
Worm: Revenge of the Elder's

Worm/Xcom crossover with MC Tinker

Nisiris · Others
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7 Chs


Three days.

Three entire days in which I worried my mom and dad when I closed myself in my room, just going out to eat, bathe, and somehow interact with them...

It was three days from the time when I told them about my powers, and a lot of didn't change, at least I don't think it did, even if my time in seclusion gave me other things to think about than just worrying that I wasn't true I and something other sat behind my riding wheel...

Still, when I accepted dad's idea to go to his boss, he trusted me, as they were supposedly childhood friends, just they didn't see each other now that they were adults and had a ton of work, I asked him for time to build something.

At first, dad was reluctant, seeing my words as delaying, seeing my fretting form as if I wanted to run, and I didn't fault him with how I looked, still, I told him that I needed proof of my tinkering ability, and specialty, as the more proof I have, the better chance for them to jump into the fire to protect me, us...

Finally, dad relented as mom told him to let me by for a while, as it was all too fast and hard for me, and he wanted me just to have a few calm days before the storm of my ability got out, something I was thankful to my mom for.

So, I asked dad to bring me home a few things I needed for tinkering, and as one higher standing UniTech personnel, dad was capable of taking a lot without anybody batting an eye, still, he would need to prove a reason why he took and needed so high tech tools and materials, once the month ends, and revision inventory comes around, but then, dad and I hoped my case would be already spoken to the UniTech bosses pair, and thus not having any problems as they would cover my dad's take outs...

And once dad brought me the tech, I went to work.

My goal or goals were simple, I needed to make two things, well, I wanted to make one and needed another.

The items I wanted were Mind Shields that would protect both my parents and me, the minus is that I found out that most of my tech is somehow made to be incorporated into the human body, thus the cyberization, it was the same with Mind Shield, the plus was, that just because it was a Mind Shield, it didn't need to be put into head or neck, but anywhere on body would work, as the Mind Shield chip worked differently than just some hormonal control that would make any mind controlling difficult.

Mind Shield utilized one element that made it hard for me to believe I could work with or even utilize it.

The Psionic energy/power.

And didn't that open a lot of doors and cans of worms, at least, from what I could see, it was pure Psionics whatever it was, and not some Psyker shit from 40K, if it were, I wouldn't touch it with tenth foot pole, as I was very alright to fight just Golden guy, and not inviting any Chaos things from beyond to there...

But, back to the Mind Shields, what it did, was to practically enclose the host they are put into in a pure Psionic shield like radiation, it wouldn't protect them from bullets, but if my guess is right, it not just blocked any mind control, but even thinker or precogs, as it was creating its own 'place' around the person that wore it, separating in some atomic way, the person from the rest of word, not physically, but more spiritually...

It was...

Hard to put into words just how it worked, as it was both simple and yet very complicated.

Still, that fact made me almost beam, as it did take care of one of my more dire problems, thinkers and precogs are something that scares me to go against, so having protection from them is more than good for me, even if such protection would probably signal a big red flag to them once they meet me, or someone other who would have Mind Shield chip in them...

I was making six chips, especially three, for me, mom, and dad, and the rest for the people dad would want to speak to, giving it to them as proof of my capabilities, as I think that most government agencies would kill to have access to something that could shield them from both villain thinkers, and PRT, as I don't see any good blood between those agencies that can't have their own parahumans, and PRT that could use their own parahumans on them, without them knowing...

The entire thing screamed danger from miles away, and I wonder just how Contessa managed to silence these agencies' leaders, as I don't see them being alright with this.

But that was going from the topic, and as the sounds of my tinkering started to lessen, I looked at another item I created and would use to promote my importance to these men and women in power.

I call it.

"Hex Shield." The room was engulfed in orange light as something appeared above the item I created, just to dim the room again, as it stopped working immediately.


I looked at the item, at the Hex Sheild generator, and groaned as I realized my error...

"I fucking forget to create a power source for it..." I muttered under my breath as the wish to bang my sleepy head against the wall grew...

Hex Shield was a handy thing, one I could see multiple agencies, police, and army wishing to have, the problem was...

That it devoured a lot of energy just to start on, and then to run...

But the results?

I am partially sure that even a shot from the tank or any anti-armor rifle couldn't pierce it, well...

Im sure it would collapse just after taking such an enormous hit, but it should be able to save a life, and give the person behind it, time to either run or kill the one who attacked him.

But then again, even if Hex Shield in itself was small, being around the size of a backpack, the amount of energy it needed was astronomical to be utilized by just one person.

The plus is that it works on distance, and so there is a possibility of incorporating it into cars, or buildings, that could have a large enough power generator to power it, as it could create shields around the people from a distance and so didn't need to be worn by the people to protect them.

Imagine a police car having this Hex Shield, it could save an enormous amount of lives, and it could even protect persons from the parahumans who didn't have the capability of out-punch tanks or anti-material or armor riffles...

I was...

Not sure I shouldn't create a weapon rather than a shield, but when I asked mom, she said it would be better if I specialized in protecting than taking lives...

And I was willing to go with her idea, even if it didn't stop me from creating weapons...

But, surprisingly or not, creating a piece of defensive equipment was easier for me than an offensive, a magnetic riffle was an easy thing, I knew how to create it in a way that I could by mass produced, and yet...

I withheld such information and capability of my until I had confidence that the people on top would protect my parents and me...

When she entered the room, she was almost worried she would find her son once again by the table, tinkering without any rest or sleep...

She would stop him, even if by force, but...

Even if for her dislike of capes, she understood enough, she knew that these Tinkers, of which now her son belonged, had these times, they call it tinker fugue.

Or something like that, and it shouldn't be stopped.

She didn't dare to stop him, not after looking at some papers she left on the table, ones where he clearly wrote all his findings, the things she read almost made her cry.

No, it made her cry, seeing just how much her son is dead set on protecting them, these Mind Shields...

The idea of having something shoved into her body made her revolt, but...

If it makes her son feel better, she was willing to become...

Become part of a machine if it makes her son feel that she is protected enough...

And her hubby agreed with her, they saw in these three days just how much their son worked...

Even if Rey couldn't see them or wasn't able to acknowledge them, when they entered his room, looking how he tinkered away.

It broke their hearts, seeing how their young son worked, knowing there wasn't anything they could do, as if they stopped him in the middle of his tinker fugue could hurt him more than just some sleep deprivation...

At least he came for meals three times a day...

And so, she was surprised when she found her little darling sprawled on the bed, with the items clearly finished on his desk, where not even a month ago he used just for his homework...

"Sweet dreams, my little maker." She whispered to her son as she kissed him on the head and tucked him into bed, so he could sleep without waking up all hurt from the way he fell asleep...