
Worldwide Simulation Era Free

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Fantasy_Bringer · Anime & Comics
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Worldwide Simulation Era Chapter 32

"A surprise?"

Lin Qiye trusted his intuition very much.


He stopped the blocking guards and strode to the weak young man.

"You two are competent guards! Be rewarded!"


Lin Qiye awarded each guard ten spiritual stones.

Standing tall and straight, the guard glanced at the spirit stone out of the corner of his eye, and was shocked by the pure spiritual power contained in the spirit stone, swallowing his saliva subconsciously.

The two of them took a small step back in unison, bent their waists carefully, stretched out their hands, took the spirit stone cherishly, and hid it in their close-fitting pockets.

"Thank you, Lord!"

"We will definitely be conscientious and stand guard! We will never let down the love of the lord!"

The guard's voice was high.

There is no doubt that their loyalty has increased more than tenfold.

Lin Qiye, who gave a little grace, nodded slightly, and his eyes fell on the weak young man.

"Is there anything you need my help with?"

The weak and weak youth seem to have some social fears.

Facing Lin Qiye, the muscles in his face were so nervous that they were not naturally twitching and pulling.


His eyes have the strong curiosity and stubbornness necessary for top scientists.

"The lord... I... I just studied the alien corpse, and I almost... almost grasped the essence.

But because he wasn't a cultivator... he fell short. I want the king to help me... let me become a cultivator. "

"If I... become an immortal cultivator, I will definitely be able to research groundbreaking results. I..."

Although the young man stammered, the fighting spirit and confidence in his eyes seemed to be burning.

This made Lin Qiye quite admire.

He looked at the weak youth.

"If you want to become an immortal cultivator, the difficulty is not low!

But... since you have the confidence to make scientific research results, I will help you once. Come with me to the training room! "

Hearing what Lin Qiye said.

The weak young man froze in place.

In fact, he knew that it was an extremely stupid offense that he rushed over to ask to see the lord of the country and made a series of rude demands.

As the noble status of the country lord, most of them will send him casually.


The king actually forgave his offense generously and unconditionally trusted his own words?

The weak young man pursed his lips, his eyes were hot and humid.

"Lord, aren't you afraid that I'm exaggerating and bragging and defrauding funds?"

The weak youth reminded.

Lin Qiye smiled.

"I believe in you. You are very good."

Hear the words.

The weak young man was stunned, and his head fell into a short blank.

This unconditional trust.

It came as a surprise and an accident, as if he had won the first prize, making the weak young man feel dizzy, thinking he was dreaming.

However, Lin Qiye urged from the front: "Don't be in a daze, keep up! And... what's your name?"

"Qin Xingtong! My name is Qin Xingtong! My mother said...when I was born...my pupils were as bright as stars...so...call me Xingtong..."

Hearing this, Lin Qiye raised his eyebrows, feeling a strange premonition in his heart.

Quickly took Qin Xingtong to the training room.

"Sit down with your knees crossed. Let me examine your body."

Qin Xingtong was a little nervous, sitting in an amateurish posture.

But it doesn't matter.

Lin Qiye swept Qin Xingtong's meridians with his mind.

The next second.

Lin Qiye's eyes were slightly surprised.

"Your eyes are a kind of Dao bone."

"But a world with poor spiritual energy can't support such a root."

"And your eyes, in order to remain active, forcefully absorb the vitality of the body. As a result, your meridians are extremely atrophied, and naturally you cannot cultivate."

Lin Qiye's description is easy to understand.

Qin Xingtong's face quickly turned embarrassed, her heart sank to the bottom of the valley, and she looked extremely desperate.

"The lord...it seems...there is no hope at all, right?"

"Yes, I have a way to help you."

Qin Qingtong was stunned: "Lord, if the difficulty is too high, don't use it, I'm not worth it..."

Lin Qiye shook his head.

"It's okay, just stay well!"

Talking room.

Lin Qiye took out ten top-quality healing elixir, and took out dozens of elixir flowing with green light and strong medicinal fragrance, as well as ten thousand spirit stones.

Qin Xingtong was dumbfounded.

He is not stupid, he naturally knows the value of spirit stones.

just now!

The two immortal cultivators guarded, and after receiving the reward of ten spirit stones, their hands trembled, and they were very careful, and they were so precious!

One can imagine how precious the spirit stone is.

Ten spirit stones still make the immortal cultivator nervous.

The spiritual stones piled up in the hills in front of them may make the cultivators go crazy!

Qin Xingtong panicked for no reason.

The price of the king's help for him seems to be a bit heavy...

Qin Xingtong swallowed her saliva.

"The country's lord... Or forget it... I consume too many resources... I can't bear this kindness..."

Lin Qiye shook his head indifferently.

"Since I promised you, I will definitely do it.

He immediately calmed down and swallowed an elixir. I try to help you restore your meridians. "

Qin Xingtong hesitated.


At Lin Qiye's request.

He swallowed an elixir into his stomach.

The cold medicinal power quickly flowed through the body.

Lin Qiye's palm immediately pressed on Qin Xingtong's Tianzhu acupoint.

The innate qi poured in, nourishing the meridians that had shrunk to the extreme.

Innate zhenqi is the magical power that nurtures babies and nurtures the meridians.


Qin Xingtong's meridians shrank due to the loss of vitality, so it took a lot longer.

ten minutes later.

Lin Qiye's voice sounded.

"Swallow another healing elixir."

Qin Xingtong quickly followed suit.

Repeat this many times...

after an hour.

Under the circumstance that 3,000 Innate True Qi was spent.

Qin Xingtong's atrophied meridians all recovered as before.

And Lin Qiye's forehead was also full of sweat.

Seeing the sweat on Lin Qiye's forehead, Qin Xingtong's expression was complicated, and he was flattered. At the same time, he also swore in his heart that he must repay the unconditional trust and investment cultivation of the lord today!

To know.

Even when a million stars were flown back into space and one person blocked five hundred foreign demon gods, the king did not sweat!

But now.

But he was so exhausted that he was sweating profusely.

Qin Xingtong knew that she had met Bole in her life.

He was very grateful, and the hot warmth surged in his heart, making his eyes red from the heat.

"Thank you, Lord! Thank you, Lord!"

Lin Qiye let out a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, I have innate qi, otherwise I won't be able to solve it!"

"But... don't get excited yet, although the meridians have recovered. But it's still very fragile. You have to work harder."


Lin Qiye wiped the sweat from his forehead, then melted the elixir into a cloud of purple elixir and injected it into Qin Xingtong's body.


10,000 spiritual stones were transformed into pure spiritual energy, which was precisely controlled by Lin Qiye to all parts of Qin Xingtong's body.

This behavior is equivalent to sticking the pacifier directly to the baby's mouth.

Qin Xingtong's meridians became firm and spiritual.

At the same time, his cultivation has also been raised to the third level of Qi Refining.

Done this.

Lin Qiye once again took out thirty centennial elixir.

It melted into a liquid medicine and placed it above Qin Xingtong's eye socket.

"Your eyes need to be awakened, and I will help you again!"

The voice fell.

Qin Xingtong only felt that his eyes were cool, and there seemed to be a strange change in the pupils. An extreme sense of pleasure was generated in his mind.

His eyes, which were originally 800-degree myopic, recovered the vision he had when he was a child, and even improved.

So much so that you can actually see the particles of dust floating in the air!

You can even see the trajectory of the king's breathing, and the flow of spiritual energy around him.

Qin Xingtong's face was full of surprise.

Lin Qiye looked at the mental outlook, the new Qin Xingtong.

"Are your eyes awake? Look at me, what can you see?"

Qin Xingtong then looked up.

Look at this.

Qin Xingtong was so frightened that she was frozen like a cicada, her face full of shock.

Because... Lin Qiye's body was circling a majestic purple thunder dragon.

Every bone exudes a white light like suet jade.

There is also a dragon elephant full of suffocation, half-squinting scarlet eyes, overlooking the world.

Qin Xingtong's heart trembled wildly, and sweat dripped from her forehead.

The brain is blank.

"What did you see? Tell me."

Qin Xingtong stammered: "Thunder Dragon... bones that glow like suet jade... and... there is also a divine beast that resembles a dragon and an elephant!"

Lin Qiye smiled and nodded: "Yes, you can actually see my trump card... It's kind of interesting, you go do your research!

With the blessing of cultivation and eyes, can you produce results within three months? "

Hear the words.

Suspicion flashed in Qin Xingtong's eyes.

I don't know why it was limited to three months.

But after thinking about it carefully, Qin Xingtong suddenly panicked.

"The lord... Could it be that... in three months, there will be a group of stronger enemies?"

Lin Qiye nodded slightly: "Be smart, study hard, maybe... the world needs you to save."

Lin Qiye encouraged.

Qin Xingtong was so excited that her blood boiled, and she clenched her fists.

"The lord of the state highly values ​​me and treats me like a mountain! Even if I forget to eat, sleep and sleep, I have to prove my conjecture!"

"Go ahead, if you have any requirements, just mention it to me directly, all will be satisfied for you."

"it is good."

Qin Xingtong held her heart tightly and strode towards the laboratory.

After watching Qin Xingtong leave.

Lin Qiye smiled slightly.

"very good."

"I really don't have 100,000 walking points to deduce how to break the game. I just hope you can give me a big surprise..."

"If there are no surprises, my rating will stop at S+..."

Lin Qiye secretly gave Qin Xingtong spiritual support.

The next day.

Numerous scientists in the laboratory discovered.

Qin Xingtong became the ultimate scroll king.

He turned into a mad scientist.

Tube after tube of blood was drawn from the body of the Jindan strong man of the Shenhu clan and placed under a microscope for analysis.

He even directly dissected a golden elixir of the Shenhu clan, and put the tissue fluid and meat pieces into the equipment and mixed with the reagents.

Scientists found out.

Qin Xingtong became stunned.

There was an extremely happy smile on the corner of his mouth.

In the notebook, the almost crazy ideas and experimental process are recorded.

For three or four days in a row, he did not leave the laboratory, and only survived on bread and milk.

As for sleep.

Qin Xingtong didn't sleep at all!

Four o'clock in the middle of the night.

in the laboratory.

Qin Xingtong held the test tube emitting green light by herself, frowning in thought.

"Why? My idea, obviously there is no problem, but why can't it achieve the effect?"

"Am I thinking wrong?"

Qin Xingtong gritted her teeth, scratched her ears and scratched her cheeks, her dark circles getting darker and darker.

Time flies by like a horse.

5,000 Golden Core Powerhouses invaded.

Only two months left.

Qin Xingtong's cheeks were sunken, her hair was messy, and her face was haggard.

But he completely ignored his body and immersed himself in research.

"It's only a little bit, just a little bit! 3.16 billion sets of genes have been excluded to only 120 sets, and there is absolutely no mistake in the exclusion..."


"The strong man of the God Tiger Clan is dead. Will the key active factor dissipate in an instant? I didn't consider this situation!"

Thinking of this.

Qin Xingtong found Lin Qiye with dark circles around her eyes like a panda.

"My lord, I want a tube of your fresh blood."

Lin Qiye didn't hesitate.

Let Qin Xingtong drain a tube of blood.

"You should take a break. Do your research again."

during the blood draw.

Lin Qiye asked Qin Xingtong to rest for a while.

However, Qin Xingtong refused.

"I am not sleepy!"

He left quickly, although his head was a little dizzy and his body was a little weak, but his spirit was high.

He was even more crazy.

He is studying every day. Although he has supercomputer-assisted computing, he is still exhausted and his body is getting thinner and thinner.


Lin Qiye sent a 100-year-old ginseng every three days, but he couldn't make up the shortfall.

Time is like quicksand on the finger, and it is fleeting.

There is only one month left before the invasion of the 5,000 God Tiger Clan's Golden Core Powerhouses.

Qin Xingtong became nervous.

"There's only one month left? I seem to have failed the lord of the country?"

Qin Xingtong gritted her teeth.

"The lord of the country highly values ​​me and trusts me unconditionally... How can I let the lord down?"

Thinking like this.

Qin Xingtong's eyes shone with light, and his vitality was burning.


He entered a state of superflow.

The thoughts in my mind are galloping...

Research progresses by leaps and bounds.

But the speed of the body's haggard was also visible to the naked eye, and only skin and bones remained.

Time is like an arrow, and the sun and the moon are like shuttles.

There are only 20 days left until the 5000 Jindan Powerhouse invades!

In Qin Xingtong's laboratory.

Finally, a hearty and frantic laughter came out.

"I succeeded! I succeeded! I created a genetic medicine!"

Qin Xingtong laughed so hard that blood suddenly flowed from her nose and mouth.

Then his eyes darkened and he fainted on the ground.

When he opened his eyes, he was already locked in the hospital bed with medical equipment.

The little nurse is helping Qin Xingtong change the glucose water.

"Mr. Qin, are you awake? You have been in a coma for three days. The king told you to rest."

"Three days?! Does it mean that there are only seventeen days left?!"

"No, no, I'm running out of time, I'm going to the laboratory, my reagents..."

Qin Xingtong got up immediately.

Even if the little nurse blocks in every possible way, UU reading www.uukanshu. com He still stumbled toward the lab.

at the same time.

Using his skinny hands, he called Lin Qiye.

"My lord, I have achieved results! Come and see!"

Hear the words.

Lin Qiye immediately appeared in the laboratory.

"You look like this because you've used too much Dao Bone. I said you can't make it up no matter what."

"If you continue like this, you will die."

Qin Xingtong showed a relaxed and calm smile: "I'm not afraid of death."

"Prince, do you know? My parents were killed by the martial arts master. I thought... I would never be able to avenge such a **** revenge in my life!"

"It was you who killed that martial arts master and avenged me."

"Later, you valued me unconditionally and trusted me! You were exhausted and sweaty, repairing my atrophied meridians..."

"The lord of a country is so honorable, yet he can do this for me!"

"At that time, there was a poem in my heart: Repay the emperor's favor on the golden stage, and help Yulong die for the emperor!"

"If you can repay the great kindness of the lord, why not die?!"

At this moment, Qin Xingtong, who was weak and withered, became extraordinarily heroic.

Lin Qiye was silent, and his heart was full of emotion.

Maybe Qin Xingtong is weak, maybe Qin Xingtong is afraid...

But at this moment, he is an indomitable man, an indomitable superhero.

Even Lin Qiye paid enough respect.

Seeing Lin Qiye's admiring eyes.

Qin Xingtong stuttered subconsciously.

"Country... country lord, we still... still... talk about the research results... genetic medicine! This is very, very, very powerful!"