazing at the stars. The contrast between the tranquil scene and the chaos behind him leaves Kensuke momentarily breathless, a flicker of hope igniting in the quiet stillness of the meadow.

"H--help!" He gasps, his voice scratchy and strained.

The person unfortunately did not hear him.

Kensuke collapses.


"Who's there?" The lone person in the meadow startles, their attention sharply drawn to the solitary figure emerging from the bush with a loud thud. Curiosity and concern lace their voice as they turn toward Kensuke, unaware of the dire circumstances that brought him to this quiet corner of the forest.

"Who are you? Were you spying on me?" The person rushes him with hostile intent—pointing the magic staff towards him. Until... The person notices Kensuke is badly injured. The person was shocked and realized he needs care.

"Are you okay mister? Hey? What happened? Mister..?"

The person tries to heal him with magic.

Later, the sun rises—it is now dawn.

Slowly, Kensuke opens his eyes, a surprising absence of pain coursing through his body. The meadow's peaceful atmosphere contrasts the previous chaos, and a sense of relief washes over him as he takes in the tranquil surroundings.

Lying on someone's lap, Kensuke opens his eyes to a shockingly beautiful sight. The person before him is no ordinary human; she's an elf, ethereal and young-looking, her hair as white as snow. The contrast between her otherworldly presence and the recent turmoil leaves Kensuke momentarily awestruck.

"W--what on earth?!" Kensuke stammers, unable to contain a blush as he realizes he's lying on the lap of a stunningly beautiful elf girl. The unexpected situation adds a touch of awkwardness to the moment, his bewilderment mirrored in his flushed expression.

With no prior experience interacting with girls, Kensuke feels a surge of unease. He knows he's likely to fumble through this unfamiliar situation with the elf girl, anticipating awkward moments and potential misunderstandings.

"I shouldn't be laying on her!" Kensuke exclaims, a surge of realization prompting him to swiftly stand up while the elf girl continues to sleep, unaware of the brief moment they shared.

"Did she heal me? I better thank her then."

He tries to wake her up nudging on her shoulder.

" yawns. Oh! Hello, you're already awake. I found that you've fainted on the ground last night, and you looked badly wounded, so I healed you up," the girl greets, her gentle voice breaking the morning stillness as she awakens to acknowledge Kensuke's consciousness.

"I am very thankful!" Kensuke bows his head, expressing gratitude to the elf girl for her kindness in healing him.

The young lady was confused of his bowing.

"No need to thank me. By the way, what happened to you last night?" She asks, her curiosity evident as she seeks an explanation for Kensuke's condition.

"I fought some huge monsters with scary weapons! I was overwhelmed so I retreated! Yes!" Obviously a lie. Kensuke tries to act cool infront of girls of course. Hiding the fact that he got beaten up by some low level creatures.

"Oh, did you now?" The girl replies with a doubtful look, her expression reflecting skepticism.

"You don't look like you're from around here, with that... uh... clothes of yours." She notices Kensuke's school uniform, realizing it is indeed an unusual attire in their world.

"Oh, I'm just from far away. Nothing much," Kensuke says, scratching his head nervously. He attempts to downplay his origins, not wanting to appear eccentric or reveal the truth about being from another world.

"Well... I have to get back to gathering magic stones and herbs for my magic." The elf bids farewell, since she has no use of him now.

"Magic? Can you teach me magic!" His ears were like as if a dog heard that it was getting treat. He sure is excited and thought she will teach him magic. Though sadly, she declined.

"No... No you'll just be a distraction, besides you might die along the way anyways." she replied.

He felt a bit down. He looked very sad, but he shouldn't be stubborn.

"So, what's your nam--" She was about to ask his name.

Suddenly Kensuke heard a familiar voice in his head.

"Something's coming."

In an instant, adrenaline surges through Kensuke as he sprints towards the girl. With a determined shove, he propels her away, the air whooshing past. Just in the nick of time, the sickening metallic scent of the approaching guy with a sickle fills the air, his ominous presence threatening harm.

"H--Horns?" Kensuke stammers, his eyes widening in astonishment at the sight before him. The sudden revelation of the guy's demonic appearance sends a chill down Kensuke's spine, the faint scent of sulfur lingering in the air as an unsettling aura accompanies the shocking discovery.

"Oh, how exciting. You managed to notice me! Great job, excellent!" The guy's laughter echoes like a maniac, the chilling sound reverberating through the air, adding an eerie tone to the already unsettling encounter.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! You will die too for your meddling," the guy threatens Kensuke, his laughter transforming into a menacing declaration, instilling a sense of impending danger.

"Wh--Who are you? You're crazy!" Kensuke exclaims, his heart racing like a drumbeat in the face of the manic stranger. The air becomes charged with tension, a metallic taste of fear lingering as he clutches the girl protectively in his arms, their world suddenly transformed into a disconcerting dance of uncertainty.

"Such stupid question. There's no point in telling to someone who will be dead before he can even understand who am I." The guy replies. He has point. There's no use of wasting your time to someone who's about to die anyways.

"He's a demon," The elf explains, her voice carrying a mix of caution and concern as she attempts to shed light on the mysterious assailant's true nature.

'Wh--what? I don't stand a chance between a demon' Kensuke thought.

'But then again, I shouldn't flee from this situation.'

The demon rushes towards Kensuke, a gust of air whistling with malevolent intent as he aims to strike. 'So fast!' Kensuke thinks, his senses heightened in the face of imminent danger. Fortunately, the girl, with a swift incantation, conjures a spell, a sudden burst of mystical energy accompanied by a resonant whoosh, blowing the demon away just in the nick of time.

"Fragmos!" She yelled. A magical barrier was then built. When the demon struck the barrier—he was blown away.

With a staff in hand, the elf hovers above the ground, channeling energy and creating an air of anticipation. Speaking incantations, she unleashes another spell, this time wielding the staff for an offensive magical strike. The atmosphere crackles with mystical power as the spell takes form.

"Ember!" She commands, and with a swift motion, she shoots a fiery beam towards her demonic opponent. The air ignites with the brilliance of the spell, heat radiating in its wake as the fire surges forth, a formidable display of magical prowess.

The demon manages to dodge, as he's speed was very fast, as if like he was lightning.

The demon charges at her with blistering speed, and she narrowly evades the attack, the whoosh of his movement brushing against her. His speed is immaculate, leaving a trail of anticipation in the air, as she deftly sidesteps, the swiftness of his assault leaving an unsettling breeze in its wake.

"Not bad, elf." The demon says, impressed she managed to dodge him.


Glancing over Kensuke with a sinister smirk, the demon abruptly rushes towards him, the sickle gleaming ominously in his grasp. With deadly intent, he prepares to slash at Kensuke's head.

Despite her magical abilities, the girl is rendered helpless by the demon's incredible speed. A palpable sense of urgency fills the air as she watches in dismay, unable to intervene, while the demon swiftly closes in on Kensuke with the sickle ready for a lethal strike.

Though suddenly. Kensuke hears another voice.

"Stop." Then time stops.

Hopefully my first novel is gonna be good! I've come up with a great story :D (sorry for the lack of grammar and vocab knowledge)

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