
Worldwide Simulation Era Free

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Fantasy_Bringer · Anime & Comics
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71 Chs

Worldwide Simulation Era Chapter 16

However, Lin Qiye's first life was not much better.

Lin Qiye defied the sky and overcame cancer directly!

In the end, the terminal illness could not be cured, so that he died of a short life at the age of 30.

If Lin Qiye didn't have cancer, it might not be a problem if Lin Qiye could live for thousands of years, or even get an SS grade.

By comparison.

The second generation was a little more optimistic.

At least the lifespan can be extended indefinitely.


Optimism is not going anywhere. Because the start is really bad.

At the beginning of the 0-year-old is an abandoned baby, all the talent and wisdom can not be used!

Lin Qiye sighed helplessly.

"Creation deduction, give me a perfect solution to the game."

[This deduction requires 50,000 walking points...]


"I'd better take a step by step and watch it when the time comes."

Lin Qiye shook his head.

Intuition told Lin Qiye.

50,000 walking points should be cut and used. After all, even the perfect plan can't keep up with the changes.

After all, The Sims is not simply playing games!

The actual situation is unpredictable!

You need to be careful and avoid all accidents. It is even more necessary to be adaptable, and see the wind and the rudder!

Thoughts are here.

Lin Qiye gave up the game.

"Go straight into life. This time, I don't have the threat of terminal illness. I need to live a thousand years and get a grade of SS or above!"

With strong emotions, Lin Qiye started the second round of walking.

[Entering the walk, the Sims officially begins! ]




In the grass of the slum.

A scrawny woman was roughly cutting the umbilical cord, and then wrapped the wrinkled child with a piece of cloth she picked up.

"Damn, it's really annoying to cry so loudly at birth!"

The woman's face was pale.

He put Lin Qiye in the grass on the side of the road, then moved weakly and disappeared as if escaping.

The night was dark.

Lin Qiye felt sour in his heart, and he lost his sense of security.

Darkness, hunger, and cold rushed towards him.

Makes him want to cry subconsciously.

But Lin Qiye held back.

He didn't cry.

Just wide mouth, sucking fresh air with lungs.

It's so cold.

Very hungry.

I want to drink milk.

Lin Qiye slapped Ba's mouth.

Babies are especially hungry.

And he didn't know how long he would be hungry in the grass!

According to scientific laws, a baby will die in three days if he does not eat or drink.

But Lin Qiye couldn't last for three days.

Because if he doesn't eat or drink for three days, he will become mentally handicapped, mentally handicapped, and may even lose his legs.

Lin Qiye sighed in his heart.

"I have to save myself... But how can I save myself?"

"First of all, you must always pay attention to the situation of passersby. Most passersby don't give me a second look. Only the old grandma will adopt me. I must cry louder when the grandma comes."

Lin Qiye planned carefully.

He only has this ray of hope, and he must seize it!

Lin Qiye was a little nervous.

He was afraid that he would miss the only old grandmother who could save his life.



A ray of light called surprise flashed in front of Lin Qiye's eyes.

"Hey! Why did I forget? This is a world where spiritual energy is revived. Maybe you can use the "Qi Refinement Technique" to absorb the spiritual energy of the world and temporarily extend your life!"

Read this.

Lin Qiye immediately activated his talent for creation and deduction.

"Deduce whether there is spiritual energy between heaven and earth, can you practice the Qi Refining Art?"

[This deduction consumes 850 walking points (the remaining 73850 walking points)]

[Deduction result: The spiritual energy in this world is thin, and the spiritual energy has not recovered yet. Please do not practice the "Qi Refining Technique" when you are young.

But you belong to a newborn baby, you have a mouthful of innate energy, and you have an unparalleled Dao bone, you can use this to deduce the method of cultivating innate energy. ]

Lin Qiye firmly grasped this opportunity: "Immediately deduce a method to cultivate innate energy."

[This deduction consumes 40,000 walking points (the remaining 73,000 walking points)]

"Consumption is so terrifying?"

Lin Qiye hesitated for a moment, but in the end he spent a lot of money and made a deduction.

Because his intuition told him that this deduction would have endless benefits.

after all.

He only had 2,000 walking points in the deduction of "Qi Refining Technique", but this time, he needed 20 times as many walking points.

It will definitely deduce a kind of precious magic with infinite benefits!

Lin Qiye was looking forward to it.

After dozens of seconds.

Lin Qiye's thoughts trembled slightly—

[Successful deduction: Obtaining the Taoist Secret Art (including a mouthful of innate qi that is immortal, and then nourishes the fleshly body to create the innate divine body. Only a newborn baby with a Taoist bone can cultivate.)]

"Dao Zang Jue... good stuff!"

Lin Qiye immediately began to practice this page of Taoist Secret Art.

Because Lin Qiye is a newborn baby, with a breath of congenital energy, it has not yet escaped, and he has the bones of the Dao.


The Taoist Secret Art quickly started to run in the body.

Lin Qiye was keenly aware that a breath of innate energy traveled through his limbs and bones, as well as his internal organs.

at the same time.

The thin aura of heaven and earth between heaven and earth was pulled in some way, and strands of it merged into Lin Qiye's body.

Lin Qiye's wrinkled skin began to stretch, turning white and rosy.

The eyeballs are pitch black and translucent, like black gems.

It doesn't seem to be cold anymore, but I'm a little hungry. The little hand held a little strength.

He is now the equivalent of a baby of about a month old.

Much stronger.

But still a fragile newborn.

"Something has changed, continue to nurture the body!"

Lin Qiye was overjoyed, he didn't expect the effect to be so remarkable!

So he immersed himself in the frantic practice of "Dao Zang Jue", and at the same time was distracted to pay attention to the sound of footsteps around him.


Lin Qiye trembled in his heart.

He heard the barking of wild dogs!

It's over!

The wild dogs in the slums can eat people!

Lin Qiye immediately held his breath.

But he knew.

It's no use holding your breath.

Because the wild dog has a keen sense of smell, the umbilical cord blood on his body will allow the wild dog to find him.

Lin Qiye's heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

Silently listening to the wild dog's four paws falling down, slowly approaching.



The wild dog approached Lin Qiye.

Eyes facing each other.

A pair of green eyes, full of ill-will, stared at Lin Qiye, as if looking at a pile of delicious meat.

Lin Qiye suddenly bared his teeth and let out a shrill scream.

In the strange cry, there is a little spiritual energy mixed with it, which is very penetrating and extraordinarily strange.

The wild dog was startled and fled with its tail between its tails, its whimpering echoing.


The wild dog was terrorized by Lin Qiye's premeditated intimidation.

It seems that the soul is trembling, and it should not come back.

"People are afraid of beasts, and beasts are even more afraid of people."

Lin Qiye thought to himself.

"But I'm a baby after all. I have to be vigilant. I can't sleep. No matter how sleepy I am, I can't sleep! I can't sleep!"

Lin Qiye's eyelids started to fight...

He strengthened his spirit and practiced the "Tao Cang Jue".

A wisp of spiritual energy penetrated into the internal organs, UU reading www.uukanshu. com made Lin Qiye's spirit recover a little.

But still very sleepy.

Who called him a baby?

More importantly, Lin Qiye didn't have teeth, so he couldn't bite his tongue, and he kept awake by pain.

Lin Qiye could only resist with meager willpower.

persist in.

persist in.

can not sleep.

Once you fall asleep, you are really dead.

Lin Qiye didn't dare to sleep at all.

Sure enough, it was the right choice for him not to sleep. Next, he actually encountered seven wild dogs.

They wanted to eat Lin Qiye.

Fortunately, Lin Qiye could scare wild dogs with a little spiritual energy.

Otherwise, the consequences cannot be imagined!

Two hours passed.

Lin Qi was drowsy at night, and his spirit was extremely deficient.

The boundless darkness gradually swallowed Lin Qiye's consciousness.

"What should I do? Couldn't the grandma come? Am I going to be eaten by wild dogs? My 40,000 walking points! If I die, I'll be blown up!"

Lin Qiye was very unwilling.

With extreme willpower, he forcibly opened his eyelids.

A pair of eyes, exuding a strong desire to survive.

Even one more second!

Even one more second!

Lin Qiye struggled with his own limits.


The footsteps sounded!

Listening to the rhythm of the footsteps, it is an old man.

"Is it the grandma who saved me?"

"I really hope so, I can't take it anymore... If this is not the case, then I will definitely die!"

Thinking like this, Lin Qiye burst into tears, loud and clear.

Kindhearted man, please save the child, please!