
Worlds merger: pokemon/earth

this book is discontinued due to critical mistakes. I gave to much to the MC such as a perfectly balanced team, everything he need, money, and none of the conveniences. that in and of itself is already a mistake. this is not mentioning that I kept forgetting the Pokemon I gave to the MC and needed a list to keep track of that. then again I had no 'opponents' planned, not a complete plotline. therefore I am currently rewriting this at Leisure and also with a lot more detail.

vailein · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

Chapter Pov Vailein.

We made both rings out of nanotechnology. A shirt lost a small part of a sleeve to create these rings. Those nanotechnology clothes are really handy. The small jewel inside the ring is an aura compressed jewel. The crafting method of such jewels is handed to us by the Lucario tribe who we met a few years ago. Our skill only allows us to create small jewels of pure aura. Seeing us both being officially married now, I and Mav look at each other and give a gentle nod. I gently put Kira in a sitting position on a bed and Mav does the same with Janfa. We then move to each other's marriage partner and go on the knee again. "Though the place of first wife is taken I would request you to be part of my life as a secondary partner next to your own primary partner do you accept?" We say in unison. Both Kira and Janfa start crying out of happiness and accept it. When we take their now ringed hands in between ours and focus they look confused at each other. A little bit later we retrieve our hands and an extra jewel is now present in the ring, about half the size of the main one.

Now that we are one family we have the rights to request a room from the school for that specific purpose. For tonight however we sleep in our old dormitories. The next morning we have another short coupling session before a long shower. At breakfast a lot of girls are jealous of Kira and Janfa. But extend congratulations to them regardless, Kira and Janfa are looking up rings to put on our fingers. Kira chooses a full finger ring that has the general shape of a laying Houndour. The eye sockets become their aura jewels after they learned how to make them. Just like in the rings of both girls there are 5 places on the ring suitable for a jewel.

I guess while we are eating I can describe the rings we each have on our fingers as well. How did the girls get their rings so fast, same as how we crafted them. My Kiras (I can finally say that) ring looks like a miniature elf with the hips at the first knuckle and her head at the second knuckle. Her hair is my jewel, a single eye is Mavs jewel, another eye can fit a jewel as well as two more places at the hands half the size of her eyes. As I already said, I now have a Houndour laying around my finger, with jewel slots in the mouth (large) eyes (medium) and skull eyes (small). Janfa wears two humans who are connected at the feet, hands and lips. In between the lips is my jewel, between the hands Mav's jewel, between the feet is another socket and the eye that is visible on both humans are two more sockets. Mav's ring is a fist grabbing his whole finger with sockets in each nail. Simple but fitting design.

After breakfast and many congratulations filled with jealousy from people we know and don't know, it is time for the duels again. Together we move to the tournament hall. We talk about what we want to do as a sort of honeymoon, before going on our solo adventure.

Today I am battling someone with 3 pseudo-king Pokemon. this means I can only use a single weaker Pokemon. Nidoking is my first choice for this combat, my opponent, who introduced himself as Sergio, sends out an Incineroar.

Nidoking vs Incineroar.

Nidoking starts off with an earthquake because it should be super effective. Incineroar relaxes his legs and follows the waves of the earthquake, then launches a dark sphere and flamethrower at Nidoking. Nidoking raises a piece of earth to block both attacks. Then punches the earth wall and launches the shards towards Incineroar. Incineroar launches a dark pulse to blow a part of the shards away. Flamewheel is the attack that Incineroar uses as a counter for the remaining shards and to close the distance between the two. Nidoking gets struck because he isn't that fast. Small burns show up on Nidokings scales, while getting hit Nidoking vomits out a glob of his poison poisoning Incineroar. Both Pokemon are hurting. Neither wants to give in and both enjoy a good slug fest. In the end Nidoking loses the exchange of blows, he is weaker after all. Incineroar will faint from the poisoning in a minute, thus Sergio gets Incineroar to be treatment instead of forcing it to keep going.

For the second match I sent out Medicham. Sergio sent out a Zebstrika also on pseudo-king level.

Medichams vs Zebstrika.

Medicham coats his body in fighting energy to boost its performance as well as a small layer of protection against the electric attacks. Zebstrika starts by launching a thunderbolt towards Medicham. The thunderbolt hits Medicham but because of the coating it is mostly canceled out. Medicham uses its energy coat to increase his speed till mach 1 and punches out towards Zebstrikas head. Zebstrika launches itself away from the punch with a burst of energy. Then Zebstrika gives two smaller thunder shocks into Medichams energy coat, where they fizzle out into nothing again. Medicham uses psychic energy to give a telegraphed punch into Zebstrikas chest. Not expecting that Zebstrika takes the full brunt of the attack. Zebstrika, now pissed off, decides to test who has more energy. He coats his whole body in electrical energy and unleashes one thunderbolt after the other thunderbolt towards Medicham. Medicham, not to be outdone, launches one telegraphed punch after another towards Zebstrika. All attacks are too fast for either Pokemon to completely dodge so all they can do is take the hits into their energy coat. Medicham breaks Zebstrikas energy after a few minutes of telegraphed punches. This makes Zebstrika flinch for a small moment which is capsized by Medicham. A fast bullet punch brings Medicham close. Then Medicham launches one hit after another till Zebstrika faints.

After this battle I notice that unless I take the last fight seriously I will lose. Medicham and Nidoking are both very tired and unable to battle any further. In order to secure the victory I send out Houndoom. Sergio sends out a very rare type changing Pokemon Silvally. This Pokemon changes types depending on what type of memories it has. So it can be any type of Pokemon. Depending on each type of Pokemon it is, it has several places that change color, this one has a blue color.

Houndoom vs Silvally.

Houndooms starts by coating his body in his dark powers. Silvally copies the tactic but then with a blue type of energy, most likely water. To test the water Houndoom sends out a few small embers only to see them sizzle out before even reaching the energy coat. Silvally sends a stream of bubbles to do the same, they get consumed by the dark energy coat of Houndoom but make none the less contact. This makes Houndoom take the opponent seriously and he is now charging his dark fire to start burning around him. Silvally tries to douse the flames by blasting water continuously towards Houndoom. The fire and the water are fighting for control over the battleground in a very straightforward manner. This is partly physical endurance as well as energy reserves that will decide the fight. Just one problem for me though, water is super effective against fire. Meaning that for every 4 parts of energy that Houndoom uses, Silvally can use 3 parts of energy to counter. Houndoom notices the problem quickly as well and disengages from that endurance battle and shifts the battle towards a hit and run tactic. Silvally is slightly slower than Houndoom. Silvally however still manages to get a few good water sprouts into Houndooms defenses. Houndoom in the end is of a slightly higher level than Silvally, and that is all the reason that he wins.

I am, however, surprised by Silvallys potential, it is just a tiny bit weaker than Houndoom but still of king stage power. As far as I know Sergio has not gone outside as often as we did so it seems not all Pokemon have a similar potential to grow. I need to find a way to scan said potential. It would be a waste if I manage to get my hand on a Dratini only to find out that it can only become a pseudo champion at best. I just hope all my current Pokemon have good potential.

woops it seems i might have forgotten to upload chapters last week, my bad, here is an extra one this week to slightly make up for it!

vaileincreators' thoughts