
Would You Rather?

Suddenly I got transferred to the Tokyo Revengers Universe, where I became a middle school student, named Michi Hirabayashi. With a system at hand that gives me 'would you rather' mission whenever it pleases, making me get involved in the most nonsensical situations at times. Maybe if I'm lucky I can stop some dumb-asses from getting killed.

Swagnim · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

Succubus vs Haitani Brothers~

After another shift at my part-time job, I returned home, waiting for the unpredictable meeting the system planned for me with the psychos that to this day were convinced I was a literal demon. How come someone so violent in nature was scared of a girl in a bob cut, I had no clue. Was it possible to not come, after all the system only wanted me to settle a meeting, it never mentioned anything about attending it.

However, instead of pondering about what would take place at that site inside the church, I decided to focus on Kazutora, because he was in such a sullen mood yesterday. Spending some quality time with his sister would perhaps lift up his spirits. Was he by chance reminiscing about what happened before he was sent to juvenile?

"How about we play some games together?" Wouldn't that be the best entertainment? So Kazutora nodded his head quickly and ran to his room, whipping out a GameCube Nintendo console. We decided to connect it to the TV that was in the living room, which mom of course permitted.

"I bet you never played this game before?" I took a glance at the cover, it was called something like Soul Calibur 2, I shook my head, in fact, I never owned this Nintendo release.

"Never played it before," I affirmed his assumption. He explained it was a fighting game, which you could play with multiple characters. So it shouldn't be too difficult I just needed to figure out the buttons and what they did. Kazutora didn't even give me room and space to figure anything out, he just went in and defeated me in seconds.

"Geez, at least let me figure out how the buttons work." Which he did in the next round, but it didn't help my case, since I lost again. It took some trials and errors before I had my first win.

After hours of constant playing, I finally had to go.

"You're not seeing Mikey are you?" I shook my head, was he aware of the fact I went to his birthday party?

"What is something wrong with Mikey?" He didn't respond just stared at the floor, what was I supposed to take from this interaction?

"You don't want me to see him too much?" He nodded his head, but still kept silent.

"I didn't really plan to spend too much time with him anyway, all he does around me is sleep." Endless of joy to be around him, that's for sure.

"So where are you off to?" He shifted to another topic and I just sighed in defeat.

"Would you believe some two weirdos actually think I'm a demon?... I did some prank on them both, so I suppose I'm gonna meet them and watch the results." Was that even safe? Surely I didn't feel like going into a meeting with 2 guys that still by systems description hated me?

"How about you just stay at home?" That was a nice proposal, as I was about to admit I wanted to stay in the house a mission arrived.

'Would you rather scream at your brother about some action of his that upset you or visit the Haitani brothers at the designated meeting place?' Like I would scream at this poor boy, this system really liked to give me some sorta ultimatums it seemed.

"I would but I genuinely want them to realize that I am in fact a human being." So off I went after gathering all the items I thought I would need.

But in short, I found it ironic that the system wanted me to go to church on Sunday. As I stepped into the vicinity of this place, I found both brothers kneeling in front of the chapel, they were still whispering some prayers. Besides these two there was no one else inside, did they scare the staff knowing full well some specialist would come and they wanted as few watchers as possible?

As soon I stepped my foot inside the building they turned around astounded to see my face.

"You two crackheads need to realize that there are no demons, and move on with your lives." Both of them looked terrified.

"She must have been onto us this whole time." I really wanted them to realize I was only a human, but would this course of action really help me in any way? Despite I decided to roll with it.

"How did you find us?" Rindou asked as I shook my head and smirked.

"I never found you, I specifically asked you two to come here... so how was the prayer routine? Have you perhaps done some self-reflections you two?" Their mouth gaped in awe.

"You, you asked us to come here? You were the person behind the phone call all along?" Rindou questioned as I simply affirmed his speculations.

"How did you get my brother's number?" Was the only thing Ran could utter after such a long silence.

"This fella called me himself." Rindou denied the fact, while he expressed.

"The only person I called that day was this girl that... Ran flirted with... and got dumped-" Which each part of the sentence it looked more and more like he realized something important, his voice trailing off with each word.

"Yes." was my only answer, confirming the theory he had in his head.

"That's you?" Ran quickly pulled up the picture as I nodded.

"How dare you a succubus try to seduce my brother?!" Rindou abruptly seemed pissed.

"What the hell? I explained to him how I sent this to the wrong number, he was the one flirting with me dumb ass!" Why did he look even more agitated now when I told him the truth?

"Anyway, I was just pranking you guys with the prayer part. I thought some self-reflection maybe will help you realize that I'm not a freaking demon? There is no demon, no succubus." Whereas Rindou's response was.

"Isn't that something a demon would say?" I had enough of this bullshit so I tried to turn my heel around and leave, there was no reason to try to educate those stupid donkeys, but unexpectedly something flashed before my eyes.

'Rindou's hate level rose to 4' which was titled as such, simply pure hate. My whole body went into fleeing mode, but before I could escape this crazy guy launched himself at me at full speed, my brain couldn't even progress what was happening, until I felt pain in my stomach and was sent flying across the church floor. Also, did I just hear one of my bones cracking? Before my confused brain could comprehend the pain, all I could see was red, especially when I heard Rindou state.

"That was easy."

"What the hell is your problem?!" But before I knew tears were already streaming down my face from the agonizing pain. I guess he wasn't satisfied with only a single punch since he was coming over, I could barely see anything because of my fuzzy vision clouded from tears, but I could hear him since his steps were echoing thru the empty church floor. Although I was in pain I tried to slide thru the floor in hopes of getting away, yet soon realized someone's body weight was stopping me from escaping. I tried to pick up Pixie Dust to throw it into his face, but before I registered what took place next I heard another sound caused by my bones breaking.

"You won't be needing this anymore." This psycho broke my arm, I just couldn't comprehend it, why did they hate me so much?

"Brother, you were right, as low-level demons are fragile-" But before he could add something to his sentence, an earthquake hit?

"Brother run! It's just what she did back then!" I just hoped they would run away to safety and leave me alone, but then it calmed itself down and someone barged thru the church's entrance.

"Who are the two shitheads messing with my girl? Inside my church nonetheless?" who else could say my girl and church in the same sentence if not Taiju? I tried to see if I was right in my speculations but shortly heard Ran say.

"My girl? You must be under her spell! Wake up she's a demon." Taiju just laughed in their faces and then added.

"You dared to make her cry? You two have a nerve, even I haven't seen her cry myself!" The sheer astonishment at his word made me recover some strength and blow the Pixie Dust into Rindou's face, now when he was distracted by the new company, I saw it as a perfect opportunity. He fell asleep on top of me mind you, so I kicked him off, with all the force I could muster. Since Taiju was fighting Ran, I whipped a vial filled with the red potion and drank it. I didn't feel like going thru the suing progress with all these injuries, sitting at the hospital for months, not progressing my stats. I suddenly remembered how Takemichi had to go thru something similar, which made me feel bad for him, but this experience also strengthed my resolve to keep this cutie safe.

Ran at this point must have realized Rindou's unresponsive state, so he grabbed his brother and retreated.

Great, that was over, but how I was supposed to even deal with Taiju? Honestly, all I wanted to do was cry again since it relieved my pain. Ok never mind, this body needed some nutrients to keep the health potion running.

"You look like a wreck.... sexy." I couldn't do anything but cough at the obscurity of his comment.

"Excuse me?" I said, but he just changed the topic.

"Want me to call an ambulance for you sweetheart?" I strongly refused the proposal.

"No!" He seemed perplexed.

"Don't you have like broken bones? I'm aware of the fact that you can hardly move." I then added another.

"No!" suddenly a task arrived.

'Would you rather accept Taiju Shiba's suggestion of calling the ambulance or demand he take you to a restaurant?" Yes, second because of the potion I was dying of hunger.

"Could you instead, drag my ass to a restaurant? I'm starving." My request must have been so bizarre because he agreed just to watch the results.

The thing I wanted to go to, was a sushi restaurant with a sushi conveyor belt, I could eat it with my hands and stuff as many items into my mouth as I desired. Taiju picked me up but was seriously convinced my arm was broken.

"It's only numb, don't worry I will walk it off." He didn't seem convinced in the least.

Once we arrived at our destination the employers looked shocked at my state, they agreed to let us in, but when Taiju walked to the bathroom one of the employees asked me if I wanted to call the police for domestic abuse.

"Nah, you misunderstood we having a food stop before he will take me to the hospital." I lied to get people off my ass because I wanted to eat in peace. The more food I stuffed into my stomach the better my body felt. Then I noticed Taiju staring at me.

"What?" I asked with my cheeks filled with the food to the brim. He didn't say anything just took the seat beside me and put his arm around me. He suddenly looked like a fool in love, why did I think that? I couldn't tell, but I should have thanked him right? Probably things would have turned much worse if he didn't arrive at the scene. I chewed and swallowed all the food I had in my mouth at the time.

"Thanks, Taiju, I really appreciate it." But this guy deadass dared to say.

"Sorry I only take the word of thanks in kisses." it didn't help that the system was today on his side.

'Would you rather give Taiju Shiba a kiss or purposefully hit your injured arm against the table, hard?' I had felt enough pain for today, but hey neither did specify I had to do it on the mouth right? Cheek it was.

I gave him a peck on the cheek and after like 1 hour of stuffing myself with food I could finally move my arm around, but as soon we left the restaurant tears came rolling down my face again.

"The heck are you crying for?! Isn't that shit already over?" I snapped at him.

"Just because it's over it doesn't mean I feel less scared and sad! Instead of yelling at people for crying you should just put them in a hug and pat their head, geez you're so dense. I really feel bad for Yuzu-chan." I planned to leave him right there and return home, but he actually picked me up and put me into a hug? And now he was carrying me around like a small child?

I sure would embrace this new renowned side of Taiju, weren't these signs of improvement?