
WORLDS FARMER: I farm every single day.

When he thought his life was over he was graced by the creator. Let's see where the MC leads us to.

Asher_7206 · Fantasy
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chapter 02. Regrets and favour

Life is a gift from the creator and blessings and fortunes of life are granted by fate I regret the many opportunities life had in my way but opportunities come and when we miss them they do go and never come back. I lost mine when I got the chance to study and wasted it since I couldn't get good grades for the university entrance marks so I had to be a farmer like my parents wasting my youth bent over the farm but what am I thinking I have broken legs now I am a cripple and can't even farm.

I don't regret falling in love with Annie but I regret being poor and a looser so I pray to the heavens for a better life in my next as I look at the knife on my table, I recall all the love my parents showed me, how my brothers cried when Japesa's men dropped me at our farm land with my legs broken, my parents cried my village mates sympathiesed with me, my friends consoled me and my enemies as usual laughed their assess off.

all this will come to an end when my life ends at least my parents would keep the farmland as they would not have to sell it for my operation.

"Dear mom and dad I've not been a good son that you envisioned I am a failure in this life whereas you are the best parents one would ever ask for. after much deliberation I decided to say goodbye formaly through this letter and it's like I have given into my depression and the only reprive I can get is to go to the world you always told us any soul goes to after they pass on. tell my brothers and sister to always know that I love them. and goodbye I love you all so much. "

After I penned the letter I got ready to knife myself in the gut and depart from this world, but then a voice sounded


"who is there? " I ask out loud as I can't see anyone but the monotone voice


"Hey come out, you don't scare me! "I shout in fear since I believe fear goes away when one shouts out loud. 'damn, how am I going to go 'bye bye' from this world it took me lots of courage just to do it.

Just as I was trying not jump off my wheelchair I saw a floating blue screen like the ones you see in video games. some numbers were counting


Out of shock and the previous scare I fainted.



I felt a terrible headache as I grogilly woke up as I rubbed my sleep filled eyes I tried recalling what happened last night as I looked around trying to see any abnormalities but it was just my shack old as always and the leaking roof smiled back at me as rays of sunlight fell through them 'so it's morning already I thought as I felt weak and demoralised again since my parents were to sell the farm to one Mr. Alex Maundu the farmer with the largest farm in our village, but as I was feeling despair the voice of a child sounded "what a waste? " I looked around and still could not see the person or child. " who are you? ,who is there? " I ask scared

"look up" it says I look up out of reflex when I see a floating fairy like being and then my eyes turn white as I faint.

" He fainted again ,he's so weak, or am I scary? " the poor fairy asked itself. This time I came around after ten minutes.

"what happened " I asked as I woke up ."you fainted dummy." I heard the childish voice again it made me scared.

" please don't hurt me I beg you, "I cried as I begged .

"hey dummy stop with all the crying, your desperation reached the creator as he was watching over your universe and he decided to gift you a favour, are you ready to accept it. "