
Worlds merger: pokemon/earth

this book is discontinued due to critical mistakes. I gave to much to the MC such as a perfectly balanced team, everything he need, money, and none of the conveniences. that in and of itself is already a mistake. this is not mentioning that I kept forgetting the Pokemon I gave to the MC and needed a list to keep track of that. then again I had no 'opponents' planned, not a complete plotline. therefore I am currently rewriting this at Leisure and also with a lot more detail.

vailein · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

Chapter Pov Vailein

12 months old, to keep children, well mostly me but who cares, occupied the baby crash introduced us to Story time. The stories mostly tell us the history of the last 100 years. Here I learn that I am on a planet resembling earth. The short history version goes as following: In the last 100 years a lot has changed in this world. First the sky changed color to dark red for 75 days. In those 75 days all kind of natural disasters happened. On average only 1 on 6 people lived passed that time. Several places in each country just perished overnight and left ruins, without people, behind. After getting passed that part, people managed to check around and noticed that the world changed a lot. Technicians worked hard to connect to the satellites. One of the first images they saw was of several legendary Pokemon, Dialga, Palkia, Mew and Celebi. With the help of satellites the left over people noticed that nature is reclaiming big parts of the earth. After checking for several days people noticed some ruins proliferated with more unknown creatures appearing out of nowhere. And a militia is sent to see exactly what it is, quickly the militia learned that we need our stronger guns to hurt, yes hurt not kill, those creatures. After many casualties people found schematics for a round device all in an unknown language. Taking it home and researching it they found the device was called 'Poke-ball'. They decided to create a few and test their usefulness. People found out after many trail and errors that it is a device meant to capture the creatures that are inside the ruins. The weaker the target the easier to capture. 5 years later they finally managed to tame the first creature and decided to keep the name that the creatures had from the papers in the ruins: Pokemon, short for pocket monster.

During the following 3 years the planet went trough a enormous change. The written language from the ruins was adopted as a world wide written language. Spoken language also slowly adapted to accommodate that change. Poke-balls are being mass produced and Many Pokemon are being captured and trained. Just when power hungry people thought they had the power to go and rule parts of the new world many Pocket dimensions where found on earth. Many people vanished in those dimensions and again the population dropped by one third. 50 years it took to barely stabilize how many people are alive right now. They understood that fighting among themselves is a bad idea when so many threats are outside the cities. Each city and town that still existed build fortifications and employed Pokemon trainers in order to explore the dimensions and wild areas. Since the Population took such a sharp dive almost everyone discarded the last names they had. Right now it is more important from which City you came from.

Now another 45 years after that stabilization Pokemon have integrated into the lives of people in every possible way. The living population on this planet is currently estimated at 1 billion. The government motivates all people of the age 5 to get a Pokemon. Since humans are the best at mass producing items, Poke-balls are readily available for anyone. You are allowed to have as many Pokemon as you can care for, with a maximum of 10, without the help of anyone else, some merits allow you to increase your party size.

5 years after gaining their first Pokemon everyone gets a test, if you pass you get to go to a trainer school, if you fail you get to live in the current society. In the Trainer school you can get to chose extra Pokemon. After 4 years of school you are given the option to take a Job related to Pokemon. The jobs are:

Pokemon doctor





forest patrol man

ranger or scout

police or ace

researcher of Pokemon.


coordinator (showman/woman)

none Pokemon Related jobs are:


researcher of the ruins

people doctor/nurse

Martial artist instructor

Of course the old world jobs are also still there.

Since I was 2.5 years old I started to research my situation. I notice I have a lot of knowledge about Pokemon compared to others my age. On a tablet I look up everything I can find from the current available Pokemon. The information about Pokemon are seriously lacking. Most that I found is that the pocket dimensions bring new mineral deposits, from Iron, gold etc too Pokemon related Stones, some Fantasy metals are also there such as Orichalcum.

After searching for 1.5 years on-line (yes I am now 4 years old) I find that all 18 Pokemon types are found, but abilities of Pokemon are only the 'attacks' they manage to do. Evolution stones and their uses are still being researched but it mostly is just a matter of time. Special items such as 'kings rock' are not yet found. And criteria for several evolutions are also still a mystery. Also the differentiation of Legendary and pseudo legendary Pokemon are none existent, they are just ultra rare.

Since I will get my first Pokemon in a year I decide to give myself stamina training. Every morning me and my dad start running a block around the house, each day just a bit more. Then at home I do squats sit ups push ups. I asked my parents to send me to a dance school, at this place I mostly challenge my own body to contort into every possible way to get more flexibility. While training I am thinking about the type of Pokemon I will chose.

My daily life from my 4th birthday till my 5th birthday was:

6.30 get up, doing squads sit-ups and push-ups.

6.45 half hour run with my dad

7.15-7.30 shower and dressing for the day

7.30- 8.00 breakfast from mom

8.15 arrive at 'day care'

8.30-10.30 keeping myself busy with other kids (mostly trying to challenge kids to do exercises with me).

10.30-11.00 brunch

11.00-13.00 learning about Pokemon and making my own training plan for my chosen Pokemon.

13.00-13.30 lunch

13.30 till 16.00 more playtime, playing tag and other stamina games.

16.15 one of my parents comes pick me up

16.30 getting home

17.00-17.30 diner

18.30-20-30 Sports (either dancing aka flexibility or Muay Thai aka battle training)

21.00 sleep

In the daycare I only have one real friend, his name is Mav and he is the same age as me. He is also motivated to train a lot. Mav trains with the aim to fight anything, wile mine is for speed flexibility and strength. We hit it off and challenge each others limits, sometimes even get hurt together, after all we are kids aren't we?

We talk a lot about what Pokemon we are going to be choosing, he likes the fighting type. His parents however have some financial difficulties.

I have a terrible naming sence so i am not going to use chapter titles. instead i give it the name of the one who is the I in that chapter.

Suggestions for people names are also welcome. I wont be naming Pokemon unless i use something like Houndour->Hound shorting a long name.

Since i write from a I perspective at all times that name rarely falls in a chapter.

vaileincreators' thoughts