
04 Big Day At School

A bit longer at 3,400 words.

My first day at school was awesome! Vista, or as a civilian was named Missy Biron, never once let my hand go as she showed me around the place. We went to our lockers, we went to classes, we ate in the cafeteria, we went to more classes, and then the day was over. Even when we were picked up in the unmarked car, Missy kept hold of my hand.

When we arrived back at the Rig, Clockblocker was the first to comment. "Are you afraid he's going to disappear?" He asked with a chuckle.

"Yes." Missy admitted and blushed as she looked at me. "I need to change into my cape costume."

"No problem, Missy. I can help you." I offered and several of the other wards made odd sounds. I looked over at them. "What is it?"

"She a girl." The leader of the Wards, Aegis said.

"Yeah, I know." I said and looked back at her still red face. "You can help me change when they deliver my costume, too."

Missy's face went even redder.

"Are you okay?" I asked and reached up to gently caress her cheek and then her forehead.

"I'm f-fine." Missy lied and I wasn't sure how I knew that.

"Don't you want me to help?" I asked and ducked my head a little.

"I... I... I..." Missy stammered and a look of indecision was on her face.

"You are both too young to help each other like that." Armsmaster's voice said from across the room.

"Oh." I said sadly and let Missy's hand go. "I'm sorry, Missy. I didn't know that."

"A-Alex..." Missy started to say and her hand twitched to take mine again.

"Get changed and meet up with your patrol partner." Armsmaster ordered. "Alex, you're on monitor duty."

"Yes, sir." I said and didn't miss the sad look on Missy's face as I went to my room to drop off my school bag. Time was scheduled after supper for homework and there was no rush to have it done. It was only my first day, after all.

I checked my clothes for dirt and they were fine, so I went back through the common area to the monitoring station. I sat down and did all the things Vista taught me to do and I was all prepped and ready for my shift.

I watched the main screen as everyone did their video and microphone checks, their cell phone checks, and their weapon and costume checks. I responded appropriately when they contacted me and gave them the proper call signs. It took half an hour for them to all be ready, even the Ward that I hadn't met before, Shadow Stalker.

She was a fairly pretty black girl, except that her face looked like she had stepped in something stinky. She did not look happy to be paired up with Clockblocker, either. Her whispered comment about ditching him as soon as they were outside was added proof of that.

I split the feeds and spread them over the various monitors, then saw the flaw in that. I couldn't watch the Protectorate capes and watch the three Ward teams at the same time. There weren't enough monitors. I thought that was an odd thing, especially for an operation that was supposed to monitor the capes under supervision.

I started searching through the video program options and I didn't like what I saw. There was only one option to show each stream. I could switch through them fairly quickly; but, I couldn't watch more than one at a time on each monitor, even if I shrunk it into a smaller display. That wasn't good.

I wasn't happy with that, so I opened up a search option and started looking for the program that controlled the video display. It was fairly easy to find the directory and there were several small files beside the executable, as well as several file folders. I knew they wouldn't help me much, unless they had the commands inside. I opened them with a text editor and one was a basic guide and the other was the settings, so no help there.

I started digging through the file folders and any files I found, I dropped into the text editor. None of them had anything close to what I wanted, most were just gibberish, and I kept plugging away at it as I listened to the Wards and Protectorate capes talking to each other.

I went into a data folder and there I struck pay-dirt. It was a spreadsheet that had the display information. It also had the restrictions, which was exactly what I wanted. I checked them and saw that the limit of one display at a time was part of the program and that sucked... then I chuckled. If the program only displayed one feed per monitor and you only had four monitors, all I had to do was trick it into thinking there were more monitors.

It took a while to find the instance for the number of monitors the program searched for and there it was. Four had been auto-detected, which was perfect. I copied the line three times and assigned each four auto-detections to one of the monitors. The other three monitors flickered as all four feeds tried to play at the same time on each monitor.

I sat back and thought about the problem, then remembered I had made the display smaller and moved it off to the side of the monitor I was working with. With that as a reference, I cross-linked the program for that with the operating system's window display and three more windows popped up with a scrambled signal.

That wouldn't do, so I spent the next thirty minutes filtering and checking the video signals coming in. It took a bit of research to find the code I needed and then changed the lines in the program to make each window a single display again and not a multiple. The signals cleared right up and I now had four different video feeds in windows on my screen.

"Yes!" I exclaimed and copied the information over the other monitor displays and the single video feed changed to show four individual windows. It took a bit more programming to section each of the monitors into quadrants and then I dropped each display window into them.

When I was done, I saved my work and sat back to look at the four monitors that now had four video feeds playing on them. I could now watch 16 video feeds at the same time and none of them interfered with the others. I could also change each of them to another feed, just as the original program specified, so if there were more feeds than that coming in, there was still the option to switch them.

It took no time at all to change six of the displays to the six wards on patrol and I was surprised when Shadow Stalker's feed was blank. I immediately hit the button to contact Armsmaster and changed one of the feeds to his camera.

"Armsmaster here." Armsmaster responded.

"Sorry to bother you, sir. I just checked Shadow Stalker's video feed and it's black."

"Did you contact her?" Armsmaster asked.

"No, sir. The signal's not dead. That would be static. The camera is covered in blackness." I explained. "If she's being attacked or intentionally covering the camera, me speaking in her ear could be a distraction."

"Good point." Armsmaster said. "Where is she?"

I checked her cell phone GPS. "She's about six streets off of her assigned route, sir."

"Clockblocker isn't with her?"

"No, sir." I said and glanced at the right feed. "He's still on the assigned route."

Armsmaster sighed. "All right, I'll swing by. Send me the coordinates and maintain radio silence."

"Yes, sir. Myriad out." I said and sent the data before I clicked off.

Ten minutes later, Shadow Stalker's camera cleared and her microphone went live again. It showed Armsmaster admonishing her for going off patrol and for not using the approved ammunition.

She's trouble. I thought and listened as Armsmaster ordered her to return to the Rig. The things she said to his back when he drove away, weren't worth repeating. I saved the files, backed them up, and sent copies to Aegis, Armsmaster, and Sophia's PRT representative. That wasn't standard procedure, just common sense.

Less than a minute later, I received a notification that the files had been deleted. When I checked, it was from a remote access request and I checked the reference with the log files. It had happened dozens of times over the last few months and no one noticed. Someone was covering up for Shadow Stalker.

I quickly added the notice and the discrepancies to the log files, then I copied and backed the discovery up before I sent copies to Aegis, Armsmaster, and Director Piggot. I hoped that someone else took notice of the alterations and followed up with it. If not, I would have to mention it at the next meeting.

I stayed on monitor duty until Vista returned after her patrol. She seemed a little awkward and I wasn't sure why. I now knew to not ask to help her change clothes until we were older, so that's what I told her. Vista had a blush on her face and she nodded, took my hand, and led me to the cafeteria for supper.

We ate and talked like we normally did, then we went back to the common room that the Wards all used when off duty. Miss Militia said it was team bonding time as we relaxed after work, and I understood. We were supposed to feel comfortable around each other.

"It also builds trust." Aegis said and Clockblocker laughed. "It does."

"I'm not laughing at that." Clockblocker said and pointed at the darkly dressed figure across the room that still wore her mask and had her arms crossed in a defiant stance as she leaned against the wall.

"She's always like that." Aegis said with a shrug.

Shadow Stalker huffed and somehow looked even more defiant, even if her mask didn't change.

"Alex, you haven't introduced yourself to her yet." Miss Militia said and nodded to her.

"Oh! Right." I said and hopped up to walk over to Shadow Stalker as I held a hand out for her to shake. "Hi, there. I'm..."

Shadow Stalker batted my hand away. "I don't care who you are, asshole!"

I immediately started to copy her power, because I had a feeling I was going to need it.

"Hey!" Vista gasped and stood up.

"It's because of you that I got a formal reprimand on my record!" Shadow Stalker nearly shouted.

"Which one? That you were off patrol, that you intentionally disabled the camera and microphone so you can't be monitored, or that you cursed at and insulted Armsmaster as he drove away?" I asked.

"I didn't do any of that!" She lied, badly.

"The video and audio files tell a different story." I said.

Shadow Stalker fell silent for a moment and didn't move. "You're just a kid. There's no files like that and you don't know what you're talking about." She said and then whispered. "You're just prey."

I stepped close and she looked down at me. "Oh, yeah? I'm old enough to know a liar and a bad person when I meet them!"

She stiffened and her body was tense. "Step back or you're going to regret it."

"Or what? You're going to attack me? Right here in front of everyone?" I goaded her. "Does the truth hurt that much? Everyone already knows you're a liar and a bad person, even if your handler deletes all of the records!"

"Liar!" Shadow Stalker shouted as her fist swung at my face and I didn't bother dodging.

I took the hit and didn't feel anything as I pretended to swing around from the force, then I completed the turn and slammed my fist right into her mask. It shattered and Sophia screamed as her nose was broken and she whacked her head on the metal wall behind her. Her helmet saved her skull just before she changed to dark grey smoke and tried to get away.

I changed to mostly smoke myself and tried to grab her, which felt really weird. Sophia somehow screamed again and then she was solid and my partially smoke hand was half buried in her shoulder. She tried to bat my hand away like she had when I offered it to shake, and in my mind I just wanted her unconscious.

As soon as her hand touched mine, her eyes rolled up into her head and she dropped to the floor. I looked at my hand as it changed back to solid and looked down at an unconscious Sophia, because my desire to knock her out had somehow worked. I didn't know how it had, just that it did. Was this another power that I had somehow copied or something?

"At least I didn't have to step in." Armsmaster said as he entered the room. "Good job sending me those files, Myriad. I've added your new back-up and copy procedure to the normal operating orders for anyone on monitoring duty."

"Thank you, sir." I said and stepped back. "Is there some way to recover the deleted files? It's been happening ever since Sophia came back from training camp and she started attending Winslow High School."

Armsmaster's steps faltered and he came to a stop. "Winslow High School?"

"What is it, sir?" Aegis asked. "What's happened?"

Armsmaster waved him to silence and his eyes lost focus, as if he was reading something. His eyes refocused and hardened as he looked down at Sophia. "Miss Militia, gather up Miss Hess and see if she needs medical attention. If it's serious, call in Panacea. I need to consult with Director Piggot about something."

Miss Militia quickly checked Sophia as Armsmaster left and she used her cell phone to call Panacea. She described the broken nose, a cheekbone, an eye socket, and a concussion. Everyone looked at me and I shrugged. I wasn't going to pull punches against someone like that.

Surprisingly, it didn't take long for whoever Panacea was to show up.

"Dean!" A bubbly voice called out.

Gallant, aka Dean, let out a sigh as a happy blonde girl ran into the room and tackled him. They didn't hit the floor, though. They floated off to the side of the room and then they were kissing like there was no tomorrow.

I looked at Vista with a question on my face.

"I'll tell you later." Vista whispered and I nodded. She walked over to me and took my hand. "Just so you know, I've always wanted to do what you just did."

I gave her a bright smile. "It did feel good to smack her one after she punched me."

"Is this the patient?" A tired voice asked as a young girl dressed as a nun entered the room, only she was completely in white with a red cross on the front.

"There's no need to ask her for permission. She's unconscious and I grant it in her stead." Miss Militia said and Panacea nodded.

I immediately tried to copy her power and I felt it fizzle. That was a first for me, which shouldn't be surprising, considering I had only just discovered my power. Did it have a limit? Was it similar powers? Conflicts? I asked myself. "Excuse me for a minute, Vista." I said and Vista nodded and let my hand go.

Panacea knelt and placed her hand on Sophia's forehead and I walked over to watch. I knelt beside her and stared at Sophia's deflated nose as it rose up to its normal shape and filled back in. The budding black eye disappeared as well and Panacea kept her hand on Sophia's forehead.

"What is your power doing?" I asked and Panacea looked at me with a bored expression. "If you want to explain to someone that is new in town. I mean, we haven't met yet and I don't want to bother you."

Panacea's face changed to interested. "You're right. I haven't seen you before."

"I'm Alex Powers, cape name Myriad, and I have selective amnesia, I'm indestructible, and I recently discovered that I can copy powers at half strength." I said and she looked surprised. "Except yours. I've been trying and each time it fizzles."

Panacea stared at me for several moments before she shook herself slightly and lifted her hand from Sophia's forehead. "She'll wake up in a couple of minutes." She said to Miss Militia.

Miss Militia picked Sophia up and left the room, probably to take her to Armsmaster.

I watched her go and looked back at Panacea. "Does anyone ever thank you or do they all take you for granted?"

Panacea looked surprised again. "I... well, most just..."

"They assume because you have healing powers that you have to heal them?" I guessed and she nodded. "Just like in Boston, most people in Brockton Bay are idiots, too."

Panacea let out a little laugh. "I want to shake your hand, except my power works through touch."

"Why don't you wear gloves when you're not healing?" I asked and she blinked her eyes at me. "Even disposable hospital ones should block it, if it works only with skin to skin contact." I said and held my hand out to her, knowing what it meant to offer it like that. "Hi, again. It's nice to meet you."

Panacea looked at my bare hand and back at my face. "You know my power will automatically diagnose you."

"Yep! Maybe you can tell me why I can't copy your power. Is it similar to something I already copied and can't feel? Or is it because it goes against my already invulnerable body?"

"I would ask how that happened, except it's bad manners to ask about trigger events." Panacea said and took my hand. "I'm Panacea in costume and Amy Dallon when I'm not."

Nothing happened for several seconds, which surprised her, then we both gasped as our powers flowed together and touched. It was similar to how I felt with Miss Militia and we had used our powers together on the same weapon.

"You... you had... four triggers." Panacea whispered.

Four? How did that happen? I asked myself.

"The first... was artificial. It opened the door for your brain to... three others... I can't follow... but, your power... it..." Panacea stopped talking and leaned in close to put her other hand on my face. That wasn't enough skin contact, because she leaned forward and rested her forehead against mine and closed her eyes. After about thirty seconds, she sucked in a sharp breath. "You are a damage battery."

"A what?" I, Aegis, and Vista asked at the same time.

"I can't describe it any differently." Panacea said and leaned back to look into my eyes. "If I'm reading this right, you can heal people by absorbing the damage into yourself."

"Are you kidding me?" Clockblocker asked. "The invulnerable kid can absorb wounds from other people? How does that even work?"

"I think it's a side effect of his first trigger." Panacea said. "Whatever happened, whatever your brain did in that first moment, is allowing you to take on other people's hurt for yourself."

I was stunned. I could heal people by touching them? That didn't make sense, did it? I looked at where Panacea... no, Amy... still held my hand. That's probably why. Both powers are similar and different and require touch to activate.

Armsmaster entered the common room and looked at Amy. "I need you to come with me, Panacea."

Amy gave me a slightly sad look as she let my face and hand go, then she stood up. "Vicky!"

"Aww." Vicky said and set Dean down on the floor and floated over. "What's up, Ames?"

"By the tone of Armsmaster's voice, I have a patient that needs immediate healing." Amy said.

"I'll come, too." I offered and stood.

Armsmaster gave me a pointed look, briefly glanced at Amy, and nodded. We were soon inside a PRT transport vehicle and sped along the bridge from the re-purposed oil rig to the mainland.

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