
Would You Rather Start An Apocalypse

A simple game of would you rather turns into a deadly apocalypse. Who will survive in the harsh conditions, and who will come out on top. Read my book to find out. This book is loosely based of of a homebrew apocalypse dnd a friend of mine made called Zenno. He is also a writer on webnovel and goes by "Z_Kuro_Z" His book on Zenno titled "Zenno: The Virus System" is posted on his old account called "The_Demon_Child" Please check him and his work out, and show him the credit that he deserves.

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Let The Chaos Begin

While watching all these rifts and cracks form before me, a rift opened up nearby the motel and what looked like birds flew out.

As the birds descended I began to make the silhouettes out to be bats. Something seemed off about them, but I couldn't put my finger on it. As they came closer and closer I realized that their heads were oddly big. One dove down past the top balcony and I heard screams from below. Apparently 2 of the 3 people below decided not to stay in their rooms. One got inside their rooms, but the other guy wasn't so lucky. He ran out into the parking lot covering his head while being bombarded with bats attacking him. He ended up slipping on a gravel patch, and as soon as he fell he got swarmed.

My neighbor walked out of his room onto the balcony after hearing the screaming and we both watched in horror as the man was eaten alive right before our eyes in the parking lot. After the body was picked clean the bats turned to the 2 guys left in the top balcony. The bats quickly flew towards the top balcony, with me and my neighbor, hungry for more flesh. It was at this moment that I realized what made them look so weird to me. The already large bats had wolf heads that snarled and howled in high distorted frequencies that were difficult to hear, but also straining on the ears.

The bat wolf things slammed against the wire fencing and tried their hardest to get to me and my neighbor, but to no avail. The wires were too thin for them to get their mouths through, or even be able to bite the wire. That was good though, that meant it would be more difficult for them to break through it. Even at that though I still didn't feel safe. They were all foaming at the mouth, some even having blood and flesh in their teeth from the poor soul in the parking lot.

My neighbor quickly said "Fuck this, I don't want to have to deal with this!" And walked into his room. Soon after I heard a gun cock, and then *bang*. I froze in place realizing what my neighbor probably just did. I slowly stood up and walked towards the open door. Even though it was open, I didn't feel very welcomed. I stepped inside anyway and found my neighbor with a .22 in his hand and a hole in his forehead. He was laying in his bed, but the blood spatter was in his head rest. He must have sat down in his bed ready to rest in it forever.

I grabbed his .22, walked out the door, and closed it behind me. I took aim with the .22 at one of the bat thing's head and fired. The bat thing flew backwards off the balcony fencing, but I don't know if that killed it. The other bat things seemed to recoil at the sound though. I took another shot, and they recoiled again. I then shot 3 times, and they seemed to get very agitated. I then took a shot with my shotgun and I guess that did it, because they flew off in a panic.

I then walked around the balcony making sure the coast was clear, and went inside my door. I picked up a notebook I grabbed from my neighbors room and went to start writing some stuff down. It was empty for the most part, but there was some artwork drawn inside on the first 5 pages. I tore out those pages, walked back to his room, and laid the pictures around him on his bed. I figured it was the nice thing to do, even though he's dead, he should still be respected.

I went back to my room and started jotting some stuff down,

Notes about enemies:

Wolf bat

Bat body, wolf head, can fly, probably have rabies, hunt in swarms (unless that was only in this scenario where they were forced to come in the thousands all at once, further research required)

Strengths: Flight, pack hunting

Weaknesses: Aversion to loud sounds/gunshots, the louder the better.

Possible deterrents: constant dog whistle/high pitched noise humans can't hear.

"Seems like the dog mixed with the bat gave them some damn sensitive ears" I thought to myself after finishing the first of probably many note sections. "I wonder if anywhere local sells dog whistles... Walmart probably has some, I'll just have to be very careful driving there. Oh who am I kidding, I'll need to figure out how to deal with all these different amalgamations before it's safe to travel like that."

I pulled out my 30-06 with a scope and used it like a pair of barnaculars. There were some of those wolf bats feeding on a dead deer, and... "Of course there are zombies" I said to myself "can't be an apocalypse without zombies, I wonder what variant these are, do they walk, run, or sprint? Maybe they have some intelligence, that would be interesting."

As I watched the group of around 10 zombies wander around they seemed to hone in on something. They all turned to go in a completely different direction at the same time. They even picked up their pace from a walk to a light jogging speed. Pretty soon I saw someone walk out of an alleyway ahead of the group and the group went into a full sprint. They weren't coordinated though, they were tripping over one another the whole nine yards. As soon as they would trip though they would start crawling as fast as they could until they could stand back up again and keep moving. These zombies were no joke, they can smell you from a ways away, and can book it when they see their prey.

I continued watching as the guy they were running towards pulled out a pump shotgun and started peppering them. Shot after shot the zombies never slowed down much other than when the shots knocked them over. After 5 - 6 shots the poor guy had no more ammo in the chamber. He started running and tried reloading while doing so. He dropped a couple shells, but he got about 3 loaded before he turned around and waited for them to get within 5-10 feet from him. I couldn't tell the distance very well through the scope. He aimed right for the heads and killed 3 of them before they got ahold of him.

I watched as they ripped him limb from limb while he was still alive. I could hear his screams even though I was as far away as I was. The zombies then split him up amongst each other in such a way that 2 got an arm each, same for the legs, one got the head, and the others scooped his organs out like it was a soup bowl.

I felt disgusted watching what they did to him. I went inside and put my second entry in to my notebook,


Fast, good sense of smell, will do anything to get to their prey, hunt in packs, brutally mutilate before killing and eating

Strengths: bodily resistant to damage, fast, strong, hunt in packs, show signs of intelligence

Weaknesses: head shots with a shotgun (need to test other calibers), don't seem to repopulate through killing

Even though it was still light out I decided to take a nap before it got dark out. For all I know even worse creatures come out at night. I had 4 hours to sleep before dusk, so I barricaded my door, set my alarm and drifted off to sleep.