

Once your soul mate is found you became your Spirit Animal you become a Spiritual Animal yourself only if you find your Twin Flame.

When your born your human a baby and then toddler, then teens but after your 19th birthday your spirit animal is shown to you in a dream or vision but only you can see it.

They're all different breeds that are mixed like a fox a lion a llama a elephant and wolf or rabbit and snake and owl and mouse and swans families in the spiritual animals.

If you are human after your 30 years old and have not found out your Spiritual Animal is a Secret Society will come retrieve you from your home.

They lock you away in Human zoo's it doesn't matter your race or beliefs or if your rich with money or power and poor.

And they see you as disgusting and they expose Humans as indecent and immoral freak of nature abomination.

Humans are used as a slaves in the warehouse some work for their freedom out of here or are put in camps to serve the higher Spiritual Animals in they're daily lives.

Sometimes they're experimented on to see Why they haven't changed to their Spiritual Animal ?

Spiritual Animals who specialized doctors believe their Soul Mates aren't born as yet.

And that's why they haven't morphed into Spiritual Animal form abusing them and calling them names wouldn't help the cause for them and the city.

Some Spiritual Animals aren't like that but they're some that are cruel to those who haven't found their soul mates and twin flames.

In Spiritual Animal form they use their animal Instincts in they're daily life at times.

They use they are human form for emergencies and when they have children themselves.

There is no main rule how you raise your next generation before you you they return into their Spiritual Forms.

As babies some try to morph into what people now call domesticated animals but the form won't maintain hold until they are nineteen years.

This is the story of a new way of loving for Spiritual Animal who wants to be loved by Human.

A human who wants to be loved by the Spiritual Animals she was raised around Learn how they love each other.

The story starts like this Lyncoln and Patrick friends from school as children when the girls become of age of 14 yrs old they grew apart due to popularity and trivia girls stuff.

When they became of age at 19 yrs old is theyre Spiritual Animal's are revealed to them both Lyncoln is a fox and Patrick she is a silver back wolf.

The one was already in love with each other but the other one was hoping for another soulmate.

When its time to find Soul Mates which are Friendships and bonds that you create as child and young adult.

Twin Flames come later on when you become older and are more experience with Spirit Animals.

A Soul Guidance walks you in a room and leave you there a vision appears of who they will be with as a Spiritual Twin Flame.

Lyncoln was nerves that first name shown wasn't going to be Patrick's for soulmate for Twin Flame Patrick was again.

When Patrick got her reveal her Soul Mates it was Lyncoln but her Twin Flame was kept a secret from her and for it is someone else.

This story isn't about them but about their daughter Lyric who was about too turn nineteen years old and go through her Spiritual Form.

Before we get to that story a short History lesson, long ago there was a fox with red and brown who met a a Hundred tailed fox color golden orange

They're love was envy through the town and Kingdom of Animals and Humans.

For the Fox was lower a slave her name was Alyric and the Hundred tailed fox was from Higher class her name Sydney.

The two who had loved each other so much produced from her magic and their love a baby who was pure of love and magic.

Year's went on as the three lived in Harmony and Peace until one day another non spiritual animal who was with a human saw them.

And tried too steal the child called Magic thinking that she covered the same Powers her mother has.

When they touched the child who was little fox she became human which changed each animal into a human for years to come.

Across the other side of world a human was on a picnic with her family and her Mother and Brother.

No Father became animals instantly the forces changed some Humans to their Spiritual Animals.

Sydney finding out that her daughter Magic had became human and her love Alyric was murdered protecting they're child been taken from this world.

The Hundred tailed fox using her magic put a Spell Curse on the land stating that if she can't find her love and daughter.

When time has past those who took what was hers will have a difficult time finding what is truly their's.

With her power they should have a difficult time finding they're twin flames and soul mates

As well you'll be human till 19yrs of age then you will turn into Spiritual Animal and she disappeared.

After that those who knew the curse knew to watch out for hundred tailed fox, as who ever she or he was would be a descendants of her of past.

Lyric bloodline is from that fox and hundred tailed fox her mother (Lyncoln) is a 10 tailed fox they're are many through time that have 15 tailed,20 and even 30 and 50 tailed fox.

The tails are life spans of the foxes life if they use their powers they're tails will reduce one by one two by two until they power depleted and they are reborn again.

A new fox powers are not developed until they're 19th birthday in humans years but 9 years in foxes.

The master of the Spiritual Animals in the foxes has had hundred tailed that the must powerful one and she doesn't have to take form she can stay human they say.

In the History book of Lyric bloodline the Foxes have skipped Generations when comes too full transformation.

When that happens it she is the original come back to find her love again if not found she is reborn until she found.

It said that destruction comes when she is born again and corruption of the past is revealed too all.

Lyric bloodline has also learned to use 1 tailed foxes in society for they are hunted down as much as humans.

They must hide those abilities about themselves for revealing that would be deadly too them and who they love.

Year 2301 and some animals have kidnapped Lyric right under her other mom (Patrick)Ricky nose the ex bikers took her too coerce her into doing a job for them.

They took her at the restaurant that Ricky is part owner too that night before they left they were interrupted by two strangers who came in a rainstorm which didn't last long.

For it hadn't rained for years anyways the two mysteries women spoke of Realms but they weren't scared when Lyn and Ricky changed into front of them.

After all that the two mysteries women were the only humans who knew my mother's secret and promised to protect us that was years ago but Lyric still recalls it now.

Lyric parents have woke her up early to take her too the building of Finding Souls.

She wakes up hazy and hungry as they direct her into the car she forgets her phone but grabbed her glasses last minute she kinda blind without them.

Her mom gives her money to buy some lunch Lyn kissed Lyric on her cheek and Ricky pat's her head be good Don't be rude!!

Speak clear in the same language that we are speaking now understand Llittle Ricky!! she nodded and said its Lyric remember mom and walked towards the front door.

The doors open up by itself a man said welcome I guess this is your first time well can you fill the infomation its standard.

Your Name: Lyric Chance East and Address 119 Rhoda Ave and Parents: Lyncoln and Patrick East-Yung Date of Human Birth: Dec 8th 2020 Hair: Brown Eyes:Brown and Grey Height:5'11.

Everything was recorded that's the new tech in this world no more texting or writing.

The Soul Guidance said this way Miss Lyric, she followed him into a room where he gave her a drink and a sandwich she drank and ate she felt a sharpe pain and cried out in pain.

The Soul Guidance said its ok just relax when Lyric woke up she could hear her mom screamming What did you do too her?

What fuck is wrong with you animals is this how you conduct your business of finding her Soul Mate.

The Soul Guidance whispered in Lyrics mom ear she we will try again next week something gentle on her stomach Sorry for this experience.

We haven't experienced anything like this before Lyric stood up all wobbly and off balance her mom had came too help her into the car she slept all the way home inside they helped into her room and then her mom said call if you need us baby Ricky.