
Worlds of the Weave

In the year 2087, a few years after world war 3, also called the 3-day apocalypse, what remains of humanity lives in underground shelters far from the scorching hell and radioactive wasteland that is now the surface of the Earth. After the nuclear armageddon, all the remaining countries and corporations decided to pool their resources and expertise to create the Weave, an ever expending virtual network allowing humanity to, at least, live in the virtual space. Conflicts of interest over the eave management soon emerged. It was decided by a global referendum that states and corporations would abandon everything and that the weave would be managed by an independent AI: the Weaver. Alice and her friends were avid gamers before the war, playing every upcoming VRMMO with their guild: "Everlasting". They decided to meet up again to play "Worlds of the Weave": the first VRMMO entirely managed by the omnipotent AI. Five of them answered the call, follow their adventures as they evolve inside the game, the nature of the virtual world adding numerous new stakes compared to what our gamers were used to in more traditional games. Hello, this is the first time I write a story. I've never tried before outside of assignments I could get when I was in school. I've been reading way too many web novels pages and wanted to try to add my stone to the edifice. I can't be sure I'll keep writing for long or that my story will even be engaging, but I have already planned forward a bit. On the same note, I apologize in advance if my writing isn't as fluid or good as some better authors'. English isn't my native language, and as I said, first novel ;) (the narration style I chose not helping either). I'll try as best as possible to avoid mistakes and correct them if you point them out in the comments. For all these reasons and because I'm lucky enough to still be working in this difficult period, I also can't guarantee that I can write quickly enough to provide any sustained release plan. Also why the heck having a female lead makes it fantasy romance ? I'm ticking male lead to get into the right category. Their might be a bit of Romance, but it will certainly not be enough to put it into the Romance genre.

WondrousFox · Games
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6 Chs

Old Friends, New Beginning

The day I expected so much finally came. I couldn't help swallowing my daily tube of nutrient paste and complete my daily exercises as fast as possible before laying in my cabin and connecting to the weave. The lid closed in front of me and the world went black, then white. I opened my eyes, looking around. The capsule's metallic walls were now replaced by what seemed to be a cozy bar. Next to the entrance, behind the counter, stood a robot looking like a mechanical butler that was continuously wiping a whisky glass welcomed me with a metallic voice.

"Greetings, Miss Alice, everybody's here. You're the last guest we were expecting today."

I sent a nod toward it and stepped inside, breathing in the mixed smell of cedarwood, liquor, and ground coffee. I headed toward the only table in the room, surrounded by couches and leather armchairs, the waxed wooden floor lightly creaking under my feet. I couldn't help but grin. A stupid smile stuck to my face as I moved toward the source of the familiar voices and waves of laughter that were filling the room.

Hearing the robot's greeting, a tall and muscular red-haired young man turned his head, got up, and walked toward me with large strides, his arms wide open. I stood there, accepting his firm hug, a bit surprised.

"Tommy? Is that you? … Damn, I sound like some kind of grandmother…. Where is the scrawny teenager I remember?"

"Surprised? You know I'm only 3 years younger than you. But it's true I grew quite a bit compared to when I was 14. As for you… you still look as good as 5 years ago."

I shrugged as he let me go and flashed me his signature mischievous smile. A burst of loud and rough laughter rang into the room, coming from a bearded middle-aged man. He stood up, slapping his thigh.

"Don't get fooled young lady, he's still the troublemaker he was back then. Maybe a bit less of a little shit though, but that's still up to debate."

He winked, patting his potbelly and inviting us to sit down.

My grin faded as I realized there were only five of us in the room, my gaze wandering toward an old photo hanging on the wall showing a group of twenty-odd youngsters. I jumped in surprise, taken out of my brooding, feeling his large hand on my shoulder.

"What are you waiting for? Come, sit, and have a drink. It seems it'll only be the 5 of us, but don't let it get you down. There's no use being depressed. Come! We've got time to catch up to !"

I chose a large leather armchair big enough to fit two of me and sat down lazily, closing my eyes and refocusing myself.

"You're right Bob! And If there's one of us who didn't change, that's you. Still as optimistic and still keeping that glorious mustache I see."

He chuckled, raising his beer mug in a toasting motion. I called the translucid menu panel in front of me by thinking about it and expertly browsed through it, choosing a Margherita before turning toward the two other young people that had not spoken yet.

"And both of you are still as quiet as before. Even this place looks just as before..."

The Asian/European mixed twins, man and woman, smiled at me, both sipping what looked like hot cocoa. Kaede, the girl, seemed to want to say something but was interrupted by Tommy coming back with our drinks.

"So! You've made your character? We were speaking about it just before you arrived. Bob's going try and see if he can play something like a paladin. He wants to try to tank and heal. Kaede's going for a warrior class, and Aspen's gonna be a rogue. He wants to be some kind of assassin. Of course, the handsome me is going to play something like a bard. I was thinking of using a bow to add a bit more range to our party composition."

"Tcchh, he's already speaking of potential advanced classes, but we're not even sure there will be an assassin class or a bard one. For now, he has made himself a ranger and I got a rogue, Bob's a disciple, and Kaede's a warrior."

Aspen dismissively waved his hand at Tommy, dousing his enthusiasm.

A low voice came from behind Kaede's mug, in a slightly scolding tone, but too cute to be taken seriously.

"Hmm, these are fantasy staples. I'm sure you'll both be able to get better classes than just bard or assassin."

Tommy nodded before adding with a smirk.

"Yeah, take that, Mr fun at parties, I'll get some awesome charisma based class for sure."

He turned toward me and kept going.

"And I suppose you'll play some kind of magic class? Never saw you play anything else."

I shrugged.

"Of course, that might just be me, but why play in a fantastic magical world if it's not to enjoy its magic at its fullest? I just hope the magic system will be interesting... But I don't think the weaver will ever make anything half-assed, so I'm quite confident."

I took a mouthful of my drink through the small straw, enjoying the cool mix of sour, salt, and sweet, moistening my lips before going on.

"So, what's the plan? I guess we won't all start in the same place ?"

Bob slammed his empty beer mug on the table, gathering everyone's attention before beginning to explain, his loud voice filling the room.

"First, we all try to determine where we're starting, get maps. Then we meet here again and see what we can do! Don't worry kids, it's gonna work itself out."

Kaede shrugged, an exasperated look on her face.

"That's what we were talking about just before you arrived... it's a bit simplistic, but we can't really do much more... I looked for information on the game for weeks... I found nothing. I don't even know how large the map is and if long-distance travel will be possible for low-level characters, or even at all. We have no clue how the guild system will work. Well... except for the available races and classes at creation, we don't know anything... and that's only because the character creation has been made available today."

Aspen looked accusingly at his sister and got up, heading toward the door.

"Speaking of it, you should go and create yours so that you don't lose time when it will be pushed online. It can be time-consuming if you're the type that tries out every single slider. As for me, I'm going to take a nap before it goes on."

He waved one last time a bit awkwardly before dissolving into white motes of light.

"I guess he's right. I'll be going too then. When's the next meeting?"

Tommy shared an awkward stare with Bob before saying hesitantly.

"We had not decided yet, but let's say... one day if it looks like it'll be easy, one week if it doesn't. Same time as today."

Kaede nodded before following her brother, her voice echoing in the empty doorway after disappearing.

"Ok, I'll relay that to Aspen..."

I got up, ready to leave. I found the game node on the Weave network, browsing through a few pannels to find it. I turned back toward the two men who've just got themselves new drinks, my finger hovering on the login button.

"It was nice seeing you again, guys."

I pressed it, and the world went black again.