
Worlds of Desire (R-18)

The world of suffering, escaped from within Every journey to conquer begins with sin. When the self-condemned soul burns in fire The sufferers of fate shall wield their desire. ____________________________________________________________________ This book contains the story of various worlds where a protagonist, or maybe an antagonist, stands out from the crowd and encounters circumstances that lead them towards a path where they willfully decide to act on their desires. [The first will be called W1 (World 1), the second will be called W2 (World 2), and so on. But instead of running them messily parallel, they will be released in arcs. For example: W1.A1-1 will be the first chapter and end at W1.A1-2#. Then I'll release W2.A1 (World 2: Arc 1), which will be a new world with a new story. Similar worlds with codes in a similar pattern (W3, W4, W5, etc.) will continue to be released. But in between, I will also release Arc 2 of the Old Worlds that will further their stories. The final chapter pattern is W#.A# - #] ____________________________________________________________________ https://www.patreon.com/PenOfChaos ____________________________________________________________________

PenOfChaos · Fantasy
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44 Chs

W1.A2-4: Exiting the Rockfall Valley

My mother's breath was even, which I could hear since the barrier only isolated the voices from going out. I was relieved that she seemed to be asleep.

I placed my gaze upon the barrier and found the noise isolation spell to be active.

"You little..."


Lena giggled happily, having made a fool out of me.

"And here I thought of going easy on you!"

Before Lena could interpret my words, I flipped her over, making her lie on her belly.

Then, without waiting for her to respond, I inserted my whole length into her hole, which still seemed to be twitching from her climax earlier.

"D-Dan, wait! I'm still..."


Lena tried to beg her way out; too bad I was all too familiar with her acting skills.

"Too late to beg now!"



As my shaft worked in and out of her, Lena moaned in pleasure.

My hands also worked on her body as I slapped her round bottom, which shook with every slap I delivered to her white buns. What followed was the tightening of her inner muscles, which wrapped my little boy around like a grappler, trying to squeeze the life out of it.

But I had no complaints. I even began to increase the intensity of each thrust while my hands danced on her bottoms, groping, slapping, and savoring their firmness in every way possible.

"OH! I'm cumming again!"

Lena seemed to have approached her orgasm faster, but she was not alone this time.

My hands grabbed her waist and pulled her closer into my embrace. One of my hands then climbed up to her tits while Lena cooperatively leaned her head backwards for a kiss.


A muffled moan echoed as we both felt each other's pressure colliding together in that warm, wet, confined space.

Lena trembled as she climaxed, but her face soon lit up with ecstasy when she felt my hot seed seeping inside her womb.

Spurt after spurt was shot inside until it was too much for her to store and it began to spill out on the sheets.

We both fell forward and remained in the same position for a while.

Lena caressed my hands, and I understood her signal and began a new round of smooching while we basked in the afterglow.

"I love you, Dan." Her soft murmurs entered my ears, tickling something tender within my heart.

But my reply was,

"Thank you—ouch!"

Lena suddenly pinched my arm. "What's with that reply?" She wrinkled her shapely nose and gave me a nasty look. "Don't you know how to express your love to your girl?"

I chuckled while rubbing my arm. "Of course I know." I nodded. "See. I'm about to express some more."

Lena followed where I pointed and saw that the beast that she had tickled out of its sleep seemed full of vigor once again.

"W-w-wait! Wait for a while!"

"That won't do." I smirked. "Now I have to express all my love to you right now."



"Oh, Lena, why did you change your dress? Didn't you want us to dress in matching outfits?"

The next morning, as we were having breakfast, Mom suddenly realized that Lena seemed to have changed her outfit.

Her tone was playful, and it was not like she was telling her to keep wearing the same clothes. It was just that, given the magic appliances Lena carried with her, the three of them only needed a few moments to get their clothes cleaned up. After all, the journey through the dry and dirty valley would have been even more unpleasant if not for that.

"Uh, no, Mother. That outfit got a bit damaged during the fight yesterday. That's why I had to." Lena moved her eyes around while trying not to match her gaze with Mom's. She felt a bit guilty for lying to her, but given what had happened, she couldn't have just told the truth, right?

Suddenly, Lena's gaze fell on me, and her guilty expression transformed into an annoyed one, but she was not really angry, as what I did last night was enjoyable for her too.

I smiled at her, but that only seemed to have irritated her further as she glared at me furiously.

Meanwhile, Mom seemed to have noticed our silent interactions. Her eyes widened slightly as she seemed to have thought of something and blushed. Though we didn't notice any of that.

"Ahem." Mom attracted our attention before asking, "So, would we be able to leave this valley today?"

"That's right." I nodded. "We're almost at the end; I think it'll only take an hour or two to leave this place behind.

Seemingly motivated to finish one step in our journey, Mom and Lena hurried to pack our camp before we began to move again.

The area outside was calm except for a few beasts and normal animals that would pop out irregularly. But all in all, there was not much threat since we were already at the exit of the mountain range.

After walking for a bit more than an hour, we could already see the end, as there were no more hills left to be seen in the distance.

"Dan," Mom suddenly called out, and for some reason her voice seemed to be quivering a bit.

"Didn't you say there is nothing left for us to worry about here?" She pointed forward with her shaking hand and asked, "Then, what's that!?"

Following Mom's gaze, we saw the thing that made her so scared.

Two thick pillars as tall as a city wall were standing alongside the height of the valley; a big chunk of rock that would suffice to make a small hill was placed atop the pillars, and above that was another "small" boulder.

But if that was all, then it wouldn't have been enough to frighten Mom. What took her attention away was the intricate carving work done on the giant rock structure, which made it look like a knight in armor. Just that it was missing the two arms with which it could hold a sword.

"Ah, don't worry about that, Mother." Lena smiled as she looked at the giant golem and comforted Mom. "It's just a leftover golem from the war back then. Nothing to worry about since it's already out of commission."

"Really?" Mom looked at the golem knight, who seemed capable of crushing everything with a single stomp, before smiling wryly.

"Don't tell me everything's going to be this scary within the capital."

I couldn't help but laugh at how Mom reacted, but I shut up as she glared at me.

"Uh, don't worry, Mom. That thing is not something just anybody could make on a whim. Not to mention, this one was not just any golem but one that could rival a Sword Saint in battle capabilities. Even the caster who formed this could only manage a few at the same time."

As we talked, we also resumed our journey.

"Lena, dear, what is that war you mentioned?" Mom asked curiously, as the topic had garnered her attention.

"Well, it was something that happened a few centuries ago." Lena began her narration.

Amidst a tumultuous tide of unrest and chaos, a sinister mage with mastery over negative energy and curses led his malevolent army on a sweeping conquest across the sprawling continent. In his wake, towns trembled and cities crumbled, even minor kingdoms falling under the shadow of his accursed forces. Even the mightiest kings hesitated to challenge him, paralyzed by the fear of insurmountable losses.

It was then that the Mage of Curse fixed his malevolent gaze on a seemingly defenseless small kingdom, eager to add it to his list of conquests. Yet, unlike the others, this realm possessed an unexpected defender—a Spellweaver, akin to a Saint among swordsmen.

His name was Mage Kalex.

With courage born of desperation, the Kalex chose to confront the formidable Mage of Curse, knowing well the disparity in their strength.

A master of strategy, Kalex orchestrated a shrewd ambush within the rugged expanse of the Rockfall Mountain Range.

Legend has it that these peaks were once loftier, yet Kalex's earthen powers crumbled their heights, burying more than two-thirds of the Mage of Curses' dreaded army beneath the rubble. Not content with this act alone, the Mage harnessed the very earth, shaping the fallen rocks into an army of golems under his dominion. Pursuing the routed foe, these stone sentinels surged forth, driven by the Mage's mastery over earth magic and puppetry.

Seizing the element of surprise, Kalex strategically struck, chipping away at the curse-wielding mage's defenses and leaving him teetering on the precipice of defeat. But the Mage of Curses, having cast a shadow of terror across the continent for an era, was far from ready to bow down in surrender. Fueled by a determination beyond mortal limits, the malevolent mage mustered the last dregs of his life essence to cast a sprawling spell of cursed poison, an act that would seal his fate but not without exacting a heavy price.

The Mage of Curses fell; his dark reign was extinguished, yet victory came at a cost.

The Spellweaver, Kalex, while triumphant, bore the scars of battle and injury. As time marched on, the Spellweaver's vitality waned, with the toll of that fateful confrontation echoing in the passing years. But the continent still remembered, etching the tale of their clash—of treacherous magic, unwavering courage, and the lasting mark left on the Rockfall Mountain Range—into the annals of history.

"Wow! That would have been quite the spectacle, huh?" My mother commented with the energy of a listener.

"Certainly." Lena nodded, taking over the topic. "After all, the remnants of the battle back then could still be seen."

She raised her hand to point in the direction of the golem knight we had left behind before she pointed it forward.

"There's also that."

Mom followed her gesture and looked into the distance.

Although it was still far away, we could still see a visible layer of black mist lingering in the distance. Even Mom, an ordinary person, could see it because of the high concentration.


"Poisonous Miasma," I said before explaining. "It was formed after the last spell formed by the Mage of Curses was released. Everything around that area, including his own army, was covered in that terrifying counterattack that was exchanged for the last of his life."

"Now, it's just a paradise for some poisonous creatures and a treacherous ground for the people of the kingdom."

It was still some time till noon, but...

"Let's have lunch early today as we would need half a day to pass through the marshland, and we wouldn't want to get stuck inside when it's dark. It'll be better if we're out before sunset."

"As you say, then."

The two ladies didn't have any complaints with my arrangement, so we started to set up a temporary camp and began to prepare for a meal.