

"Li Rin, is it?" The boy looked towards the woman, who like father and daughter too had tails. The boy stared at this woman, at her face. Seeing her in the kitchen and her clean face made him recall his own mother. He recalled her death and his eyes watered.

The woman was shocked to see the child brake into tears. She looked at her husband, "What's wrong with him?" The man shook his head, "All I know is that our leader brought him and nothing more."

She nodded her head and walked up to the weeping child. She couldn't help but hug the boy, "What's wrong?" She softly asked. The voice just made him weep louder.

Zhiu Li looked at the boy and her mother that tried to calm him down, "Is he okay?" She asked with worry. The woman smiled at her daughter and nodded her head reassuring her. She then looked at Li Rin and hugged him tighter, "It's okay. It's okay." The boy didn't stop he just cried and cried. before falling asleep in Ria Xi's arms.

She held the boy up and looked at her husband, "So what happens now?" Zhiu Ni looked at the woman who held the boy and said, "He will become our adoptive son, Ria Xi." She sighed, "I, understand." Ria Xi looked at the boy and she couldn't help but smile, "When he wakes up let's ask him why he cried." The man nodded his head, "Alright."

The woman carried the boy and placed him on the bed. She looked at her daughter who followed and said with a smile, "Let him sleep." The girl nodded her head, "So he is my brother from now on?" The woman smiled, "That's right." She nodded her head and smiled happily.

Li Rin opened his eyes and looked around. The boy left the bed and walked out of the room. When he left he was met with a smell of food. Li Rin followed after the scent. The boy walked and stopped when he stood behind the woman. He gulped down and the woman turned around, "Oh you are awake?" She said with a smile.

"Can I really eat?" She smiled, "Sit down at the table." The boy nodded his head and listened to the woman. He sat down at the table and he watched the woman cook his meal. Her back reminded him of his mother and he lowered his head down.

She turned around, "What's wrong Li Rin?" The boy looked up and shook his head, "It's nothing." The woman sighed and placed his dish in front of him, "Enjoy." He nodded his head and took the fork that as in front of him. He using his fork started eating the food. The more he ate the more tears fell down from his eyes.

"What's wrong?" The boy shook his head and replied absentmindedly, "I miss my mother." The woman was taken back, "What happened to her?" The boy gulped down, "She was killed by the command of the person I vowed to kill." The woman got taken back, "Kill?" She looked at the boy, "Who do you want to kill?" Zhiu Ni at this time walked in the room and said, "It's our, king."

The boy nodded his head. He looked at the old man, "Were you serious about training me to kill him?" The man nodded, "I will train you but as I train you. I want you to think about one thing. Think if because of the one, you will kill many."

The boy nodded his head. He looked at his food and continued eating. The woman and the man watched him as he ate. The man looked at the woman, "Our daughter?" She shook her head, "Sleeping." The man nodded and looked at the boy, "Come with me, I will teach you combat. Before I teach you how to cultivate you will learn how to fight." Li Rin nodded his head and walked out of the hut with the man. Before leaving he looked at the woman and with a bow he spoke, "Thank you for the food." She nodded her head absentmindedly.

Li Rin followed after Zhiu Ni. He led Li Rin out of the hut and they walked further and further from the hut. Li Rin looked around as they walked through the village. He saw that every single person had a tail. Li Rin turned his attention towards Zhiu Ni and they entered a large building.

Inside he saw many barechested men swinging sword axes maces and other weapons. While others sparred with each other. When they walked in every single people stopped what they were doing and they saluted the man that entered, "Greetings General!" All the men spoke in unison.

The man nodded his head, "Carry on!" The man all nodded their heads and once again continued their activities. Li RIn looked at the man and he spoke, "Follow me."

Li Rin walked and spoke, "From now on. Whenever you are outside you will be my son!" Li Rin blinked his eyes, "I have only one fat..." The man interrupted him, "Tha' doesn't matter anymore. If you want protection just use my name. You are a human no one will care for you. If you will be my son. No one will dare to second guess you." Li Rin lowered his head to think and in a moment said, "Alright. "

The man nodded his head, "I will think of you as my son. My wife will think of you as her son and my daughter will treat you like a brother. Even though we belong to different races we are now one family." Li Rin looked at the man and he lowered his head.

Li Rin took a deep breath, "Dad, teach me how to fight." The man smiled, "Alright. Let's go." The two hand in hand walked to the sparring area.

The two walked into a private sparring room. The man looked at the boy, "Listen up, son."

The boy nodded his head, "Yes, dad!"