
Worlds merger: pokemon/earth

this book is discontinued due to critical mistakes. I gave to much to the MC such as a perfectly balanced team, everything he need, money, and none of the conveniences. that in and of itself is already a mistake. this is not mentioning that I kept forgetting the Pokemon I gave to the MC and needed a list to keep track of that. then again I had no 'opponents' planned, not a complete plotline. therefore I am currently rewriting this at Leisure and also with a lot more detail.

vailein · Anime & Comics
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Chapter PoV Vailein

Flaaffy and Honedge enjoy the battles very much and share their joy with the other Pokemon. Each Pokemon is now ready to battle and whoop some ass, the adrenaline is running high and even clouding some of their judgements. After half an hour of excitement, Honedge feels the drain the fight had on him. Seeing them calm down I start explaining that fights are not always joyful. In the dorms i release Houndoom and Articuno. I ask both of those Pokemon to tell their stories. The most shocking story to the younger Pokemon is the story about what happened to Pidgey before we even met. After that story time I tuck in my Pokemon.

While they sleep I start thinking about what I have seen till now. Every Pokemon is born in a baby stage at first, during this period a Pokemon gets basic control over their body. A Pokemon naturally grows to the rookie or beginner stage in a few weeks, this is also when a Pokemon can slowly be trained. Then an intermediate and advanced stage Pokemon can be trained physically, it is like laying down a solid foundation. Elite stage is when a Pokemon learns how to use energy without wasting their own. Pseudo-king stage is a transition period where a Pokemon understands that nature energy can mix and match with their own. A king stage Pokemon gains a control over nature energy, without having to use their own if it matches the type of energy they already control. Most school kids my age seem to have Pokemon between advanced and elite stage. Most of them are on advanced stage and a few are Elite stage, mostly just one.

I thought that after training to advanced stage a Pokemon is 'battle ready'. what it looks like right now is that most people view intermediate stage battle ready. Advanced stage is even pretty strong. Each of my Pokemon has very distinct battle styles, for example, Carracosta acts like a bulldozer, taking hits like it's nothing and blasting water and rock attacks in retaliation. After each battle Carracosta needs help from Audino to heal, but he becomes more and more robust from all the hits he takes. Honedge has some trouble battling on its own. It prefers being in my hand and being used as a sword. He fights by hit and run tactics. Flaaffy battles as a ranged harasser, zapping his opponents till they are paralyzed from the electricity, then getting close and ramming full speed into the enemy with a body blow. Nidoking steals away the footing if an opponent gets close, blows poison in its face and pummels it into submission. Medicham overpowers the opponent's brain till it shuts down the conscious part. Houndoom is so strong that any tactic becomes useless, but still prefers to blitz in bite a chunk of flesh, and then cook the remainder. Audinos opponent looked like it was sent to a torture specialist who inflicted maximum pain with the least damage. Comfey refuses to battle, it detests partaking in violence. Confey heals both participants, in such a way that they can get stronger, after the battle. My last Pokemon is a bit special, Articuno. I can't let people know my Pidgeot turned into Articuno unless I want to die, get robbed and left for dead or other similar situations. Articuno is after all a legendary Pokemon who can easily be trained to the champion stage. For this reason, everyone who sees Articuno has to die. Articuno has a battle style that freezes the enemies slowly with ice cold air while distracting the opponent with visual stunning attacks. Once the ice air has accumulated enough inside the opponent it suddenly starts freezing the opponent from inside out, than brake it into fine dust before it again melts. Since this tournament is friendly, no killing can happen.

My Honedge, Tortuga, Flaaffy and Nidoking have fun battling every day, most of the time they manage to get a single win each. Even if they don't, my Houndoom easily wipes away the remaining opponents allowing me to pass that round. I'll leave those battles to your imagination. The one I will bore you with is when it slowly starts getting interesting: My opponent in the top 16 has 3 elite stage Pokemon and one Pokemon reaching pseudo-king level. You see I need to curb the arrogance that develops in my Pokemon for winning a lot of battles. Before the battle I talk to my opponent and offer him half the points I earn for the victory if he is willing to start with his pseudo-king stage Pokemon.The opponents pseudo-king stage Pokemon defeats Honedge, Nidoking, Tortuga and Flaaffy in order easily. After which Medicham shuts the opponents down in a painless manner. This makes my Pokemon see that while they won, they won because of who they fought. Picking an opponent of similar strength is one of the largest challenges to growing.

Maybe I should share some rich kids stunts that they tried to gain victory over us, 'cause recognition and such stuff makes people do weird shit. For example, one girl with a very rich background bought a bunch of guys and girls with Poké to ambush us when we are moving alone. Though they hired 20 kids for each of us, our psychic Pokemon teleported us past the groups and we simply kept moving. The groups that tried to ambush us only had up to two elite Pokemon per person, if after the teleport they still tried attacking us a single Pokemon is enough to destroy their whole group. After all, a single king stage Pokemon is enough to fight 100 pseudo-king stage Pokemon, so a double squad of elite stage Pokemon is no challenge for a pseudo-king stage Pokemon at all.

Another kid tried to pay us a few million Poké to forfeit the match against him. We took his money and bullied his Pokemon till their spirit broke. As retaliation he threatened to destroy our playground through financial means. A day later his company is still unable to threaten the playground in any way. The playground is supported by the government. We do provide many youths with a fun way to train themselves, which increases survival of younger trainers in this city.

Another group threatens to rape Kira and Janfa in school in front of us, because of their backing they would get away with it too probably, if we didn't surrender the match against them. Their result, losing hands, tongue and genital the same night from unknown assailants. They didn't even wake up until 20 minutes after having all objects removed, almost as if in coma. Everyone knew it was us but no evidence was found, to the embarrassment if their parents, the nuttered people get several lawsuit of rape, assault and even threatening civilians, to light, photo's and all are present. The rapists went to prison in the end, tried as an adult even though they were minors and cripples, that's how many crimes they have committed. The parents of Kira and Janfa don't let this go and pressure the companies of their parents until it folds in on itself, bankrupting them without remorse. The affected Family pay several properties to reduce the pressure on their family among them there is one for me and another for Mav.

A final person had his phone out and was talking to a few kids of age 15 outside when he approached us. The kids of 15 years old show Lynn playing in our playhouse unaware of the threat. The kid tells us that they will kidnap Lynn then proceed to rape her, and when they get tired off her, sell her to a black side brothel. To which I start laughing, before the kid can act, Medicham freezes everything of him. Half a second later all brats of 15 are on the ground shaking from electrocution. All 10 are still alive, Mav is looking at the faces of the student who threatens Lynn to see where they got the guts from. I, with the help of the Pokemon that are present, interrogate the thugs sent to kidnap Lynn. All we got was the name of an organization that took that job, Skall. The student gets a very slow torment by Audino. He is literally taken apart and stuffed back together so that it can still work but will hurt every second he lives. Not only that, we broke his vocals and as final touch Medicham destroys a part of his thinking ability, he is now smart in his mind but unable to express it. The kid is from the megatropolis and is chasing after Janfa, at least that's the info we manage to find. In order to make his family pay we create a deal with the military. We sell them a blueprint of portable self charging generators, in exchange they put pressure on everything that the last kids family does until they migrate to a different Megatropolis or they no longer have any way to keep their head above water.

Those people form a presentation of what would happen if anyone tries to make a deal with us for fixing the matches. The one with the lightest punishment just lost a lot of money. The one who paid the heaviest price lost the means to take care of themselves and live a life worse than death.

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