
Would You Rather?

Suddenly I got transferred to the Tokyo Revengers Universe, where I became a middle school student, named Michi Hirabayashi. With a system at hand that gives me 'would you rather' mission whenever it pleases, making me get involved in the most nonsensical situations at times. Maybe if I'm lucky I can stop some dumb-asses from getting killed.

Swagnim · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

Summer Homework~

Once I woke up I decided this was the perfect time to finish the stupid over the summer assignment, I reached for my phone and looked thru my various contacts, trying to figure out who would be the best partner for this task. But in the end, I chose someone based on the fact that I missed their soft and fluffy blue hair. I sent a message saying.

"Yo Souya, would you want to come over and study with me today in the evening?" I hit the send button, and it took quite a while to receive a reply, which said the following.

"Isn't it summer already, why are you studying?" Why did I have a hunch the one that sent the message was Nahoya instead? But responded with,

"Obviously because I have homework to do over the summer if I wait my procrastination will never let me finish, but if you don't want to just say so." I guess because the message looked like I changed my mind, the next message arrived much quicker.

"No wait, I'm coming, but Nahoya wants to tag along too." Nahoya didn't seem like a person that would put their free time into more studying tho? Was he looking out for his brother? If so that's adorable! We came to an agreement that we would meet at 16 precisely right after my training session.

"Let's clean up." At this point, my room was in a mess, since guests were coming over it was the perfect opportunity to use it as an excuse to get some chores going, but it quickly escalated to me trying to find out what kind of items I owned instead.

"What are you doing?" Kazutora asked as I was sitting in a literal pile of mess.

"Cleaning?" I answered, he looked around my room while saying.

"Are you sure about that?" I shook my head.

"I was going to clean but then I found some amazing stuff in this room and my life spiraled into the abyss." Drama queen time, I collapsed on the newfound stash of notebooks.

"Assure me that I still have time to clean it up," I begged that it wasn't too late to get out of this mess.

"It's like twelve o'clock." I sighed in relief and started to put away everything that was on the floor. It took a while, so Kazutora decided to give me a ride on his motorcycle to the gym.

"Maybe you should also buy one." I blinked at him in confusion.

"Motorcycle." I wasn't sure I was brave enough to trust myself in riding such a beast.

"Ahhh because you want the twin aesthetics? If you have one, I should too?" He rolled his eyes at me. I gave him a hug and said thanks for the ride and then I walked inside.

"This place is quite empty." Sure other members were obviously using some machines but the people that hung around here during my sessions were gone.

"Since they couldn't see any improvement maybe they got bored with coming over." I shook my head, wouldn't believe Waka's lies.

"I guess they're busy today." I walked into the changing room, once I came out our session started but Wakasa was more vocal than usual.

"So why did I hear some rumors going around that I have a strong female underling, that I'm training myself?" He didn't seem happy with this development.

"Don't look at me, I'm too busy to think about telling people obvious lies." I shrugged while landing a hit.

"Then who would be responsible for this?" He asked, the only possible culprit I could think of would be Keisuke.

"How about you interrogate Keisuke? He was the one spreading gossip about me to his gang members... maybe someone heard it took it out of proportion and we finally arrived at an episode of Gossip Girls... wait for it... Gossip Manji Gang." Perfection.

"What is even Gossip Girl." I guess this show wasn't a thing in 2005, or he just didn't watch it? I wasn't sure which one it was.

"What I meant to say, don't blame me, you either go out there and deny the fact or just ignore it completely, people will sooner or later find something better to talk about." He seemed deep in thought, it was time to throw in a joke.

"But since it's only us today... is it a date?"

"If you don't want to go thru a more intense training today, stop with your nonsense." I nodded, I didn't need more training since I still wanted to have energy for the homework. Once we finished a pop-up window appeared.

'Would you rather jump onto Wakasa Imaushi, or act out a vine that you remember.' I picked the first option because I had something in mind.

"Watch out, watch out, watch out!" Waka Waka looked at me strangely but then he realized I was up to no good. Rather than jumping, I tried to bodyslam into him, like I was doing wrestling, so while leaping into the air I yelled.

"And his name is John Cena!" then the theme music played in my head, but unlike what I expected to occur, Wakasa just caught me now holding me into his arms having this disapproving look on his face.

"You seem to have still a lot of energy left, maybe you should stay for another hour." I laughed nervously.

"I'm planning to study with friends after this so..." Since I was still held by him I couldn't escape.

"If you would mind letting me down, that would be perfect." He glared at me.

"How can I be sure you won't try something stupid again?" I shook my head.

"I won't..." And then I added with a whisper. "At least not today." I was just carried into the changing room and thrown in there once again. Then I realized I finally reached level 3 friendship with Wakasa.

"What turn of events." I rushed home after changing my clothes, only to find the twins already on the porch.

"Phew, I made it in time." Nahoya was the first one to speak up.

"What were you doing?" I just said as it was.

"My training." He then proceeded to question.

"So it wasn't a fluke that you were training under Waka." Why was it even important.

"Yea, yea I train under him whatever. You can also go and ask for lessons if you're so interested." Nahoya just shook his head.

"I already know how to fight." I rolled my eyes, and let them come in.

"Mom, we have guests." I then guided them to my room, not like they needed the directions.

"I see you made more paintings, what are you planning to do with them?" Nahoya asked as I gave it some deep thought.

"I dunno, could always sell them someday when I realize I don't have any more space." I then went to the kitchen to bring some snacks and drinks. We managed to stay silent for only 1 hour until Nahoya couldn't take the silence anymore.

"Let's take a break~" he whined distracting me.

"I'm not stopping you," I said as he nodded, but neither I nor Souya said anything.

"Please someone talk with me... Michi my favorite clown please tell me a joke." I put my pencil away while sighting.

"Don't call me that."

"Come on aren't you bored as well?" I shook my head, that's why I wanted to only have Souya over, I needed someone that would sit here quietly keeping me company.

"I got a joke for ya ass." I suddenly as he nodded in anticipation.

"Your life." his smile disappeared.

"Your life is a joke-" he suddenly stood up and cracked his knuckles.

"Don't think I won't beat you up just because you're a girl." I just gave him a weird smile while letting him know.

"Give me 100 dollars for each hit upfront, if you can't I will sue your ass for assault." He sat back down.

"That's what I thought." I then stood up and put Cupid onto his lap.

"If bored, you can pet the cat and eat the snacks." He actually did pay attention to Cupid, but then kept on sighting, clicking the pen, until he finally asked.

"So by chance, you like Baji?" I was about to rip my hair out.

"Yea." He gasped as I just added later on.

"Like as a friend." I decided to go to the toilet now when my focus had vanished, but then when I came back I heard Nahoya saying something to his twin, that was nothing but an angel up until now.

"Just do it already, you never know how long Baji gonna stay friend-zoned." That was it, these guys really did represent Gossip Manji Gang perfectly, how can one be friend-zoned when all we ever were was friends? Also, did they never listen to Spice Girls? You gotta be friends first and foremost because friendship never ends. Now I had the Wannabe song on repeat in my head. As I entered a mission appeared before my eyes.

'Would you rather touch Nahoya Kawata's hair or Souya Kawata's hair?' Wow this time I had no say, I looked at my options carefully.

"Stop! I won't let you touch my hair!" Nahoya soon yelled, I was taken aback.

"Wow, your perception is top-notch." he then conveyed.

"Just touch Angry's hair and get it over with." I tilted my head to the side.

"Angry?" I questioned, they never mentioned their nicknames.

"Oh right... that's Souya's nickname." I scratched my head as if I was confused.

"He? Angry? Every time I look at your face Nahoya I feel that you're the one that is angry, so like America explain." They were confused by the sudden usage of the English language.

"Come again?"I guess using memes wasn't ideal in this situation.

"Please explain why he's called Angry."

"My nickname is Smiley and his is Angry since I smile a lot and he always has this angry look on his face." I scratched my head.

"It feels like those two nicknames aren't matching.... how about Happy and Angry." Nahoya suddenly expressed his disgust.

"Ewww..." Point taken.

"How about Smiley and Frowning?" to which he voiced.

"That's even worse." I then decided to touch Souya's hair as Nahoya told me to, just simple pats.

"Wow, it's just as soft as it looks." But I couldn't stop, this was so relaxing.

"Are you done?" Nahoya asked probably feeling bad for his brother.

"No, you gonna have to drag me away by force."

"I can understand why he said it was a tiger's den." I heard Nahoya muttering to himself as he decided to help out his bro.

"Are you like this with everyone?" Smiley asked me while separating us two.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"So clingy." I just agreed since it was kinda true thanks to the system, hence I made up some excuse on the spot.

"Humans were designed to cuddle." I tracked my mind back to one post I saw on Tumblr before.

"Like look, how good our hands interlock. How nicely a head fits on the crook of the neck when you hold someone. Humans are designed to snuggle and I will use all the chances I can get in this lifetime!" My brain then came up with the most bizarre nickname.

"Call me Snuggle Goblin." He just laughed at the nickname I just gave myself.

"Why goblin?" I thought about it and an idea popped into my head.

"I will hold you dearly and whisper in your ear." Then I mimicked the Gollum's voice.

"My precious~" Nahoya was on the floor clacking.

"Yes they will feel so loved." was his response. I just put my hands on my waist and agreed with him fully and proudly.

"What can I say, I know what guys want," I said trying to keep a straight face. After things calmed down we went back to the homework, Nahoya still tried to distract us, but with just some silly jokes he went back to finishing his homework.