

One of the men felt something fell on him and he turned to look only to be bitten by it, face to face with the thing that bit him he fainted and started to foam at his mouth. The other killers noticed it and also moved far away as possible, " Baby Sky slider snake!"

They screamed in unison, its bite was able to bring down a giant beast in a few minutes as a baby and their venom only grows stronger as they age and they grew up to be 5x thicker than a tree trunk and they can reach up to a thousand ft long when fully grown. It was already too late for the man they were bitten, " we'll be back!"

They yell as they retreated. Seeing where the snake fell from Mel ran up to check on her son choking a baby snake in his hands. " Baby! Let that snake go, mama will get you something else to play with." Mel said.

The person holding Baby 1 followed Mel up the tree and was greeted with Mel trying to make the baby throw the snake away.

" No!" Baby 2 said while hugging the snake tightly.

The person holding Baby 1 was more scared, because she knew the snake and she knew the mother would be around here soon. Sure enough there was a roar from the mother sensing her child was in danger. Mel watched as the huge snake showed up in front of her, " Baby throw that away!" Mel said frantically.

" Let go of my child, human!" The voice boomed and the wind was so strong it almost knocked them out their feet.

" No!" A cute voice said warming the ear of whoever hears it, but right now it brought them dread. The huge snake made eye contact with Baby 2 and briefly saw the king symbol in his eyes, and it froze. A poof of smoke appeared and the snake disappeared in it place was a beautiful celestial like woman appeared.

The person holding Baby 1 muttered, " Shape shifting beast…"

" My…. my king-"

" Hmph" Baby 2 gave the snake woman a look

Understanding the look she switched her words, " My -my -my...my ki...nd...s..ir why don't you take my other child too?" She says as she whispered something to her child making it obedient and then presenting to Baby 2.

As if it was beneath him Baby 2 was unwilling to take it. After a few minutes Baby 2 took it reluctantly making the person holding Baby 1 bleed invisible tears . The child of a shaping shifting is worth a lot, because it is so difficult to get and yet when presented with one the child was so unwilling.

With a snake in both hands Baby number 2 wobbled over to Mel presenting her the snakes as a gift. Looking back at the snake woman a little bit, the snake woman began to shake. " Well that is all kind sir I'll be leaving-"

The snake woman runs away, she thought in her mind 'I'm sorry my children, but if you follow the king you will have a great future." With that her heart calm down, yes she didn't abandon her children because she was scared, oh yes! She was giving them a bright figure to follow, and with that excuse she went to tell her husband whose reaction was the same as hers.

Mel look at the snake obediently coiling around her son's arm, lifting his arms up he presenting Mel with a present. Disliking the big worms around her sons arm she moved back a little, noticing that his mother was moving away from him Baby 2 started teary up. Does she not like his gift?

Seeing her son was teary up she spoke up not sure if he could understand her, " Son don't cry...mama...prefers cats over snakes thats why," infact inside she wanted her son to throw the snakes far away as possible, but it seems that these were not normal snake and they seems to understand human language, they could be kept to keep her children away from danger.

With an understanding look Baby 2 kept the snake to himself, 'cats she like cats better' Baby 2 thought to himself.